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Spring Breeze Levels

Initially, Spring Breeze is the only mode available to you. You'll need to beat this to unlock more, and thankfully it's the shortest and easiest mode of all.

Out of pure greed and gluttony, King Dedede commands his soldiers to steal all of the food from Dreamland. Kirby must fight his way to King Dedede to get the food back!

Stage 1: Green Greens[edit | edit source]

From where you begin, move right. Suck up the Waddle Doo to earn the Beam ability if you wish. Jump over the green-and-pink pedestal and go through the door to your right. A Maxim Tomato is here if you need to refill your life bar, as well as a Sir Kibble you can swallow to earn the Cutter ability. Go through the door back to where we just were. Continue right, defeating enemies as you go, and when you get to a gap, jump over it. You will then see a Warp Star – jump on it to fly to the next area.

Go right to find a Poppy Bros. Jr. (but swallowing him gives you nothing). A Poppy Bros. Sr. will appear soon after – it’s easy to defeat, so just use your ability on him. If you do not have an ability, you can suck in the bombs he throws and spit them back out at him to do damage. If he dashes to the other side of the screen, make sure to jump and float over him to avoid getting damaged. Once he is defeated, swallow him to earn the Bomb ability, if you desire. Break the blocks ahead of you with an ability to access three food items if you need them. There’s a Poppy Bros. Jr. with a bomb ahead of you – if you didn’t get the Bomb ability back when fighting the miniboss, now’s the chance to get it--you'll want an ability against the boss coming up. Continue through the door.

You’re now in a tree-like area. Move right and jump through the blocks, then move left. Destroy the blocks to earn a 1-up, then jump up to the area where the door is. Don’t go through it yet – destroy the right block to get an apple (there’s a boss fight ahead), and then go through the door.

Boss: Whispy Woods
Bomb Kirby and Waddle Doo versus Whispy Woods
Drop down the gaps to meet the first boss in Spring Breeze, Whispy Woods. If you have an ability and/or a partner, this boss is very easy to beat – just pummel it with attacks.

Avoid the apples that fall from the tree’s branches and the puffs of breath it creates, and just keep hitting it. If you don’t have an ability, you can suck up the apples that fall from its branches and spit them back out at it.

When it loses all its health, grab the floating stars to continue on to the next level.

Stage 2: Float Islands[edit | edit source]

To the immediate right of you will be a Knuckle Joe; suck him up to earn the Fighter ability. Float over the gap (there’s nothing in the water but enemies), and then go through the door.

Drop down the gap and defeat the Kabu. Destroy the block on your left for some health-replenishing food, and when you’re done, climb up the ladder. Move right (don’t drop down the gap just yet), but be careful of the spikes above you. Break the mess of blocks to uncover a hidden passage; go in to find a 1-up, but be careful of the falling coconuts, as they will damage you. Exit the way you came, and drop down that gap. There’s a Chilly here that you can swallow to earn the Ice ability. Break the blocks and go through the door.

As soon as you enter the next area, a lollipop will fall from the sky. Grab it to become temporarily invincible, and run right as fast as you can. Enter the door at the far-right side.

Hopefully, you’re still invincible, so you can easily defeat the miniboss here with one hit – just touch him and he’s dead. You can swallow him for the Ice ability, if you didn't get it from the Chilly earlier. Hop on the Warp Star to continue.

In front of you is a Bomber that can grant you the Crash ability, a Blade Knight with the Sword ability, and a Sir Kibble. If you choose to keep the Crash ability, you'll be able to destroy the boss in a single attack (but if you somehow miss, you're left without an ability). If you've got Crash, slide into or jump over the other enemies, and go through the door at the far-right side.

Boss: Lololo and Lalala
Sword Kirby and Chilly versus Lololo and Lalala
Lololo and Lalala are two separate enemies that can be defeated the same way. They each carry blocks of ice that can be swallowed if you don’t have an ability. If you do, however, always try to hit the bosses in the back. Drop or jump to a different level if they’re on yours, and drop or jump on their level if they’ve already passed you.

Sometimes these enemies will carry Gordos instead of ice, so make sure to get out of the way quickly. They both share one half of the enemy life meter.

When you defeat them both, you’ll be transported to another area. Grab the floating stars and continue.

