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You enter the Valley of Dark Lords from the Sith Academy at its south end, where you can encounter Calo Nord or Darth Bandon. As you go north you pass the west Caves, in which you encounter Renegade Sith, gaining prestige and moving closer to the dark or light side of the Force, and find the light-side Qel-Droma Robes.

Further north and west is Dak Vesser, a friend of Juhani who can be found later in Dresdae's cantina after speaking to her and, without her, killed there to move closer to the dark side of the Force. If you convinced Lashowe in the Sith academy to help recover a relic here, your Meeting Place is now in its top northeast corner, where you can recover a holocron to gain prestige if you don't let her take the credit, gaining even more if you don't deny your actions.

You can also gain prestige by entering the southeast Ajunta Pall's Tomb for the Sword of Ajunta Pall, the northeast Tulak Hord's Tomb for the Hermit in the Hills, and the southwest Marka Ragnos' Tomb for the Rogue Droid, while you can only explore the northwest Naga Sadow's Tomb after gaining enough prestige to complete the Way of the Sith.

Map of the Valley of Dark Lords

Sith Academy[edit | edit source]

Entrance to Academy is at the south end of the valley. The first time you enter you'll encounter Calo Nord here if you haven't done so since escaping Taris, and Darth Bandon does so if he hasn't been encountered since leaving the planet on which your third Star Map was found.

Caves[edit | edit source]

A narrow path leads to the northeast. Around a hairpin bend to the west is the entrance to the Shyrack Caves where you'll have your first Shyrack encounter, the composition of which depends on your character level:

Character level
9 < 12 12-14 > 14
  • Shyrack (3)
  • Shyrack (2)
  • Shyrack Raptor
  • Shyrack (2)
  • Shyrack Raptor
  • Shyrack Wyrm
  • Shyrack (2)
  • Shyrack Raptor
  • Shyrack Wyrm (2)
Class Scoundrel
Level 14
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 24 +7
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 6 -2
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 32
Defense 30
Fortitude 4
Reflex 16
Will 3
Awareness 4
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 14 -
Blunt 5-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
None Master Scoundrel's Luck
Shyrack Raptor
Class Scoundrel
Level 18
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 24 +7
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 4 -3
Wisdom 4 -3
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 52
Defense 27
Fortitude 6
Reflex 18
Will 3
Awareness 0
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 17 -
Blunt 5-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
None Master Scoundrel's Luck
Shyrack Wyrm
Class Minion
Level 12
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 16 +3
Dexterity 28 +9
Constitution 16 +3
Intelligence 6 -2
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 116
Defense 26
Fortitude 8
Reflex 14
Will 4
Awareness 11
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 15 -
Blunt 4-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
None None

They all look alike, but while Shyrack and Raptors actually inflict slightly more damage than Wyrms and have higher Defense and Reflex saves, they have significantly less vitality.

Experience Points (XP) Received: Experience Points (XP) Received: Experience Points (XP) Received:

Renegade Sith can be found within the caves, as can the light-side Qel-Droma Robes.

Dak Vesser[edit | edit source]

Past the caves the path continues to the north, where it opens into the valley itself. A Sith guard stands on either side of the entrance, while a Sith patrol wanders around the perimeter of the pillars in the center of the valley:

Sith Guard/Patrol
I am not here to get you out of trouble if you do something stupid, student. Enter the tombs at your own risk.
Any artifacts found should be brought to the attention of Master Uthar immediately.
Watch out for the tuk'ata. They will charge you on sight. Run back to the excavation area and we can protect you.
A dangerous assassin droid has barricaded itself within the tomb of Marka Ragnos, the first one on the left. Be wary.
There is an old Sith hermit that has been haunting this area, we understand. Watch out for him.
Beware of the tuk'ata. They are a pack beast that have their nests in one of the tombs. We fight them off as best we can.
The second tomb on the left within the valley is the tomb of Naga Sadow. It is off-limits to all students, unless they are in the company of Master Uthar.

The Sith student Dak Vesser can be seen working by a rock to the northwest of the entrance:

Dak Vesser: Greetings. I don't think I've seen you at the academy before. Here to investigate the ruins? Dak Vesser: Back again? Something else I can tell you?

