Albatross is two-section 1-on-1 map.
The main section centers around a bridge, and river. The bottom portion gives ground-level access to the other sections, as well as a corridor leading to a super shield. Off to the side is a second section that more easily gives access to different weapons.
Most weapons are available on this map:
- Bio rifle is located in the side section, on the ramp.
- Shock rifle is located in the side section, before the lift.
- Pulse rifle is located near the bridge, next to the crate.
- Minigun is located behind the bridge.
- Flak cannon (shown below) is accessible from the side section, by following the ramp to the top.
- Rocket launcher is located on the lower tunnel between the two sections.
- The lightning gun overlooks the side section, and can be reached by climbing the path near the pulse rifle.
Screenshots[edit | edit source]
The damage amplifier available through weapon-assisted jumping, from the crate to the left. Behind the tower (to the right of this view) is some health.
This view overlooks the lift and ramp. From bottom to top: Shock rifle, Biorifle, Rocket launcher (left tunnel), and path leading to flak cannon.
The flak cannon overlooks a small cliff before a bridge. To the right is the minigun. Reached from the ramp area.
The lightning gun, available from the side of the bridge.
Continuing past the bridge into the small tunnel leads to the super shield.