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Once you insert your coin into the cabinet of Bally Midway's 1986 racing arcade game Power Drive and pressed the appropriate Start Button, the text "THE DOVER DIRT TRACK. ENTRY FEE IS $1,000!!! BONUS JACKPOT IS $50" will appear at the top of the screen, as your account (which shall be increased by $3000 for every coin you insert) is decreased by $1000; the screen shall then cut to a shot of your and the two other trucks (if there are less than three players the other trucks shall be filled in for by one or two black CPU-controlled ones known as "Black Lightning") in lanes filled up with advertisements for older Bally Midway games (including: TRON, Spy Hunter, Tapper, Demolition Derby, Sarge, Shoot the Bull, Rampage, Black Belt and Strange Science). Once the traffic light seen in Daddy's Girl (1P)'s lane changes colour (from red to orange to yellow to green), you must repeatedly press the two Tyre Buttons, to move your monster truck forward - and the display on the side of the screen indicates how fast it is going, as well as if it is in two- or four-wheel drive. If you finish the race within the "Qualifying Time" displayed in the top-left of the giant television behind Daddy's Girl's lane, you will receive $100, along with the bonus jackpot of $50 if you finished it within the "Bonus Time" displayed in the top-right of the television; but if you cannot finish the race within 25 seconds, the text "DID NOT FINISH RACE" shall appear on the television at the end of the race. The game will then proceed to its next event, the "Chicago Crunch" - and this event is a car crush, which means that you shall have to make your truck perform a wheelie to drive over the cars. The third event, the "St. Paul Sled Pull", is a sled pull (as its naming suggests); your truck will have a sled (which is loaded with beer cans) attached to it from behind, and it will then have to pull it for a randomly-selected distance. The fourth event, the "Boston Bug", will see three green Volkswagen Buggies driving away from the trucks - and you will again have to make them perform a wheelie to drive over them once they catch up with them. The sixth event, the "La Crosse Hops", is a ramp jump, which shall see the trucks driving up ramps and popping wheelies to fly through the air for another randomly-selected distance; however, the ninth event, the "Wichita Wheelie", is a wheelie race which will see the trucks having to drive while in wheelie mode for a third randomly-decided distance. Lastly, the twelfth event, the "Bangor Bug-Bang-Up", will see the trucks having to knock one green Volkswagen Buggy off another one to make it fly through the air for a fourth randomly-selected distance - and if there is more than one player the game will occasionally invoke a "Tug-Of-War" bonus event, in which both players will have ten seconds to drag the other player's truck (they are tied together with a rope) over a black line, for a $250 prize. The table below shows all fifty-two regular events, with their types, bonus jackpots, and qualifying times.

Event Name Type Bonus Jackpot Qualify Time/Distance Bonus Time/Distance
1 The Dover Dirt Track Speed rally $50 5:10 4:60
2 The Chicago Crunch Car crush $100 6:75 6:25
3 The St. Paul Sled Pull Sled pull $150 Varies Varies
4 The Boston Bug Volkswagen Buggy crush $150 4:25 3:85
5 The Denver Crush Car crush $200 9:00 8:50
6 The La Crosse Hops Ramp jump $250 Varies Varies
7 The South Bend N' Break Car crush $250 8:75 8:25
8 The St. Louis Smash Car crush $300 7:25 6:50
9 The Wichita Wheelie Wheelie race $350 Varies Varies
10 The Cincinatti Crinkle Car crush $350 6:90 6:40
11 The Battle Creek Crunch Car crush $400 9:75 9:25
12 The Bangor Bug-Bang-Up Volkswagen Buggy bang-up $450 Varies Varies
13 The Memphis Mash Car crush $450 8:10 7:60
14 The Bismarck Bugs Volkswagen Buggy crush $500 8:00 7:50
15 The Pittsburgh Pull Sled pull $500 Varies Varies
16 The Cheyenne Crumble Car crush $500 8:25 7:75
17 The Orange County Crush Car crush $500 12:50 11:50
18 The Little Rock Leap Ramp jump $500 Varies Varies
19 The Lincoln Crash Car crush $500 7:50 7:00
20 The Rapid City Rush Car crush $500 9:50 8:75
21 The Hartford Hayride Wheelie race $500 Varies Varies
22 The Charleston Crunch Car crush $50 10:75 10:00
23 The Richmond Rampage Car crush $100 10:25 9:50
24 The Baton Rouge Bug Bash Volkswagen Buggy bang-up $150 Varies Varies
25 The Bowling Green Grind Car crush $150 6:50 5:75
26 The Concord Crunch Car crush $200 7:95 7:25
27 The Providence Pull Sled pull $250 Varies Varies
28 The Billings Bug Crush Car crush $250 12:50 11:75
29 The Seattle Smash Car crush $300 8:75 8:25
30 The Jackson Jump Ramp jump $350 Varies Varies
31 The Clearwater Crush Car crush $350 8:50 8:00
32 The Atlanta Crack-Up Car crush $400 10:75 10:25
33 The Fort Worth Wheelie Wheelie race $450 Varies Varies
34 The Montpelier Mash Car crush $50 10:25 9:75
35 The Salem Slalom Car crush $100 15:25 14:25
36 The Boise Bug Bang Volkswagen Buggy bang-up $150 Varies Varies
37 The Buffalo Bug Car/Volkswagen Buggy crush $150 6:50 6:00
38 The Salt Lake City Crash Car crush $200 7:25 6:25
39 The Tulsa Tug Sled pull $250 Varies Varies
40 The Raleigh Rally $250 Speed rally 5:70 5:20
41 The Columbia Grind Car crush $500 12:10 11:60
42 The Las Vegas Vault Ramp jump $500 Varies Varies
43 The Maui Mash Car crush $500 7:00 6:50
44 The Jersey City Crunch Car crush $500 9:75 9:00
45 Washington DC Wheelie Wheelie race $500 Varies Varies
46 The Davenport Demolition Car crush $500 10:25 9:75
47 The Ottawa Obstacle Car crush $500 12:50 11:75
48 The Baltimore Bug Smash Volkswagen Buggy crush $500 Varies Varies
49 The Phoenix Sled Pull Sled pull $500 Varies Varies
50 The Juneau Jump Ramp jump $500 Varies Varies
51 The Santa Fe Hayride Wheelie race $500 Varies Varies
52 The Birmingham Bug Blitz Volkswagen Buggy bang-up $500 Varies Varies

After the fifty-second event, the game shall not end; it shall merely start again, and proceed to repeat until all three of the players have run out of money.