If Juhani is in your party:

1. Who are you? Dak Vesser: Back again? Something... oh. Juhani... is... that you?
Dak Vesser: My name's Dak Vesser. I'm assigned to the valley ruins, as you can see. We've been painstakingly uncovering these tombs for many months, now.
Juhani: Dak? That is you, isn't it? I... hardly recognized you.
Dak Vesser: It's been a long time, Juhani.
Juhani: What are you doing here? Did... did you fall to the dark side?
Dak Vesser: I didn't 'fall', Juhani... I had my eyes opened. And don't look at me like that. Last I recall, you were having your own doubts.
Juhani: I was. I'm not anymore. Dak... you could...
Dak Vesser: Save it. The Jedi aren't for me... not anymore. Look... I'm not going to ask why a couple of Jedi are in the Valley of the Dark Lords. I don't want to know. It's better that I don't. In fact, I'll just get out of here and leave you to whatever it is you're planning to do. Fair enough?
Juhani: Running away? Again?
Dak Vesser: Why not? It's what I do best.
1. I take it you two know each other? 2. How can I trust you not to say anything?
Dak Vesser: Yes. Isn't it obvious? I don't want to talk about it here, however. Dak Vesser: Does it matter? I'm going. Isn't that enough for you?
Juhani: I don't think there's much to talk about. Juhani: Let him go. He... won't say anything.
Dak Vesser: Have it your way, Juhani. You always do.
1. I take it you two know each other? 2. How can I trust you not to say anything? 3. So you're leaving? Just like that?
Dak Vesser: Look... I don't want to be here after you leave. There'll be too many questions. So ask what you have to ask and I'll be on my way.


Dak Vesser: Master Uthar won't allow us to dig with lasers or sonics... we have to use hand tools only so we don't accidentally destroy anything we run across. That makes progress very slow, however.
2. What can you tell me about these ruins?
Dak Vesser: Well... it seems that the Sith once inhabited Korriban a long time ago. There was a fortress here that was destroyed at some point before the Sith abandoned the planet completely. Why they left, we don't know. Perhaps the Jedi drove them off. The tombs in this valley are the only parts of the fortress we've found mostly intact.
1. Made any unusual findings?
Dak Vesser: Some. Most of the interesting stuff is still in the tombs, but Master Uthar prefers to leave them to be explored by the students, as a challenge. In time, they will probably become safe enough for us to enter. Until that time, however, we're stuck to digging up the valley piece by piece.
1. The tombs are dangerous?
Dak Vesser: Definitely dangerous. Most of the students that go inside them don't come back out. Master Uthar prefers it that way.

He can tell you about these ruins, and then about these tombs:

2. What can you tell me about these tombs?
Dak Vesser: There's four tombs here. On the right are the tombs of Ajunta Pall and Tulak Hord. On the left are the tombs of Marka Ragnos and Naga Sadow. All four were ancient Sith Lords.
1. Tell me about the tomb of Ajunta Pall.
Dak Vesser: That's the first tomb on the right. There's a rumor that there's a powerful artifact still in there, but nobody's retrieved it, yet. That tomb supposedly has ancient battle droids and traps that are still functioning. It's amazing that their power sources have lasted so long, really.
2. Tell me about the tomb of Tulak Hord.
Dak Vesser: That's the farthest tomb on the right. We don't know much about Tulak Hord, unfortunately... the tuk'ata have a nest in that tomb, I think.
1. The tuk'ata?
Dak Vesser: A local pack animal that's very dangerous. Occasionally the guards track down a queen and kill it... that usually pacifies them for a bit.
3. Tell me about the tomb of Marka Ragnos. 5. Anything else I should know?

If you ask if he's heard about a Star Map being found here, or to tell you about the tomb of Naga Sadow:

3. Have you heard about a Star Map being found here?
Dak Vesser: A Star Map? No, I haven't heard anything about that. Something like that could be in Naga Sadow's tomb, I suppose... that tomb's off limits to the students.
1. Naga Sadow's tomb? 4. Tell me about the tomb of Naga Sadow.
Dak Vesser: It's the second tomb on the left when you enter the valley. Naga Sadow was the leader of the old Sith Masters here, we think. Darth Malak found something in there a while back, however, and ever since then only Master Uthar can enter it.
1. What did he find? Do you know?
Dak Vesser: No. A lot of the discoveries are kept secret, even from the students. I only heard that Darth Malak found something there by rumor, to be honest.
4. I have to go.
Dak Vesser: Alright. Just be careful if you head into any of those tombs. Dak Vesser: So do I.
Juhani: Goodbye, Dak... and... thank you.
Dak Vesser: Goodbye, Juhani.

