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Arkane Studios
Founder(s)Raphaël Colantonio
Parent companyZeniMax Media

Arkane Studios is a video game developer based in Lyon, France. It was founded in 1999, and released its first game, Arx Fatalis, in 2002. The design of Arx Fatalis was heavily influenced by games from the now-defunct Looking Glass Studios, especially Ultima Underworld.

In July 2006, Arkane Studios announced the opening of an Austin, Texas-based branch.

Games developed[edit | edit source]

Year Title Platform(s) Publisher
2002 Arx Fatalis Windows, Xbox JoWooD Productions
2006 Dark Messiah of Might and Magic Windows, Xbox 360 Ubisoft
2009 KarmaStar iOS Majesco Entertainment
2012 Dishonored PS3, PS4, Windows, Xbox 360, Xbox One Bethesda Softworks
2016 Dishonored 2 PS4, Windows, Xbox One Bethesda Softworks
2017 Prey PS4, Windows, Xbox One Bethesda Softworks
2017 Dishonored: Death of the Outsider PS4, Windows, Xbox One Bethesda Softworks
2019 Wolfenstein: Youngblood PS4, Windows, Xbox One Bethesda Softworks
2019 Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot PS4, Windows Bethesda Softworks
2021 Deathloop PS5, Windows Bethesda Softworks

Pages in category "Arkane Studios"

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