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Chapter 1: The Meeting with D[edit | edit source]

  1. In the graveyard after exhausting all of the possible dialogue options D will remember his father and disappear later he will tell you what he remembered unmissable

Chapter 2: The House of Lawrence[edit | edit source]

  1. While approaching the mansion D will remember the butler while talking about the butler D will remember that he and his father visited the island missable
  2. After approaching the portrait at the end off the hallway D will recognize him as his great-grandfather continue the dialogue and D will remember why they visited after the dialogue and upon hearing the music he will remember there was a piano in the music room unmissable
  3. In the music room after interacting with the piano D will remember that secret doors will open if you play the right melody unmissable
  4. In the golden bird room while examining a wooden case D will remember there was a gun in the case while he was alive missable
  5. In the silver bird room D will remember that his father died in that room if you alk to him about that he will remember who killed his father missable

Chapter 3: The Memory of Franny[edit | edit source]

  1. while walking down the hallway past the first door D will remember that Franny was in the art room missable
  2. In the art room D while investigating the drawing on the easel D will inform you that her father made it of her face and he will tell you how he met her after finishing the dialogue D will remember some details about his uncle Henry, Franny's father unmissable
  3. while interacting with the wall at the end of the corridor D will inform you that there are more rooms missable
  4. In Henry and Marie's room after placing the drummer on the wooden box D will inform you that it is a music box and Franny had showed it to him previously unmissable
  5. In Henry and Marie's room after reading Marie's letter D will inform you that Marie is Franny's mother missable
  6. In Franny's room while interacting with the bear on the display case D will inform you that the bear was Franny's favorite toy missable
  7. In Franny's room while looking at the ribbon on the bed Ashley will ask D what Franny was like missable
  8. In Franny's room when looking at the book on her desk D will inform you that she owns it missable
  9. In Franny's room when finding the wood stamps D will inform you that Franny liked to do that missable, only available after looking through the book on her desk
  10. In Franny's room after stamping the wood stamps in the book on her desk D will tell you more about her father, his uncle missable, only available after finding the wood stamps
  11. In Franny's room while approaching the door to leave D will remember that Franny called his father Uncle Thomas (rather irrelevant if you ask me) missable, can only be triggered after interacting with the bear other interactions are irrelevant
  12. After entering the secret room in Henry's study while trying to leave too soon he will inform you that there is something he can remember in that room
  13. In the secret room in Henry's study when picking up the baseball D will remember that he played catch with his father all the time unmissable
  14. In the secret room in Henry's study inside the suitcase when picking up the shoe D will remember that it was his shoe unmissable
  15. In Henry's study after finding the shoe while approaching the door in an attempt to leave Ashley will notify you that D has been acting strange since the shoe was found unmissable

Chapter 4: The Reunion with the Father[edit | edit source]

  1. After turning the radio off D mentions that the name of the song is "the miracle of the blue moon", that his father liked the song and that it is very old unmissable

Chapter 5: The Second Another[edit | edit source]

  1. In Lawrence's room by looking at the portrait over the fireplace by tapping the old man D remembers the moment of his great-grandfathers death and declares the identity of the old man in the portrait missable
  2. In Lawrence's room by looking at the portrait over the fireplace by tapping the man on the left D remembers that that man is his uncle aswell as the man who (spoilers) murdered his father missable
  3. In Lawrence's room by looking at the portrait over the fireplace by tapping the man on the right D remember that that man is his father and with it his real name: Daniël missable
  4. In Lawrence's room D remember what the zoetrope is and explains it to Ashley and tells her how to use it (though this might be the developers leaving in clues for the player who knows nothing about the object to figure out what it is and how it's relevant to forwarding the plot it also makes perfect sense that this would have nothing to do with D's amnesia depending on what kind it is, some amnesiac for example forget everything about themselves even their own names however retain general knowledge and accuired knowledge like for example capitals, math and other such things that have little to do with who they are as a person) unmissable
  5. In Lawrence's room, after using the zoetrope D gives you a few facts about the object and the history of film and also states the job he wanted to hold as a living adult unmissable
  6. In the secret room in Lawrence's room after exhausting all of the dialogue options and after the man left D says he remembers that man (though that happened after he died so it may be irrelevant to this page) unmissable
  7. When entering the research lab D remembers that this used to be a courtyard he also mentions that there was something past that which he couldn't remember unmissable,
  8. In the entrance to the research lab D proclaims that he had no idea this lab existed unmissable

Chapter 6: The Memory of the Right Hand[edit | edit source]

  1. In the cave Ashley and her dad talk among other things about what happened in 1938 for example D's shoe, the courtyard and Henry as a painter among other things where Richard fills in a gap in the story but it's unclear if it is very relevant since D never speaks during this part unmissable
  2. After Bill asks his questions he seems to see D and D states that he is making Franny cry implying that Bill is her son/grandson unmissable

Epilogue: The Miracle of the Blue moon[edit | edit source]

  1. After talking to the captain D will run off to the other side of the bay talking to him then will conclude his story and you will get either the bad ending or the good ending based on how much of his memories you found

Endings: bad ending[edit | edit source]

If you fail to get all the triggers this ending will begin. First head north-east and speak with the captain D will run off and you will not be able to find him, head south to the entrance of the bay where you came in and speak with your father and aunt. After the conversation ends head north-west and you will find D. Speak with him and he will ask you if you are leaving. He states that he is happy for you and that you are not alone anymore. He will state that he has not recovered all of his memories and will try to remember the rest on his own. Then D will disappear. Head towards the group of your father, aunt and the captain near the entrance and speak with your father. After the conversation has concluded the credits will begin to roll.