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For more information about Geese, see his Fatal Fury and King of Fighters (Orochi Saga) entries.

Geese Howard appears in several SNK fighting games. He is better known as the chief antagonist in the Fatal Fury series up until the Real Bout Fatal Fury series. Geese is the local crime boss of the fictional city of South Town and is the man responsible for the death of Jeff Bogard, Terry and Andy's father. After his death in Real Bout, his son Rock Howard becomes the series' leading character in Garou: Mark of the Wolves. Geese has also appeared in a few The King of Fighters games, while his young self makes an appearance in the second Art of Fighting game. In most games of the Fatal Fury and The King of Fighters series, Geese only wears the red hakama pants with the white gi either not present or hanging off the back/sides.

Normal Geese plays most like his presentation in the Fatal Fury series. Extra Geese most closely represents the abilities that he had in The King of Fighters '96. In Capcom vs. SNK 2, he plays more like Extra Geese, but he has Normal Geese's travelling Reppukens.

Pro version changes[edit | edit source]

  • Geese's counters now counter any physical attack move in their range, including supers.
  • Geese received a typical tonedown in that he cannot combo Reppukens off the short in either Normal or Extra.
  • Geese has the most damaging combo in all of Pro with a jumping , standing , Level 3 Rising Storm; it instantly kills ratio 1's, and takes off 95% of a ratio 2's life bar.
  • Normal Geese's single Reppuken is slower and he has a longer delay when throwing it.
  • Normal Geese can no longer combo into his Double Repukken from the first hit of standing .
  • Geese can cancel his Forehead Blow move into a counter at various new points in its animation (it can still be cancelled into a Reppuken upon contact as in the original).
  • The first hit of Extra Geese's double reppuken no longer holds opponents in place, but rather pushes them back. This means that the second hit is no longer guaranteed, even off a crouching .

Moves[edit | edit source]

Capcom vs. SNK, Pro[edit | edit source]

Normal[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Forehead Blow +
Reppu Ken +
Double Reppu Ken +
Shippu Ken +
Atemi Nage-Joudan +
Atemi Nage-Chuudan +
Atemi Nage-Gedan +
Raising Storm +
Deadly Rave + , , +

Extra[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Forehead Blow +
EX Reppu Ken +
EX Double Reppu Ken +
Atemi Nage-Joudan +
Atemi Nage-Chuudan +
Jaei Ken +
Raising Storm +
Deadly Rave + , , +

Capcom vs. SNK 2[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Forehead Blow +
Reppu Ken + or
Double Reppu Ken +
Shippu Ken +
Atemi Nage-Joudan +
Atemi Nage-Chuudan +
Atemi Nage-Gedan +
Jaei Ken +
Raising Storm +
Deadly Rave + , , +