Namco's 1992 first-person racing/shooter arcade game Lucky & Wild is divided into six stages; the players must guide the car and gunsights of the two eponymous Neo Field police officers ("Lucky" and "Wild") as they attempt to capture six wanted suspects, who are members of the narcotics syndicate "Big Cigar". If you are using MAME to play this game, you will not be able to make the crosshairs move by default - you must therefore press 9 and F2 together in order to enter the game's lightgun calibration mode. A target will be displayed up in the top-right corner of the screen as the text "SHOOT IT TOP RIGHT ICON, PLAYER 1 GUN" is displayed in the centre of the screen; use the arrow keys to move the crosshair up to the target, then press Ctrl to fire at it (if you hit it, it will turn red). You will now have to press "9" again as another target is displayed in the bottom-left corner of the screen and the text "SHOOT IT BOTTOM LEFT ICON, PLAYER 1 GUN" is displayed in the centre of the screen - and again, you'll have to use the arrow keys to move that crosshair down to the target, then press Ctrl to fire at it (and again, if you hit it, it will turn red). You will then have to press "9" once again, as a third target is displayed up in the top-right corner of the screen and the text "SHOOT IT TOP RIGHT ICON, PLAYER 2 GUN" is displayed in the centre of the screen; use R, D, F and G to move the crosshair up to the target, and press A to fire at it (if you hit it, it will turn blue). You will now have to press "9" yet again as a fourth and final target is displayed in the bottom-left corner of the screen and the text "SHOOT IT BOTTOM LEFT ICON, PLAYER 2 GUN" is displayed in the centre of the screen - and again, you have to use R, D, F and G to move that crosshair down to the target, then press A to fire at it (and again, if you hit it, it will turn blue) before pressing F2 again to put the game back into attract mode. The lightguns' calibration will be saved in an NV file.
Lucky and Wild will be given a preset amount of time, in which to catch the suspect for each stage, and have the power to shoot anything on the screen (including all background objects); each time they get hit, the text of "DAMAGE" will appear at the bottom of the screen, and the joint life bar (like that of Galaxian³) will decrease, and when they are low on energy the text of "DANGER" will appear over the life bar and a warning sound effect will start to be heard from the C140. When they catch up with the suspect, they must continuously fire upon the car until its energy is depleted - and if they succeed in doing so, they will have captured the suspect and will receive a reward, but if the stage's timer runs out the suspect will escape (indicated by the text of "GOT AWAY" appearing on the screen). Lucky and Wild will also regain their energy at the end of each stage while they are at the "Pink Cats Garage".