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This is the first game in the Ridge Racer series. For other games in the series see the Ridge Racer category.

Box artwork for Ridge Racer.
Box artwork for Ridge Racer.
Ridge Racer
Year released1993
System(s)Arcade, PlayStation
Followed byRidge Racer 2
SeriesRidge Racer
Japanese titleリッジレーサー
ModesSingle player
Rating(s)ESRB Kids to AdultsELSPA Ages 3+
LinksRidge Racer ChannelSearch
This guide is for the original 1993 arcade game. For the 2011 PlayStation Vita game, see Ridge Racer (2011).
Ridge Racer marquee

Ridge Racer is a racing arcade game which was released by Namco in 1993; it was their first title to run upon the company's (then-new) "Super" System 22 hardware (a Motorola 68020 microprocessor running up at 24.576 MHz, with two Texas Instruments TMS-32025 sub-microprocessors running up at 49.152 MHz, a pair of Mitsubishi M37702 MCUs running up at 16.384 MHz and 6.144 MHz, and a C352 custom sound chip running at 24.576 MHz). The player must use a steering wheel, six-position gear shifter, and three pedals to take control of a red off-road car (which is affiliated with "Team F/A", and also bears the name of "Galaxian³") - and there are also several billboards for arcades that were operated by the company (including the old "Wonder Eggs" theme park in Tokyo, which was the only place you could play Phantomars before it closed in 2000). On "Novice" difficulty a race is 2 laps and your car's maximum speed 180 km/h while on "Advanced" and "Expert" difficulty it is 3 laps and your car's maximum speed is 200 km/h; for the "Time Trial" mode your car's maximum speed is 220 km/h.

Table of Contents
