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Bee Games
Bee Games's company logo.
Founder(s)Anton Saburov

Bee Games is a game development company located in Kiev, Ukraine, and founded by Anton Saburov on December 3, 2003. This company may have been formed out of necessity. During the rise of the "casual game" market, shareware was rapidly changing on a worldwide scale. Rather than using his own company, Jaibo Software, legal and contractual issues probably made the formation of a new company feasible. The first games credited to Bee Games were updated versions Mr. Saburov's own creations, Alien Outbreak and PipeFun 2. The company still exists with the last game on record being Ancient Mosaic: Journey Through Time, released in November 2006. In 2007 another company, Jaibo Games, was formed by Anton Saburov. The corporate relationship between it and Bee Games, if any, is unknown.

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