Green phones[edit | edit source]
Sink or Swim![edit | edit source]
West phone
Dr LaBrat
Hello, THC-303, it's Dr LaBrat. Zaibatsu Operatives have secret SRS data and I want it back. Steal a Taxi and keep it in one piece - too much destruction will alert the Cops. |
Dr LaBrat
The first Zaibatsu is waiting by the Clock Tower. He suspects nothing. |
Dr LaBrat
Sound the horn, THC-303. |
Zaibatsu Operative
Taxi! You are early. Where are the others? |
Dr LaBrat
Good, THC-303. Pick up the second Z-Operative. |
Zaibatsu Operative
At last! Taxi! |
Dr LaBrat
Well done, THC-303. Now find the third Z-Man. |
Ziabatsu Operative
About time! Here is my Z-ID. |
Dr LaBrat
Only one Z-Operative to collect, THC-303. |
Zaibatsu Operative
Ooh, is there a party going on in here? |
Dr LaBrat
Drive our Zaibatsu friends to the South-East Dock Crane, THC-303. |
Dr LaBrat
Get out of the car, THC-303, and watch the Zaibatsu die! |
Dr LaBrat
Efficient and effective work, THC-303. Here is $30,000. Spend it productively. |
Fake Truce![edit | edit source]
East phone
Dr LaBrat
Ah, THC-303. Dr LaBrat here. The Zaibatsu and Rednecks want a peace meeting so I'm taking the opportunity to perform an experiment. Collect the old Factory Bus and I will unravel my plan. |
Dr LaBrat
First, collect the Redneck delegation from Cobbs Store in Mobile RV. |
Okay, boys, get on the Bus - and no spittin'! |
Dr LaBrat
Now drive to The Ol' Banjo and pick up some more White Trash. |
C'mon, climb aboard! |
Dr LaBrat
Drive with haste to the Zaibatsu Village, THC-303, and collect the Zaibatsu delegates. |
Climb aboard, Z-Operatives. But do not communicate with the Rednecks. |
Dr LaBrat
Okay, THC-303, only one more Zaibatsu group to collect. |
All aboard, Z-Men. |
Dr LaBrat
Now be careful, THC-303. Bring them all back to the Scientist Research Center - and fast. |
Dr LaBrat
You did well, THC-303. Now get off the Bus and let my SRS Clones take it from here. |
Dr LaBrat
Congratulations, THC-303. I can see your talents developing under my auspices. Here is $30,000 for your hard work. |
Yellow phones[edit | edit source]
LaBrat's Plan![edit | edit source]
North phone
Dr LaBrat
Ah, THC-303! Dr LaBrat here. SRS research suggests the Zaibatsu population is on the rise. Please visit The Village and reduce their number to a more acceptable statistical median. |
Dr LaBrat
Here you are at The Village, THC-303. Now I don't care which ones you kill - just so long as you kill 47 of them. |
Dr LaBrat
Come on, THC-303! Kill! Kill! Kill! |
Dr LaBrat
Keep it up, THC-303! |
Dr LaBrat
Wonderful work, THC-303 - worthy of $50,000. |
Gran'pa We Love You![edit | edit source]
South phone
Drive fast, City Boy, and you might just get mah Pickup. Don't bother tryin' to get out of that car - the doors are locked shut! Hoo-hah! Ready? Steady! Go, Boy! GO! |
GodDAMN you are one superfast son-of-a-bitch! I hate to say this but... mah Pickup's all yours, City Boy! |
Dr LaBrat
Well done, THC-303. Now go to the Ol' Banjo and collect Gran'pa. |
Dr LaBrat
There's Gran'pa. He's old and blind but he should recognize the sound of Dirk's Pickup... Sound the horn to get his attention. |
Hey there, young fella! Go easy on that horn! I'm comin'. |
Dr LaBrat
Fantastic, THC-303. Bring Gran'pa to the Research Center - in one piece. Do not let the Rednecks catch you. |
Dr LaBrat
Smooth, THC-303. You are a cool operator. Please accept $50,000 with our thanks for all your hard work. |
Redneck Attack![edit | edit source]
Previous phone
Dr LaBrat
THC-303 - it's Dr LaBrat. Drunken Rednecks are using our high-powered Generators for target practise. Go now and prepare to protect our power source. |
Dr LaBrat
We need at least ONE Generator intact, THC-303, so defend them well. The Rednecks are on the move. We should have auxiliary power on line in TWO minutes. |
Dr LaBrat
Excellent, THC-303. We are still at full power. Here's $50,000. |
Dr LaBrat
You only lost one Generator, THC-303, so we have no need for auxiliary power. Here's $30,000. |
Dr LaBrat
Well, THC-303, at least we still have one operational Generator to take the strain. Here's $10,000. |
Red phone[edit | edit source]
Taxi Traitor Test![edit | edit source]
Dr LaBrat
Hello, THC-303, it's Dr LaBrat. Our prototype remote-control Taxi needs a good operator - like you. If you perform well further work will be made available. |
Dr LaBrat
Take the Taxi around the Test Track for FIVE laps - and if you beat the record the job is yours. GO! |
Dr LaBrat
Excellent, THC-303! You beat the time. Don't worry about the mess - we haven't had time to test the system properly. |
Dr LaBrat
Think you can handle test-driving the remote-control Taxi around town? Well that's the job. We need you to pick up THREE suspected SRS Traitors, THC-303. Off you go - get the first one. |
SRS Traitor
Ah, just what I need - a Taxi. |
Dr LaBrat
Now the SRS Traitor is in the Taxi, THC-303 - DESTROY IT! |
Dr LaBrat
This SRS Traitor must also die! |
SRS Traitor
Ah, just what I need - a Taxi. |
Dr LaBrat
Now the SRS Traitor is in the Taxi, THC-303 - DESTROY IT! |
Dr LaBrat
Come on, THC-303! |
SRS Traitor
Ah, just what I need - a Taxi. |
Dr LaBrat
Now the SRS Traitor is in the Taxi, THC-303 - DESTROY IT! |
Dr LaBrat
It's a pleasure to watch you work, THC-303. You deserve this $70,000. |
Water Carry On![edit | edit source]
Dr LaBrat
THC-303! Dr LaBrat here. We need you to shut down the H2000 Water Company, no questions asked. I have SRS Clones who can help you, THC-303! |
Dr LaBrat
Destroy the FOUR Turbines and await further instruction. Oh yes - beware of the guards. |
Dr LaBrat
Excellent, THC-303. Now all you need to do is destroy the Generator and the H2000 Water Company will have to call in the plumbers! Ha ha ha! |
Dr LaBrat
Get out of there fast THC-303! The guards are on your tail! |
Dr LaBrat
Well done, THC-303. Now the H2000 Water Company is high and dry and we can continue with our cunning plan. Have $70,000 for your outstanding contribution. |
Scientist Gang Complete![edit | edit source]
Dr LaBrat
Excellent work, THC-303! You have passed all of the Scientist jobs. |