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Box artwork for Driver's Eyes.
Box artwork for Driver's Eyes.
Driver's Eyes
Year released1990
Japanese titleドライバーズアイズ
ModesSingle player
LinksDriver's Eyes ChannelSearch

Driver's Eyes is a first-person racing arcade game that was released by Namco in 1990; it runs upon Namco's System 21 hardware, and is the first game from the company to utilise not just one but three monitors, each with a different view of your action (Tatsumi's TX-1 and TX-1 V8, which were released six years earlier under a Namco license, also utilised three monitors). Players first had to select either "Novice" or "Grand Prix" difficulty level then "Easy Drive" or "Technical Drive" transmission - and your car's engine would then go into the engine bay, as its bodywork came down on top of it (changing the view to its cockpit) with a sign saying "BRAKES ON" in front of it. When the sign lifted the race began.

Table of Contents


Driver's Eyes/Table of Contents