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Some chips have one of four elements: Aqua ("water" in ancient Latin), Elec (short for "electricity"), Fire or Wood. Fire chips are very effective versus Wood viruses, Wood chips are effective versus Elec, Elec are effective versus Aqua, Aqua are effective versus Fire. In some instances of the list, "wood/none" or "fire/none" is listed as element: this means that the chip is non-elemental, but the enemy that drops it is wood-elemental, therefore weak against Fire, or fire-elemental, thus weak against Aqua.

The column Program Advance shows the program advances that require each chip. The number between brackets followed by a star represents the relative strength of the Program. The number between brackets (n.X) shows in which order the chips should be used to make the Program Advance.

For example, let's consider "(4*) B-Sword S". It has a relative strength of 4, and all the chips have to be with the code S. Sorting the table by Program Advance, the Chips necessary for it will appear in the correct order: n.1 Sword S, n.2 WideSwrd S, n.3 LongSwrd S. If the player selects the three chips in this order from the menu, they'll morph into the B-Sword.

Program Advances with names starting with Z- (e.g. Z-Canon1), O- (e.g. O-Canon1) and S- (e.g. S-Sword) have slightly different rules. For more information, see the next page in this guide, about the Program Advances.

ID Image Name Codes Element Attack Description Rarity Program advance
1 Cannon ABCDE (none) 40 A nice, big cannon! (01*) Z-Canon1
(01*) O-Canon1
2 HiCannon FGHIJ (none) 80 A nice, big cannon! ★★ (02*) Z-Canon2
(02*) O-Canon2
3 M-Cannon KLMNO (none) 120 A nice, big cannon! ★★★ (06*) PwrCanon K (n.4)
(03*) Z-Canon3
(03*) O-Canon3
4 Shotgun KMNQR (none) 30 Hits enemy and keeps going 1pnl (06*) PwrCanon K (n.1)
5 CrossGun CEFJK (none) 30 4-panel diagonal blast (06*) PwrCanon K (n.2)
6 Spreader HIJKL (none) 30 Gun with a 1-panel blast ★★ (06*) PwrCanon K (n.3)
(02*) Z-Spread
(02*) O-Spread
7 Bubbler AKLPS Aqua 50 Bubbles w/ a 1-panel blast
8 Heater CFGKO Fire 70 Fire with a 1-panel blast ★★
9 MiniBomb CEJLP (none) 50 Throw a bomb! Depth=3
10 LilBomb BDGOT (none) 50 Throw a bomb! Depth=3 (07*) B-Bomb B (n.1)
(07*) S-Bomb B (n.1)
11 CrosBomb BDHJL (none) 70 Cross bomb Depth=3 ★★ (07*) B-Bomb B (n.2)
(07*) S-Bomb B (n.2)
12 BigBomb BGOST (none) 90 Bomb with a big boom Depth=3 ★★★★ (07*) B-Bomb B (n.3)
(07*) S-Bomb B (n.3)
13 Sword BKLPS (none) 80 Cut down enemies! Range=1 (04*) B-Sword S (n.1)
(04*) S-Sword S (n.1)
14 WideSwrd CKMNS (none) 80 Cut down column! Range=1 (04*) B-Sword S (n.2)
(04*) S-Sword S (n.2)
15 LongSwrd DENOS (none) 80 Cut down enemies! Range=2 ★★ (04*) B-Sword S (n.3)
(04*) S-Sword S (n.3)
16 FtrSword BKLPS (none) 100 Warrior's sword Range=3 ★★★ (13*) 2xHero B (n.1)
17 KngtSwrd BCEGH (none) 150 Knight's sword Range=3 ★★★★ (13*) 2xHero B (n.2)
18 HeroSwrd BDFIJ (none) 200 Legendary sword Range=3 ★★★★★ (13*) 2xHero B (n.3)
19 FireSwrd BFGNP Fire 100 Cuts down column Range=1 ★★
20 AquaSwrd AMNOP Aqua 150 Cuts down column Range=1 ★★★
21 ElecSwrd EGLOS Elec 120 Cuts down column Range=1 ★★★
22 Muramasa CEGJK (none) Do damage = to your HP loss ★★★★★
23 ShokWave CKLNP (none) 60 Piercing ground wave (06*) B-Wave C (n.1)
(06*) S-Wave C (n.1)
24 SoniWave CDJMS (none) 80 Piercing ground wave ★★ (06*) B-Wave C (n.2)
(06*) S-Wave C (n.2)
25 DynaWave CEMRS (none) 100 Piercing ground wave ★★★ (06*) B-Wave C (n.3)
(06*) S-Wave C (n.3)
26 FireTowr EFLMT Fire 100 Fire that can move up & down ★★
27 AquaTowr ACGHR Aqua 120 Aqua that can move up & down ★★
28 WoodTowr BCHKN Wood 140 Log that can move up & down ★★
29 Quake1 AEHKQ (none) 90 Cracks a panel Depth=3 (06*) B-Quake Q (n.1)
(06*) S-Quake Q (n.1)
30 Quake2 BCIKQ (none) 120 Cracks a panel Depth=3 ★★ (06*) B-Quake Q (n.2)
(06*) S-Quake Q (n.2)
31 Quake3 CDHMQ (none) 150 Cracks a panel Depth=3 ★★★ (12*) HvyStamp C (n.4)
(06*) B-Quake Q (n.1)
(06*) S-Quake Q (n.1)
32 GutsPnch BHMNT (none) 60 Knocks stuff over Range=1 (04*) BgStrait B (n.1)
33 IcePunch BHMNT Aqua 80 Knocks stuff over Range=1 ★★ (04*) BgStrait B (n.2)
34 Dash BDGLO (none) 50 Knock over all in your path! (05*) GtsShoot G (n.2)
(04*) BgStrait B (n.3)
