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This is a non-linear level, consisting of a central hub, and where the other screens are huts that can be accessed from the walkways.

The exit to the right of the hub leads to a hut with eight blocks, and shy-guys on pogo sticks.

The left exit leads to shy guys on stilts. They simply walk back and forth.

At the bottom, there are four blue blocks in the way of a green pipe. This leads to the hut containing beehives.

The lower-right exit leads to a hut where enemies throw spiked balls.

The top-left exit leads to the hut with Chomps.

The two pipes at the top lead to the spider hut.

Melon locations[edit | edit source]

It's easy to remember that there's five melons per hut, and none are technically hidden as they are in other levels.

1-5: In the jungle hut to the right of the hub, there's eight blocks. Thee of them have melons - two in the middle row, and the right block in the top-left corner, you can sniff them to confirm their location. One melon in the center for collecting all the coins, and one behind the hut.

6-10: Int he stilt hut, there are three melons in bubbles, one melon for getting the coins, and one behind the hut.

11-15: After the green pipe, flutter-jump ot the roof of the hut, and get the melon. The other four melons are in bubbles within the hut.

16-20: The right-most block in the spiked ball hut has a melon. The two blocks in the middle of the hut also have melons. One melon for getting all the coins, and one belon at the back.

21-25: One melon is behind the hut, and the others are in the hut itself (with two inside bubbles.)

26-30: In the spider hut, there is a switch at the top. Activate it, and collect the five melons before the timer expires. Note that the spider's strands are obstacles. Although you could try running through a spider, the strand itself will block movement.