He'll leave after speaking to Juhani. If you speak to her yourself, you can ask her to tell you about him:

Juhani: How may I be of assistance to you, Padawan?
1. I was wondering if we could talk.
Juhani: What is it you would like to speak to me about?
1. Tell me about this Dak Vesser.
Juhani: There is little to tell. Dak and I were both Padawans... we joined the Order at the same time. He was a kind man, but... frustrated. He felt the Jedi were too controlling, too limiting... more so than I did. When he decided to leave the Order, he asked me to come with him. He... he said he loved me.
1. But you didn't love him? 3. That doesn't sound so serious. 2. Oh. Forget I asked.
Juhani: No, I didn't. I enjoyed his company, as a friend, but nothing further. I had no idea he felt as he did. Juhani: It was serious enough to him... and to me, for I did not wish to hurt him. I had little choice in the matter. Juhani: I suppose the rest is obvious enough that I need not tell it.
Juhani: He was angry at my refusal. I... assumed that he would get over the hurt in time. I suppose such feelings can fester and darken, and they never go away.
Juhani: He reminds me of what I was when you found me in the grove. I... feel sorry for him. But he has chosen his path, hasn't he? If I thought he would accept an offer of help, I would give it. Let us... just move on, please.

Once Dak Vesser has left the valley, he can be found on the southeast side of Dreshdae's Cantina:

Dak Vesser: If you must know, I intend to take the first ship off of this rock. Why should that interest you? I trust you got whatever you wanted from the tombs?
3. How do you know Juhani?

If Juhani is in your party:

Dak Vesser: Why don't you ask her? 1. Because I asked you.
Dak Vesser: She and I were... students together at Dantooine, for a time. We were close, and we shared doubts about the Jedi's ways. I left for the Sith because I thought it would be better here. It looks like Juhani changed her mind and stayed with the Jedi after all. Your doing, maybe? Anyway... I'm done with the Jedi, the Sith... and with her. Just leave me alone.
1. Why are you leaving, exactly?
Dak Vesser: I already said, didn't I? I don't want to still be around when they start asking questions about you.
1. But where will you go?
Dak Vesser: Why do you care? I've no intention of opposing you.
Dak Vesser: Perhaps I'll go back to Dantooine. Or just somewhere where there's no Sith or Jedi, period. Juhani: Perhaps... you could go back to the Jedi. I did.
Dak Vesser: I don't know. I'll think about it. Just leave me alone, Juhani.
2. What if I said I'm not going to just let you leave?
Dak Vesser: Is there some reason you should stop me from going? Are you afraid I'm going to tell someone you're here? What are you going to do, kill me?
2. How do I know I can trust you not to betray me?
Dak Vesser: I may have studied with the Sith, but I've no special loyalty to them. You can believe me or not, as you wish.
1. That's exactly what I'm going to do. 1. Then I'm afraid I have to kill you.
Juhani: Leave him be! I said that he would not betray you. Just... let him go.
Dak Vesser: Still sticking up for me, Juhani?
Juhani: Just... go, Dak.
4. Never mind. 1. That's exactly what I'm going to do. 3. I suppose not. Just go, then. 1. Then I'm afraid I have to kill you. 2. Then I suppose I'll believe you.
Dak Vesser: Then leave me be.

Otherwise, if Juhani isn't in your party then when you say you're going to kill him she isn't there to stop you:

Dak Vesser: Fine. Let's end it here, then. It looks like you belong amongst the Sith more than I ever did.
Dark Side Points Gained: -2

He receives bonuses depending on your character level:

Character level Dexterity Wisdom Vitality Force
12-14 +4 +4 +50 +50
> 14 +6 +6 +100 +100

Thus at character level > 14:

Dak Vesser
Class Jedi Guardian
Level 8
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 16 +3
Dexterity 20 +5
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 20 +5
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 168
Defense 27
Fortitude 7
Reflex 11
Will 9
Awareness 13
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 14 -
Energy 7-21-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers
Lightsaber Knight Sense Weapon Specialization: Lightsaber Advanced Jedi Defense11 Power Attack Flurry Improved Critical Strike11 Choke Destroy Droid Drain Life Fear Force Wave Shock Slow17 Advanced Throw Lightsaber Burst of Speed
Experience Points (XP) Received: Item(s) Received Dak Vesser

You never tell Juhani of this.