35 Howitzer ACGHO (none) 150 Breaks panels Depth=3 ★★★★
36 TriArrow ABCDE (none) 40 Fires a 3-arrow burst (01*) Z-Arrow
(01*) O-Arrow
37 TriSpear FGHIJ (none) 50 Fires a 3-spear burst ★★ (02*) Z-Spear
(02*) O-Spear
38 TriLance KLMNO (none) 60 Fires a 3-lance burst ★★★★ (04*) Z-Lance
(04*) O-Lance
39 Ratton1 ABCDE (none) 80 Missile that can turn once (01*) Z-Raton1
(01*) O-Raton1
40 Ratton2 FGHIJ (none) 100 Missile that can turn once ★★ (02*) Z-Raton2
(02*) O-Raton2
41 Ratton3 KLMNO (none) 120 Missile that can turn once ★★★ (03*) Z-Raton3
(03*) O-Raton3
42 Wave ADILM Aqua 80 3-row wave! [Aqua] ★★★ (08*) BloodSuk A (n.4)
43 RedWave BEJNP Fire 100 3-row lava wave! [Fire] ★★★
44 BigWave CHKLQ Aqua 160 3-row giant wave [Aqua] ★★★★
45 Gaia1 CDLOT (none) 100 Rolling 3-column explosion! ★★★ (12*) HvyStamp C (n.1)
46 Gaia2 CFKPS (none) 130 Rolling 3-column explosion! ★★★★ (12*) HvyStamp C (n.2)
47 Gaia3 CGMRT (none) 160 Rolling 3-column explosion! ★★★★★ (12*) HvyStamp C (n.3)
48 Thunder1 AEGHS Elec 90 A rolling lightning attack
49 Thunder2 BCFIL Elec 120 A rolling lightning attack ★★
50 Thunder3 DFGKN Elec 150 A rolling lightning attack ★★★
51 RingZap1 GHMNP Elec 100 Lightning circles you once
52 RingZap2 CEGJL Elec 100 Lightning circles you twice ★★
53 RingZap3 ABORT Elec 100 Lightning circles you thrice ★★★
54 Typhoon ABDEG (none) 30 Creates a twister w/ 3 hits (06*) Storm G (n.1)
55 Huricane GIJKL (none) 30 Creates a twister w/ 5 hits ★★ (06*) Storm G (n.2)
56 Cyclone EFGHI (none) 30 Creates a twister w/ 8 hits ★★★ (06*) Storm G (n.3)
57 Snakegg1 BEGMN Wood 130 Squirming snake attack!
58 Snakegg2 CEHNP Elec 140 Shocking snake attack! ★★
59 Snakegg3 ACFLS Fire 150 Scorching snake attack! ★★★
60 Drain1 ABDKO (none) 50 Charge to drain HP from enemy ★★ (08*) BloodSuk A (n.1)
61 Drain2 ACHNT (none) 70 Charge to drain HP from enemy ★★ (08*) BloodSuk A (n.2)
62 Drain3 AEFLQ (none) 90 Charge to drain HP from enemy ★★★ (08*) BloodSuk A (n.3)
63 BodyBurn EFKMN Fire 100 Engulf all around you in flames! ★★★★
64 X-Panel1 BDGLS (none) Erase 1 panel Range=1 ★★
65 X-Panel3 BDGLS (none) Erase column Range=1 ★★★
66 Hammer AFIMQ (none) 100 Breaks cubes Range=1 ★★
67 MetGuard ACEGL (none) Hold A Btn for 3 sec defense! (05*) GtsShoot G (n.1)
68 IronShld ABORT (none) Hold btn. to create shield! ★★
69 Recov10 ACEGL (none) Recover 10HP
70 Recov30 ACEGL (none) Recover 30HP
71 Recov50 ACEGL (none) Recover 50HP
72 Recov80 ACEGL (none) Recover 80HP
73 Recov120 ACEGL (none) Recover 120HP ★★
74 Recov150 ACEGL (none) Recover 150HP ★★
75 Recov200 ACEGL (none) Recover 200HP ★★★
76 Recov300 ACEGL (none) Recover 300HP ★★★★
77 Steal AELPS (none) Steal left column of enemy area ★★★
78 Geddon1 FHJLN (none) All panels become cracked! ★★★
79 Geddon2 ABEIK (none) Erases all empty panels ★★★★
80 Escape FHJLN (none) Escape from most enemies ★★★
