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Box artwork for Wangan Midnight: Maximum Tune.
Box artwork for Wangan Midnight: Maximum Tune.
Wangan Midnight: Maximum Tune
Year released2004
Preceded byWangan Midnight R
Followed byWangan Midnight: Maximum Tune 2
SeriesWangan Midnight
Japanese title湾岸ミッドナイト: マキシマムチューン
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
LinksWangan Midnight: Maximum Tune ChannelSearch

Wangan Midnight: Maximum Tune is a racing arcade game that was released by Namco in 2004; it runs on Sega Chihiro hardware (and as its name suggests, it is the third title in the Wangan Midnight series). The name "Maximum Tune" (which was later used for all subsequent Wangan Midnight titles until the series ended in 2020) refers to the then-new "Maximum Tuning Memory Cards", which were dispensed by the cabinet and retained data that spanned up to fifty playthroughs, adding updates on players' achievements, car modifications and upgrades each time they played - and there are a total of seventeen selectable cars that can be tuned up in a maximum of twenty-eight ways to improve on how they appear and perform (as well as what they are capable of). As in the two previous titles, this game has three modes; Street Mode, which tests players' abilities to compete at four difficulty levels against five CPU-controlled opponents, and each level of difficulty has five tracks but the first four all have to be completed to reach the final one, Time Attack Mode, which is a one-car race against the game's timer that offers a choice of five tracks over two time zones (if players use their Tuning Card, they can also select "Devil-Z", "Black Bird" and "Reina Custom GTR" in Special Attack Mode), and Intruder Mode, which allows players to enter into a two-player race against each other at any time.

Table of Contents


Wangan Midnight: Maximum Tune/Table of Contents