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Box artwork for Andromeda Conquest.
Box artwork for Andromeda Conquest.
Andromeda Conquest
Developer(s)Microcomputer Games
Publisher(s)Avalon Hill
Year released1982
System(s)Apple II, Atari 8-bit, Commodore 64/128, Commodore PET, DOS, TRS-80
ModesSingle player
LinksAndromeda Conquest ChannelSearchSearch

Andromeda Conquest is a 1982 strategy game for various systems. It is notable for its influence on the 4X (explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate) sub-genre of strategy games.

Andromeda Conquest was released simultaneously on various consoles. There were several separate releases, each for specific consoles. The releases and their consoles are:

  1. Cassette release: Atari 400/800 (32K RAM required), Apple II and II+ (AppleSoft BASIC and 16KB RAM required), PET CBM (40 column display and 16KB RAM required), and TRS-80 (models I and III; Level II BASIC and 16KB RAM required)
  2. Unknown media: Commodore 64 (64KB Ram required), TRS-80 (models I, III, and IV; Level II BASIC and 16KB RAM required), Atari 400/800 (32K RAM required)
  3. 48K floppy, Apple II only release: "Apple II or II+ with DOS 3.3 (Disk II), 48K Memory and Applesoft in ROM."

Box artwork[edit | edit source]

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