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Once you have inserted your coin into the cabinet of Taito Corporation's 1992 first-person racing arcade game, Super Chase - Criminal Termination, the game will proceed to the start screen shown above as the text "PUSH START BUTTON" glows on it; once you have pushed the Start Button, the text of "BEVERLY HILLS" shall appear letter-by-letter on the screen and the two additional texts "DATE 01/07/93" and "10:47 AM" will appear letter-by-letter at the bottom of it (as mentioned on the main page, the game's set 9-13 months after it was released). The screen will now cut to a shot of the first stage's criminals, Ajmagl (born 1967), M. Lscoa (born 1970), K. Sktj (born 1969) and J. Jlrrs (born 1973) robbing a shop and fleeing in a blue 1986 American open car - and after that, it'll cut to a shot of the Taito Monitoring System, as Nancy appears on its screen and the following text appears letter-by-letter:


A picture of the first stage's target car will then appear on the Taito Monitoring System as the three texts "TARGET:", "COLOR: BLUE", and "TYPE: '86 AMERICAN OPEN CAR" appear letter-by-letter over it, followed by four portraits of the criminals with their (somewhat unusual) names and virtual ages to their right, as the text "THE SUSPECTS ARE DRIVING A BLUE CONVERTIBLE." appears under them; the game will then proceed to the first stage as Gibson and Broady get into their red Nissan 300ZX from S.C.I. (but if the gear shifter is in "high", the text "SHIFT CHANGE" will be displayed on the screen until you shift it to "low") and the camera zooms in on its front windscreen from behind. The amount of time you have at the start of this stage is determined by what the arcade owner has set the "TIME SETTING" setting in the game's options menu to (with SHORT: 27 seconds, STANDARD: 30 seconds, LONG: 33 seconds, VERY LONG: 36 seconds) - and if you're using MAME to play this game (but the original Japanese version of it was not emulated until version 0.145u4, on 11 March 2012), you may wish to set it to VERY LONG in order to increase your chances of catching the criminals.