Stage 3: Bubbly Clouds[edit | edit source]

Move right towards the door, avoiding a Bronto Burt, a Blade Knight (sword ability), and a few cannons as you go along. Go through the door.

Go right and jump up, being careful of the spikes. A Simirror is on the ledge above you; swallow it to earn the Mirror ability. Move left, defeat enemies (including a Sir Kibble), and go through the door at the end.

Bronto Burts will fly toward you in this starry area; defeat them or avoid them. Grab the two food items here, and float up through the door.

Here you’ll find a small version of Kracko, who you’ll fight later in the stage, and a Waddle Doo. You can suck up the Waddle Doo to earn the Beam ability, which is helpful in fighting against him. Kracko can move in a zig-zag pattern across the screen, making him hard to avoid. He can also spawn more Waddle Doos if one is defeated. During this spawning period, attack him with aerial attacks such as the Cutter or Sword abilities. If you’re ability-less, wait for another Waddle Doo to appear and get the Beam ability. After he is defeated, jump on the Warp Star.

Don’t bother going in the water; there’s nothing in there. Instead, jump over and you’ll see a Mike. Swallow it for the rare Mike ability, and use puffs of air (or another ability) to break the blocks to the right. Embedded in the blocks is both one food item and a 1-up. If you got the Mike ability, try not to waste it here – it won’t break any blocks. After you get through the blocks, defeat the sunflowers if you want. Float upward to the door. There’s a Poppy Bros. Jr. here, which can grant you the Bomb ability. Be careful of the gap to the right – there’s a Maxim Tomato down there, but if you stand too long on the block, it’ll break and you’ll fall into the pit, losing a life. Go through the door.

You’re getting close to the boss. Here, you’ll find two Sir Kibbles, two Parasol Waddle Dees, and two Rockys. Swallow them to get the Cutter, Parasol, and Stone abilities, respectively. When you’re ready to face the boss, go through the door at the top.

Boss: Kracko
Bomb Kirby and Blade Knight versus Kracko
The cloud version of Kracko is a rather difficult boss, compared to the others in Spring Breeze. He has the ability to fly around the screen, produce lightning, and create Waddle Doos. Use the same method as before – wait until he isn’t moving, and attack.

When he creates a Waddle Doo, lightning will spin around him, so attack him from a distance (the Cutter ability works well). If he tries to “rain” bolts of lightning onto you, hold down the shield button and don’t let go. Abilities that attack from a distance, like Beam, Cutter, and Bomb, are very useful when fighting Kracko.

When he is defeated, grab the floating stars to move on to the final level.

Last Stage: Mt. Dedede[edit | edit source]

You start off in a room with nothing but a Rocky, a Poppy Bros. Jr., a Waddle Doo, a Parasol Waddle Dee, and a door that leads to the final boss. You can swallow any of these enemies for an ability; Bomb works the best, as it can defeat King Dedede the fastest. Choose your abilities, and go through the door to confront the final boss.

Boss: King Dedede
Bomb Kirby and Blade Knight versus King Dedede
If you have the Bomb ability, King Dedede can be defeated rather easily – just continuously attack with bombs, avoiding him when you have the chance. Any of the other abilities that you could have collected in the room before you would work, also. If you don’t have an ability, it will be a bit harder.

Dedede has several attacks that include swallowing you, hitting you with a hammer, rolling into you, floating in midair, and dropping on top of you. Whenever he walks toward you, he’s probably trying to roll into you or swallow you – run away, or float above him. When he walks toward you with his hammer out, allow him to get close to you, and then run away. If your timing is right, he’ll slam the hammer down on the ground and a star will pop out. Suck up the star and spit it out at him to deal some damage. Sometimes he will jump up in the air and try to land on you; when he does this, run to the side of him and suck up one of the stars that appear, then spit it back out.

Rarely, King Dedede will puff up and float around the stage. Stay on the ground and dash under him while he’s above the ground to avoid getting hit. Keep attacking him with abilities or stars and eventually he’ll give.

Watch the ending scene; congrats – you’ve beaten Spring Breeze. Once it's over, press a button to return to the main menu. You'll find three more modes unlocked: Dyna Blade, Great Cave Offensive, and Gourmet Race.