81 Interupt FHJLN (none) Destroy enemy chip data ★★★
82 Repair AGHKS (none) Repair panels in your area (06*) Storm G (n.4)
83 TimeBom1 EGJLQ (none) 80 Sets time bomb in enemy area ★★
84 TimeBom2 CFJLS (none) 120 Sets time bomb in enemy area ★★★
85 TimeBom3 ABGOP (none) 160 Sets time bomb in enemy area ★★★★
86 Cloud BGHOR Aqua 30 Rains up & down on 1 column
87 Cloudier ADIMP Aqua 50 Rains up & down on 1 column ★★
88 Cloudest CFJKO Aqua 100 Rains up & down on 1 column ★★★
89 Mine1 GHMNP (none) 160 Hides a mine in enemy area ★★
90 Mine2 CEGJL (none) 180 Hides a mine in enemy area ★★★
91 Mine3 ABORT (none) 200 Hides a mine in enemy area ★★★★
92 Dynamyt1 BGOQS wood/none 100 Looks right for enemy ★★★
93 Dynamyt2 ACKMN wood/none 120 Looks diagonally for enemy ★★★
94 Dynamyt3 GKMOP wood/none 100 Looks up & down for enemy ★★★
95 Remobit1 ACFNO Elec 80 Remote control smasher!
96 Remobit2 BDEHI Elec 100 Remote control smasher!
97 Remobit3 GJKPQ Elec 120 Remote control smasher!
98 Lockon1 CDHIL (none) 10 Creates a lock on satellite!
99 Lockon2 BEGHM (none) 15 Creates a lock on satellite! ★★
100 Lockon3 ADKNO (none) 20 Creates a lock on satellite! ★★★
101 Candle1 CFIPS fire/none Set candle & recover some HP ★★
102 Candle2 BEGJL fire/none Set candle & recover some HP ★★★
103 Candle3 ADHKM fire/none Set candle & recover some HP ★★★★
104 Anubis CLNQT (none) Set Anubis statue to reduce HP ★★★★★
105 IceCube ACILM Aqua Creates a ice cube Range=1 ★★
106 RockCube BEGMO (none) Creates 3 rock cubes randomly ★★★
107 BstrGard AGKNR (none) 1-turn of MetGuard w/ B Btn. ★★★
108 BstrBomb DHJOT (none) 1-turn of MiniBomb w/ B Btn. ★★★★
109 BstrSwrd BELPS (none) 1-turn use of Sword with B Btn. ★★★★
110 BstrPnch CFIMQ (none) 1-turn of GutsPnch with B Btn. ★★★★
111 SloGauge HKNOQ (none) Slows down custom gauge ★★
112 FstGauge ACELN (none) Speeds up custom gauge ★★
113 Invis1 IJLOQ (none) Temporary immunity ★★
114 Invis2 ACFJM (none) Temporary immunity ★★★
115 Invis3 BDHKN (none) Temporary immunity ★★★★
116 Dropdown ABORT wood/none Invisible until you attack! ★★★★★
117 Popup CDHKN (none) Invisible when not attacking! ★★★★★
118 IronBody CDLQR (none) 30 seconds stoneshape Defense UP ★★
119 Barrier DFMRS (none) Nullify 1 enemy attack ★★ (07*) LifeSavr R (n.1)
120 BblWrap1 CEGIM Aqua Aqua wall Comes back if damaged ★★
121 BblWrap2 DFHKN Aqua Aqua wall Comes back if damaged ★★
122 BblWrap3 ABLQR Aqua Aqua wall Comes back if damaged ★★★
123 LeafShld CDFKQ Wood Turns dmg from 1 hit into HP ★★★
124 AquaAura DELRS Aqua Null<10dmg Weak vs. [Elec] ★★ (07*) LifeSavr R (n.2)
125 FireAura BGINT Fire Null<40dmg Weak vs. [Aqua] ★★★
126 WoodAura CFJOQ Wood Null<80dmg Weak vs. [Fire] ★★★★
127 LifeAura AHKMP (none) Negate all attacks w/ damage<100 ★★★★★
128 Roll R (none) 60 Hit enemy and heal some HP ★★★ (07*) LifeSavr R (n.3)