Ajunta Pall's Tomb[edit | edit source]

A Sith archaeologist can be seen working at a site to the northeast of the entrance to the valley; another works by a fallen pillar further to the north, while two others work at a second site around the rocks between the two tomb entrances on the east side of the valley and two Sith students wander between the two sites:

Sith Archaeologist/Student
Sorry, I can't talk. We have to excavate this valley with hand instruments. There's all kinds of old traps left behind that still work.
There's supposed to be some crazy Sith hermit that keeps kidnapping students in these hills. Best be careful.
You're out here to look for artifacts, I suppose? Just be careful.
Look, unless you're willing to lend a hand, leave us to our work.
These tombs we've uncovered are only the tip of an entire ancient Sith fortress. I wonder what happened here?
One has to wonder what made the Sith leave this planet originally. I bet the Jedi came and destroyed the colony.
I was told that there's an escaped assassin droid in one of the tombs. Watch out for it.
The tombs are all full of traps and droids that still work, it looks like. Stay out of them, if you can.
We've had indications that there's a whole ancient Sith colony under this valley. Isn't that an incredible find?
Careful of the tuk'ata. It's all we can do to keep those beasts away while we work.
Where is that blasted transport crew? We're supposed to send off the next shipment of artifacts right away.
The tomb on the far left, there, is off-limits. Only Master Uthar can go inside.
You aren't assigned to the excavation team, are you?
Sorry... I'm rather busy with the excavation planning, right now.

There's a metal box opposite the entrance to the Tomb of Ajunta Pall:

Item(s) Received Metal Box

Sword of Ajunta Pall[edit | edit source]

The Sith student Galon Lor stands to the left of the entrance to Ajunta Pall's tomb, on the north side:

Galor Lor: Oh... hello to you. You're new to the academy, aren't you? I can't say we've ever met. Galon Lor: Hello again. Still roaming about the valley, I see?
1. Who are you?
Galon Lor: Galon Lor, at your service. Aren't these tombs fascinating? We had no idea the Sith were here so long ago.
1. Why not? Aren't there records?
Galon Lor: Not from this far back. Or, at least, what records do exist are sketchy at best. These ruins date back to a period when the Sith were first formed, before their exile into the far reaches of space. It's quite fascinating.
2. What are you doing here?
Galon Lor: I've been working on a translation of some of the runes by this tomb. I'm quite excited... this may very well be the tomb of Ajunta Pall.

You can ask about Ajunta Pall and his sword:

1. Who is Ajunta Pall? 1. You think his sword might be here?
Galon Lor: Ajunta Pall was one of the first of the great Sith Lords. He rebelled against his Jedi Masters and led the way for the rest of us that followed. These runes claim that he was interred here... and I wonder if his sword might not be here, as well. Galon Lor: The runes say that he was interred here, so I think it may indeed be possible. Whoever found the sword could gain great prestige.
1. His sword?
Galon Lor: According to legend, Ajunta Pall created a sword of terrible power. Someone who located it could gain considerable prestige.
Journal Entry Added The Sword of Ajunta Pall
You have heard mention of a powerful sword that might be found within the tomb of an ancient Sith Lord, Ajunta Pall.
1. Hasn't any effort been made to recover it?
Galon Lor: A... few of the bolder students have tried. They did not return. As I understand it, the tombs are quite dangerous.
1. What makes the tombs so dangerous?
Galon Lor: From what I've been told, the tombs have old traps and machines that are still active. They were designed to keep out intruders when they were made and still do. I suppose if the academy wanted to make a concerted effort, the tomb would be opened... but I think Master Uthar prefers to keep it as a challenge for the students.
2. Why don't you go in, then?
Galon Lor: Oh, these tombs are certainly not harmless. Don't think that. The sword may be tempting, but I'm not about to risk my life to find it.
1. Are you a coward, then?
Galon Lor: N-no. I want power as much as the next person, but I'm not stupid. I know what I'm capable of.
3. Gain prestige?
Galon Lor: Certainly. Finding such an artifact and giving it to Master Uthar would earn anyone big points. Although I suppose you could also keep it...
1. What do you know about the sword's powers?
Galon Lor: Nothing at all. The legends don't say anything about it... it may have had powers only for Ajunta alone.
3. I've got to be going.
Galon Lor: Of course. Don't let me keep you from your business.

