The Forest Course is your first track that you'll play. It is a four-lane highway with only a few other cars on the track, but will contain hazards once you reach the second checkpoint.
Leg 1
Leg 2
Left turn
Right turn
Right turn
Left turn
Right turn
Left turn
Right turn
Left turn
Right turn
Left turn
Right turn
Small right turn
Left turn
Left turn, right turn, left turn
Leg 3
Leg 4
Left turn, right turn, left turn
Log appears on right of track.
Water appears on left.
Log appears on left of track; use to jump over water.
Log appears on left, then log on right. Jump on the right log over water.
Water slows you down; unavoidable
Right turn.
Log on left, then on right. Jump over right log.
Right turn, left turn.
Left turn.
Right turn, starting after hill peak.
Right turn, starting after hill peak.
Left turn
Left turn, right turn
After seeing a log off-road, a left turn.
Right turn.
Leg 5
At checkpoint, Rocks appear on the right.
Right turn, left turn, right turn.
After hill peak, rocks appear on the left.
Alternating left/right turns.
After third left turn, water appears on the right.
Additional water and rock hazards appear on the straight track.
After second rock hazard, log appears on the right; jump over the water with it.