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Click here for more information about Ángel's other fighting game appearances.

Moves[edit | edit source]

The King of Fighters 2001[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Senseless Chatter +
Art the Wasteland +
Red Sky of Yaponsia +
Mad Roulette (close)+
Formalist Blue +
UC Starting Move
__Citizen of World
(during Formalist Blue)
UC Starting Move
__Welcome to Rogue
(during Formalist Blue)
UC Starting Move
Repun Kamui
UC Starting Move
Beyond Flames
UC Move
Bye Bye Rogue
UC Move
Impotence Symptom
UC Move
Buggy and Coffin
UC Move
Shelter from the Storm
UC Move
Train to See Cherry Blossoms
UC Move
With a Lamp for the Pathway
UC Finishing Move
Crown Under the Sky
UC Finishing Move
State of Heathess
UC Finishing Move
A Full-Moon Evening
UC Finishing Move
Ride Your Cycle
UC Finishing Move
Red Sky of Yaponsia
UC Finishing Move
A Garden to Play with Ghost
Desperation Move
Loyalty Test for the Liberalists
+ (during any UC move)
Desperation Move
The Unidentified Victim Consciousness
Max DM
Royalty Test for the Rebel
+ (during any UC move)

The King of Fighters 2002[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Senseless Chatter +
At Wasteland +
Red Sky of Yaponsia +
Mad Murder Roulette (close)+
UC Starting Move
Formalist Blue
UC Starting Move
Citizen of World
UC Starting Move
Senseless Fist
UC Starting Move
Repun Kamui
UC Starting Move
Beyond Flames
UC Move
Bye Bye Rogue
UC Move
Impotence Symptom
UC Move
Buggy and Coffin
UC Move
Shelter from Storm
UC Move
Train to See Cherry Blossoms
UC Move
With a Lamp for Pathway
UC Special Move
, , or+ +
UC Finishing Move
Crown Under Sky
UC Finishing Move
State of Heat Haze
UC Finishing Move
Full Moon Evening
UC Finishing Move
Cosmic Futen Swing
UC Finishing Move
Lost Homeland
UC Finishing Move
Beyond Flames
Desperation Move
Loyalty Test for Liberalists
Max DM
Winds Fairground
(counter)+ (against ground attacks)
Max DM
Blue Monday Parade
(counter)+ (against air attacks)
Max DM
Loyalty Test for Liberalists
Max 2
Survivors Banquette
+(during Blue Monday Parade)

The King of Fighters Neowave[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Senseless Chatter +
At Wasteland +
Red Sky of Japonesia +
Mad Murder Roulette (close)+
UC Starting Move
Formalist Blue
UC Starting Move
Citizen of the World
UC Starting Move
Senseless Fists
UC Starting Move
Reppun Kamui
UC Starting Move
Beyond Flames
UC Move
Bye Bye Rogue
UC Move
Important Symptom
UC Move
Buggy and Coffin
UC Move
Shelter from the Storm
UC Move
Train to See Cherry Blossoms
UC Move
With a Lamp for Pathway
UC Special Move
, , or+ +
UC Finishing Move
Crown Under the Sky
UC Finishing Move
State of Heat Haze
UC Finishing Move
Full Moon Evening
UC Finishing Move
Cosmic Futen Swing
UC Finishing Move
Lost Homeland
UC Finishing Move
Beyond Flames
Desperation Move
Loyalty Test for Liberalists
+ (use as UC finishing move)
Max DM
Winds Fairground
(counter)+ (against ground attacks)
Max DM
Blue Monday Parade
(counter)+ (against air attacks)
Max DM
Loyalty Test for Liberalists
+ (use as UC finishing move)
Max 2
Survivors Banquette
+(during Blue Monday Parade)

The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match[edit | edit source]

Go Go Futen Girl (close) or +
Starlit Field (close) or +
Command Moves
Senseless Chatter +
At Wasteland +
Special Moves
Red Sky of Yaponesia +
Mad Murder Roulette (close) +
Unchain Starting Moves
Formalist Blue +
Citizen of the World +
Senseless Fists +
Reppun Kamui +
Beyond the Flames +
Unchain Circle Moves
1. Bye-Bye Rouge +
2. Important System +
3. Buggy and Coffin +
4. Shelter from the Storm +
5. A Train to See Cherry
6. With a Lamp for the
Unchain Special Moves
Oumagatoki or or +
Unchain Finishing Moves
Crown Under the Sky +
State of Heat Haze +
A Full Moon Evening +
Cosmic Futen Swing +
Lost Homeland +
Beyond the Flames +
Desperation Move
Loyalty Test for
Liberalists ★
MAX Desperation Moves
Winds Fairground (counter, ground)
Blue Monday Parade (counter, air)
Hidden Super Desperation Move
(opponent down)