There's also a metal box behind him:

Item(s) Received Metal Box

Tulak Hord's Tomb[edit | edit source]

The entrance to the Tomb of Tulak Hord is in the northeast corner of the valley. There's a metal box to the left of this entrance:

Item(s) Received Metal Box

Hermit in the Hills[edit | edit source]

Dak Vesser: Nothing that I can think of. There's supposedly some old Sith hermit that haunts these hills and kidnaps students. Might want to watch out for him.
Journal Entry Added The Hermit in the Hills
You have been told about a mad hermit who can be found in the hills surrounding the Valley of the Dark Lords. Apparently he preys upon unsuspecting academy students, his victims never being seen again. How much of this story is true is unknown, but dealing with the problem might be worthy of prestige.

Meeting Place[edit | edit source]

If you've convinced Lashowe in the Sith academy to allow you to help her recover a relic in this valley, you'll find her by the rocks opposite the entrance to Tulak Hord's Tomb in the northeast corner of the valley. She speaks as you approach...

Aiding Lashowe[edit | edit source]

Lashowe: There you are. Finally. If you were any later in showing up, we would have had to abandon this. I've been calling to the tuk'ata mother in their language. She should respond fairly -- ahhh, here she comes now.

A Tuk'ata queen and two other Tuk'ata emerge from the direction of the tomb.

Lashowe: Get ready. This will not be easy... she's a tough beast.

The high natural Force Resist of the tuk'ata means any Force users are advised to follow Lashowe's example and use (Advanced) Throw Lightsaber against them.

Tuk'ata Queen
Class Soldier
Level 9
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 20 +5
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 6 -2
Charisma 9 -1
Vitality 58
Defense 22
Fortitude 8
Reflex 8
Will 1
Awareness 6
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 13 -
Blunt 5-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Force Resist32 Regeneration1 None
Class Minion
Level 8
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 20 +5
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 6 -2
Charisma 9 -1
Vitality 56
Defense 22
Fortitude 5
Reflex 8
Will 1
Awareness 6
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 12 -
Blunt 5-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats
Force Resist32 Regeneration1 None
Experience Points (XP) Received: Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 500 Aided Lashowe
Lashowe: Wonderful! Ha ha! The beast is dead! We work better together than I would have hoped. And here is the holocron. Such a small thing to be so valuable and require so much effort to obtain. I'll just run along, now, and give this to Master Uthar. I'll be sure to tell him of your contribution, naturally.
4. I... suppose that's alright. 3. I suppose so. Fine... take it back. 3. Fine. Go, if that's the way you want it.
Lashowe: Good. You have my... appreciation... for all your help. Good luck in your efforts.
Journal Entry Added Aiding Lashowe
You and your rival, Lashowe, have worked together to defeat a tuk'ata mother beast and recover an ancient but corrupt Jedi holocron. Lashowe was insistent on returning it to Uthar herself. Somehow you doubt that you and she will be sharing the prestige for the holocron like you planned.

If you let her leave, she obviously doesn't share and you gain no experience or prestige unless you're willing to kill her back at the academy, moving closer to the dark side of the Force. However, even if you take your revenge you still gain more by challenging her here. This leads to combat, but only one response moves you closer to the dark side:

1. And how can I be sure of that?
Lashowe: You're the one that convinced me to go through with this plan. Why wouldn't I see it through?
1. I want some kind of guarantee.
Lashowe: Forget it. There is no guarantee. You helped me, I'll help you. Or don't you trust me?
2. Wait. We'll go to Master Uthar together.
Lashowe: Forget it. I'm not waiting up for you. That wasn't our plan, anyway.
1. You're going to betray me, I know it! 2. The 'plan' was we both get the credit.
Lashowe: Back off, I'm warning you! I'm not giving this up!
1. No more arguing. We take it back together. 2. Then I'll just have to take it from you!
3. No way. I'll be taking the holocron back, not you. 2. Not bloody likely. Give me the holocron. 1. The plan's changed. Give me the holocron.
Lashowe: You're not getting the holocron. This was my idea! The plan was that I take it back, not you!
3. Forget it. That holocron is mine. Dark Side Points Gained: -4
Lashowe: Over my dead body!!

