Once you have inserted your coin into the cabinet of Bally Midway's 1983 racing/shooter arcade game, Spy Hunter, the text "TO START, PRESS THE FLASHING STEERING WHEEL HUB." will appear on the screen; once you have done so, the Weapons Truck shall pull up upon the right side of the screen and set down the G-6155 CIA Prototype Interceptor. You shall then have to step on the gas pedal to accelerate it, as the timer at the top of the screen starts counting down from 999 (at a rate which depends on whether it is set for 60 or 90 seconds), and you will receive 15 points, for every metre travelled - and you will also encounter puddles on the road, which will cause your car to lose grip if it drives through them. The road will also occasionally split into two on some occasions, which means you will have to make the choice quickly before you crash; the transition from one of the game's "stages" to another shall be indicated by the background changing colour. When you pass the Weapons Truck at the side of the road it will start moving, pass your car, then extend a ramp towards it - and you can then drive up the ramp into the truck, which will cause it to pull over to the side of the road and set down your car with its new special weapon (either the oil slicks, the smoke screen or the missiles, and that symbol on top of the truck indicates which special weapon it is yielding). Each special weapon may only get used three times; however, they can get renewed with new supplies from the truck, by pressing its button to call it up. The three symbols that appear on the truck are shown in that gallery below.
Oil slicks
Smoke screen
When the text "BRIDGE OUT, DETOUR ON LEFT." appears on the screen, you will have to take the path to the left instead of continuing straight ahead, in order to go through the boathouse and transform your car into a boat - because if you do not, your car will fall off the end of the broken bridge and into the water, costing it a life (and if you had more than one life remaining, the camera shall scroll over to the other side as the Weapons Truck comes down into view from the top of the screen and sets it down again before driving away off the top of the screen). Once your car has transformed into a boat, you will have to direct it across the water the same way you did on land; you will receive 25 points for every metre travelled as a boat, and you will encounter two types of enemy boats that are not introduced in the game's attract mode (Barrel Dumpers, described as "Ecologically Unfriendly", which shall drop barrels that explode on contact into the water, and Doctor Torpedoes, described as "Not Actually a Doctor", which shall shoot torpedoes at your boat), as well as more Mad Bombers. If you press the Oil Slick button, the boat will let off a burst of flame from its engines, and if you die as a boat, a tugboat shall come up into view from the bottom of the screen, then set the G-6155 down in the water again, before sailing away off the top of the screen - and, when you come to another boathouse, you must either turn to the left to continue over the water as a boat, or turn to the right in order to go through the boathouse and transform back into a car (the Weapons Truck, which is parked in front of it, shall then move forward and set you down at the side of the road, when you select the second option). The two enemy boat types, which are worth 150 and 500 points respectively, are shown in the gallery below.
The G-6155 in boat form
Barrel Dumper
("Ecologically Unfriendly") -
Doctor Torpedo
("Not Actually a Doctor")
When the text "ICY ROADS AHEAD" appears on the screen, the colour of the background shall change to white (and the score display shall change its colour to blue in order to show up against it); the road shall also become very slippery as a result. The road shall return to normal when the background changes colour again - but the icy roads shall occasionally reoccur for the rest of the game. Once you have run out of lives, the text "GAME OVER" will appear on the screen and the game shall go back into attract mode; contrary to a popular rumour, there is no graveyard stage or ending sequence, nor does the G-6155's driver ever leave the car. A helicopter stage was planned for the game - however, it was removed due to a lack of time and memory.