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In-game controls for Skies of Arcadia fall into three main groups: on foot, on your ship, and battle controls, which are covered in the next sections.

On foot[edit | edit source]

Dreamcast GameCube Action
Neutral analog or Neutral dpad Neutral control or Neutral dpad Movement
A button A button Action, select menu item
B button B button Previous menu screen
X button X button Open/close menu
Y button Y button Toggle first-person view
L button L button Pan camera left
R button R button Pan camera right
Start button Start button Toggle map

Ship controls[edit | edit source]

Dreamcast GameCube Action
Neutral analog Neutral control Movement
Neutral dpad Neutral dpad Move camera
A button A button Action, select menu item
B button B button Previous menu screen
X button X button Open/close menu
L button L button Decrease altitude
R button R button Increase altitude
Start button Start button Open world map, go to bridge, save game