She receives bonuses depending on your character level:

Character level Dexterity Wisdom Vitality Force
12-14 +4 +4 +50 +50
> 14 +6 +6 +100 +100

Thus at character level > 14:

Class Jedi Guardian
Level 14
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 16 +3
Dexterity 20 +5
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 20 +5
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 174
Defense 29
Fortitude 10
Reflex 14
Will 11
Awareness 13
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 20 -
Energy 5-19-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers
Lightsaber Master Sense Weapon Focus: Lightsaber Advanced Jedi Defense17 Power Attack Flurry Critical Strike17 Force Resistance24 Affliction Choke Drain Life Force Whirlwind Horror Shock23 Advanced Throw Lightsaber Burst of Speed
Journal Entry Added Aiding Lashowe
You and your hopeful rival, Lashowe, worked together to defeat a tuk'ata mother beast and recover an ancient but corrupt Jedi holocron. Lashowe was insistent on returning the holocron to Master Uthar by herself, however, and the two of you battled. Lashowe was killed, but you now have the holocron for yourself.
Experience Points (XP) Received: Item(s) Received Lashowe This small crystal supposedly holds holographic recordings of the ancient Sith... information which could be incredibly valuable. There's no telling how long the holocron has been lost in the area, nor how well it works.

You can now return the holocron to Master Uthar back at the academy, where you gain most experience and prestige by not lying about killing her:

12. I have found a Jedi holocron.
Uthar Wynn: *chuckle* I had heard that such an artifact existed. Tell me, young one... did you acquire this device by yourself?
1. Yes. 2. No.
Uthar Wynn: You lie. Still, what matters is the fact that you succeeded. And Lashowe... does she yet live? Uthar Wynn: So I see. And Lashowe... does she yet live?
1. [Lie] I have no idea. Probably. 2. No, I killed her.
Uthar Wynn: You didn't kill her? How very foolish. Now you have an enemy to contend with. The holocron, itself, is an impressive item, however. Uthar Wynn: Ha ha! Well done! You gained an artifact through trickery and eliminated an opponent at the same time. That is deserving of great prestige!
Journal Entry Added Aiding Lashowe
You turned over the ancient, corrupted Jedi holocron to Master Uthar... and while you didn't tell him of Lashowe's exact fate, you got the impression that he didn't care overly much what happened to her. At any rate, you have earned prestige for bringing him the holocron.
Journal Entry Added Aiding Lashowe
You turned over the ancient, corrupted Jedi holocron to Master Uthar... who was not only impressed at your possession of the relic, but seemed quite pleased by the fact that you had dispatched one of your rivals, as well. You have earned a great deal of prestige today.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 110 Turned over holocron and denied killing Lashowe
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 210 Turned over holocron and admitted killing Lashowe

If you let her return the holocron herself, you're about to learn not to be so demure in the future:

12. Has Lashowe shown you the Jedi holocron?
Uthar Wynn: She did. Prestige is not shared, however, if that is what you are wondering. If you aided her, it was to her benefit and not yours.
Journal Entry Added Aiding Lashowe
Sure enough, Lashowe has turned the corrupt Jedi holocron you worked together to recover over to Master Uthar by herself. You will receive no prestige for it.

If you're willing to move closer to the dark side of the Force then you can salvage something from the situation by confronting her about this betrayal:

Lashowe: You are such a fool. I cannot believe that you were gullible enough to allow me to return with the holocron. I gained considerable prestige for it, you know.
2. But I helped you get the holocron!
Lashowe: So? That's your problem, not mine.
3. You betrayed me, you traitorous...!
Lashowe: Ha ha ha! Look... either do something about it or run along, will you? I have prestige to earn.
4. Fine. I'll go, now.
Lashowe: Do run along... you have a long way to catch up, after all. Lashowe: Mmm. Don't trip or kill yourself or anything. Lashowe: I'll get more prestige and catch up to you. Count on it.


1. You won't get away with this! I'll kill you!
HK-47: Commentary: I like the sound of this! Warming up blasters... on your command, master!
Lashowe: You're joking, of course. You want to fight me here? In the academy?
2. I suppose not.
Lashowe: I thought not. Get lost, then, will you? I'm busy.