129 Roll2 R (none) 80 Hit enemy and heal some HP ★★★★ (07*) LifeSavr R (n.3)
130 Roll3 R (none) 100 Hit enemy and heal some HP ★★★★★ (07*) LifeSavr R (n.3)
131 GutsMan G (none) 40 Shock foe and crack enemy area ★★★ (05*) GtsShoot G (n.3)
132 GutsMan2 G (none) 70 Shock foe and crack enemy area ★★★★ (05*) GtsShoot G (n.3)
133 GutsMan3 G (none) 100 Shock foe and crack enemy area ★★★★★ (05*) GtsShoot G (n.3)
134 ProtoMan B (none) 140 Hit column w/ nearest enemy ★★★ (13*) 2xHero B (n.4)
135 ProtoMn2 B (none) 160 Hit column w/ nearest enemy ★★★★ (13*) 2xHero B (n.4)
136 ProtoMn3 B (none) 180 Hit column w/ nearest enemy ★★★★★ (13*) 2xHero B (n.4)
137 FireMan F Fire 100 1 row fire arm ★★★
138 FireMan2 F Fire 120 1 row fire arm ★★★★
139 FireMan3 F Fire 150 1 row fire arm ★★★★★
140 NumbrMan N (none) DieRollx10 damage to enemy area ★★★
141 NumbrMn2 N (none) DieRollx20 damage to enemy area ★★★★
142 NumbrMn3 N (none) DieRollx30 damage to enemy area ★★★★★
143 StoneMan S (none) 100 Drops 3x3 stones on enemy area ★★★
144 StoneMn2 S (none) 100 Drops 4x3 stones on enemy area ★★★★
145 StoneMn3 S (none) 100 Drops 5x3 stones on enemy area ★★★★★
146 IceMan I Aqua 60 Blizzard attack on enemy area ★★★
147 IceMan2 I Aqua 80 Blizzard attack on enemy area ★★★★
148 IceMan3 I Aqua 100 Blizzard attack on enemy area ★★★★★
149 ColorMan C (none) 90 Towers of [Aqua] & [Fire]! ★★★
150 ColorMn2 C (none) 110 Towers of [Aqua] & [Fire]! ★★★★
151 ColorMn3 C (none) 130 Towers of [Aqua] & [Fire]! ★★★★★
152 ElecMan E Elec 90 Lightning hits enemy panel! ★★★
153 ElecMan2 E Elec 120 Lightning hits enemy panel! ★★★★
154 ElecMan3 E Elec 150 Lightning hits enemy panel! ★★★★★
155 BombMan B Fire 120 Enemy area CrossBomb Depth=3 ★★★
156 BombMan2 B Fire 140 Enemy area CrossBomb Depth=3 ★★★★
157 BombMan3 B Fire 160 Enemy area CrossBomb Depth=3 ★★★★★
158 MagicMan M (none) 100 Magic fire =instant delete!? ★★★
159 MagicMn2 M (none) 120 Magic fire =instant delete!? ★★★★
160 MagicMn3 M (none) 140 Magic fire =instant delete!? ★★★★★
161 WoodMan W Wood 60 Skewer entire enemy area ★★★
162 WoodMan2 W Wood 80 Skewer entire enemy area ★★★★
163 WoodMan3 W Wood 100 Skewer entire enemy area ★★★★★
164 SkullMan S (none) 150 Big skull attack on one enemy ★★★
165 SkullMn2 S (none) 180 Big skull attack on one enemy ★★★★
166 SkullMn3 S (none) 210 Big skull attack on one enemy ★★★★★
167 SharkMan S Aqua 90 3-row shark fin attack ★★★
168 SharkMn2 S Aqua 110 3-row shark fin attack ★★★★
169 SharkMn3 S Aqua 130 3-row shark fin attack ★★★★★
170 PharoMan P (none) 100 3-row coffin laser! ★★★★★
171 PharoMn2 P (none) 120 3-row coffin laser! ★★★★★
172 PharoMn3 P (none) 140 3-row coffin laser! ★★★★★
173 ShadoMan S (none) 80 Split into 3 for star attack ★★★★★
174 ShadoMn2 S (none) 90 Split into 3 for star attack ★★★★★
175 ShadoMn3 S (none) 100 Split into 3 for star attack ★★★★★
176 Bass F (none) 200 Explodes on entire area! ★★★★★