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Click here for more information about Yamazaki's other fighting game appearances.

Ryuji Yamazaki (山崎 竜二) is a psychotic criminal from southtown who is best known for his unhonorable fighting style and his mental unbalance. He worked with the Jin Twins to protect them and the scrolls of immortality in Fatal Fury 3.

Story (in the KOF Orochi Saga)[edit | edit source]

Ryuji Yamazaki was offered a chance to join the King of Fighters 1997 tournament by Geese Howard through his henchman Billy Kane. Although he declined at first, he reconsidered later and formed the '97 Special Team together with Billy and Blue Mary.

Due to the very different characteristics of the participating fighters and the constant fighting between Billy and Ryuji, this team only joined the (canonial) tournament once in 1997 and did not accomplish much storywise. But contrary to this, the '97 Special Team keeps on appearing in dream matches throughout the KOF saga.

Ryuji Yamazaki didn't join another KOF tournament for several years after 1997.

Teams[edit | edit source]

Moves[edit | edit source]

The King of Fighters '97[edit | edit source]

Shime Age (close) or +
Bun'nage (close) or +
Command Moves
Bussashi +
Special Moves
Bai Gaeshi (counter against projectiles)
Hebi Tsukai: Gedan +
Hebi Tsukai: Chuudan +
Hebi Tsukai: Uwadan +
└►Hebi Tsukai (durning any Hebi Tsukai)
Sabaki no Aikushi +
Badukan Pachiki (close)+
Suna Kake +
Sadomaso (counter)+
Desperation Moves
Guillotine +
Yondan Drill (close)+

The King of Fighters '98[edit | edit source]

Shime Age (close) or +
Bun'nage (close) or +
Command Moves
Bussashi +
Special Moves
Bai Gaeshi (counter against projectiles)
Hebi Tsukai: Gedan +
Hebi Tsukai: Chuudan +
Hebi Tsukai: Uwadan +
└►Hebi Tsukai (durning any Hebi Tsukai)
Sabaki no Aikushi +
Badukan Pachiki (close) +
Yakiire +
Suna Kake +
Sadomaso (counter) +
Desperation Moves
Guillotine +
Yondan Drill (close) +

The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match[edit | edit source]

Ryuji Yamazaki[edit | edit source]

Shime Age (close) or +
Bun'nage (close) or +
Command Moves
Bussashi +
Special Moves
Bai Gaeshi (counter against projectiles)
Hebi Tsukai: Gedan +
Hebi Tsukai: Chuudan +
Hebi Tsukai: Uwadan +
└►Hebi Tsukai (durning any Hebi Tsukai)
Sabaki no Aikushi +
Badukan Pachiki (close)+
Yakiire +
Suna Kake +
Sadomaso (counter)+
Desperation Moves
Guillotine +
Yondan Drill (close)+

Ryuji Yamazaki (Real Bout Fatal Fury 2)[edit | edit source]

Shime Age (close) or +
Bun'nage (close) or +
Command Moves
Bussashi +
Special Moves
Bai Gaeshi (counter against projectiles)
Hebi Tsukai: Gedan +
Hebi Tsukai: Chuudan +
Hebi Tsukai: Uwadan +
├►Hebi Tsukai (durning any Hebi Tsukai)
└►Daija (when button is held)
Sabaki no Aikushi (close) +
Badukan Pachiki +
Yakiire +
Sadomaso (counter) +
Todome (on downed opponent) +
Desperation Moves
Guillotine +
Yondan Drill (close) +
└►Drill LVL 5 +
(during lvl 4 victory scream)