1. That's right! Dark Side Points Gained: -4
Lashowe: Ha ha ha! Oh, I wonder what Master Uthar will think of this! Alright, then... you have yourself a fight!

At character level > 14:

Class Jedi Guardian
Level 14
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Strength 16 +3
Dexterity 20 +5
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 20 +5
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 194
Defense 29
Fortitude 12
Reflex 16
Will 13
Awareness 13
Ranged Main Off
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Melee Main Off
Attack 20 -
Energy 6-21-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers
Lightsaber Master Sense Improved Conditioning Weapon Specialization: Lightsaber Advanced Jedi Defense17 Power Attack Flurry Critical Strike17 Force Resistance24 Affliction20 Choke Drain Life Force Whirlwind Horror Shock23 Advanced Throw Lightsaber Burst of Speed
Experience Points (XP) Received: Item(s) Received Lashowe

She's slightly more challenging than out in the valley, and different items are retrieved from her remains. Let's find out what Master Uthar thinks of this:

12. I've killed Lashowe.
Uthar Wynn: Killed her out of revenge, did you? Well done. I can appreciate such drama, believe me. I am most impressed that you have eliminated an opponent so handily.
Journal Entry Added Aiding Lashowe
Lashowe had betrayed you by bringing the ancient, corrupted Jedi holocron to Master Uthar herself, denying you the prestige that you were supposed to share. The fact that you killed her for it seems to have impressed Master Uthar considerably… he has rewarded you with prestige for eliminating a potential rival.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 110 Killed Lashowe for her betrayal

If you speak to Yuthura Ban after Lashowe's death:

Yuthura Ban: I understand you managed to kill Lashowe. Well done! She was devious, but I knew her trust could be turned against her! One less opponent is an excellent result regardless of how it occurs, correct? Now, then... something you needed?

Marka Ragnos' Tomb[edit | edit source]

The entrance to the Tomb of Marka Ragnos is in the southwest corner of the valley.

Rogue Droid[edit | edit source]

Dak Vesser: That's the first tomb on the left. Someone mentioned that a crazy droid has holed itself up in there, but I don't know much about that.

The Sith student standing to the right of the entrance to Marka Ragnos' tomb can give you the same information:

Sith Student: You should be careful if you're planning on entering this tomb... it's dangerous.
3. I can handle myself.
Sith Student: If you say so. Just thought I would warn you, is all.
1. Why? What do you know about it? 2. They're all dangerous.
Sith Student: Maybe so, but this one more than most, I think.
Sith Student: There's an assassin droid in here, so Master Uthar says. It went insane and has holed up in here with a whole army of droids protecting it.
Journal Entry Added Rogue Droid
You have been told about a rogue Sith droid that has escaped from the labs and holed itself up in one of the valley's tombs. The Sith have not yet decided to go into the tomb to remove it by force... leaving it to some enterprising Sith hopefuls to take that job upon themselves.
1. Why don't the Sith do something about it?
Sith Student: I don't know. I think Master Uthar has left it in there as a challenge for any student brave enough to destroy it. Supposedly, if a student actually succeeds in destroying the droid, they'll get a great reward. Lots have tried, but nobody's succeeded yet.
2. Where did it get all these droids?
Sith Student: No idea. I think it's building them in there.
3. This droid went insane, you say?
Sith Student: Seems that way. They say that its audio receptors became too sensitive and all the noise drove the droid nuts. If you're planning on going in, I'd suggest you use some sound suppressors or something... or you'll probably become a target right away.
4. Are you going inside?
Sith Student: I... I don't think so. I can manipulate minds and living matter, but that won't be much use against droids, will it? I've had a few friends go inside that haven't come out for a while, now. I doubt I could do any better than they could.
4. Thanks. I'll be going. Sith Student: Sure thing. Good luck.

Naga Sadow's Tomb[edit | edit source]

Two Sith archaeologists work by the rocks at the north end of the pillars in the center of the valley on the west side, and there's a metal box to the right of the entrance to the Tomb of Naga Sadow in the northwest corner of the valley:

Item(s) Received Metal Box

Although you can enter the tomb, the passage is blocked by another door:

[This door is locked and will not open at the moment.]