Papers by Putu Diah Sastri Pitanatri
Proceedings of the International Academic Conference on Tourism (INTACT) "Post Pandemic Tourism: Trends and Future Directions" , 2022
The Covid-19 pandemic provided an opportunity for Bali to improve as a tourism destination. One o... more The Covid-19 pandemic provided an opportunity for Bali to improve as a tourism destination. One of which is the CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environmental Sustainability) certification for the accommodation sector to assist Bali in reviving its tourism industry by gaining the trust of the tourists. However, this certification is frequently questioned on its effectiveness in promoting resilience to the destination. To give an alternate discussion, this article compares flashpackers' accommodation preferences from 2019 to 2020 using TripAdvisor data. A Social Network Analyst is employed to analyze the data and elucidate conclusions. The findings indicated that post the pandemic, CHSE contributes to flashpackers' preference for staying at a certain accommodation.
Jurnal Kepariwisataan, 2021
In early 2020, the terminology of who is a tourist has become a debate again when the Covid-19 pa... more In early 2020, the terminology of who is a tourist has become a debate again when the Covid-19 pandemic broke out. The question arises whether the locals "deserve" the title "tourists"? Whether they are included in the category of domestic tourists? Are they categorized as tourist? With the rapid development of the understanding of this terminology, several questions have arisen that have led to the calculation of the number and distribution of tourists in travel destinations. Therefore, this work aims to unravel the tangled threads using the basic conceptual approach of tourism terminology. The literature study method is carried out by bibliometric examination. Hopefully this article provides a clearer construction to reduce confusion over the use of the term "tourist".
Cetakan Pertama: Maret 2018 ISBN 978-602-51521-1-5 iii KATA SAMBUTAN S aya mengucapkan selamat at... more Cetakan Pertama: Maret 2018 ISBN 978-602-51521-1-5 iii KATA SAMBUTAN S aya mengucapkan selamat atas peluncuran buku Homestay Mozaik Pariwisata Berbasis Kerakyatan.
Heritage, Culture and Society: Research agenda and best practices in the hospitality and tourism industry, 2016
The development of cultural tourism in Bali has contributed to the rise of its image as a culinar... more The development of cultural tourism in Bali has contributed to the rise of its image as a culinary destination. As one of the 5 main culinary destinations by Ministry of Tourism in 2015, local taste has become a major part on the development of culture tourism in Bali. As an emerging trend, culinary tourism faces the fears the world is surrendering to: McDonaldization, which contributes to cultural homogenization. With this emerging trend, Balinese's cooking culture and tastes, owns a major potential in promoting the destination. However, very little research also has been carried out into the development of culinary tourism in Bali. Being flexible can be beneficial but at times construed from a different manner. As it certainly sounds familiar, in tourism, flexibility in development is closely related to commodification and commercialization. This paper further elaborates the process of such flexibility in the culinary world by discussing three main points. Adopting explains how the industry absorbs the elements of traditional methods and style of cooking; adapting demonstrates a big slice of commodification of the cuisine and adep (a Balinese word which means selling) describes and shows examples of how the Balinese cuisine can succeed and make a mark in the industry. The result of this structured evaluation shows the key elements to further advance the tastes of Bali in Tourism. By understanding what and how known restaurants and local talents like Ibu Oka, Nasi Ayam Kedewatan Ibu Mangku, and Bebek Bengil are achieving their success, food can certainly become a large contribution to sustaining cultural heritage as well as a stepping-stone to rural development.
Kamala: Kepariwisataan Berbasis Masyarakat, Budaya, dan Berkelanjutan, 2021
Budaya merupakan sebuah kata besar yang tidak hanya hanya menjadi wahana ekspresi diri dan kreati... more Budaya merupakan sebuah kata besar yang tidak hanya hanya menjadi wahana ekspresi diri dan kreativitas, namun sebagai sarana pendidikan, pembangunan ekonomi dan aspek fundamental dari pariwisata dunia. Pada saat yang sama pariwisata budaya dan warisan budaya telah menjadi elemen penting untuk menarik wisatawan datang ke destinasi. Hal ini tentu berimplikasi pada dikotomi pariwisata budaya dan budaya pariwisata (Picard, 2006; Picard, 2008; Salazar et al., 2017) yang seringkali menjadi perdebatan di kalangan akademisi. Konvergensi pariwisata dan budaya yang semakin meningkat menimbulkan beberapa pertanyaan penting tentang sifat destinasi itu secra holistic. Apa ‘budaya’ yang dikonsumsi turis? Apakah ini benar budaya Bali, budaya nasional atau budaya wisatawan? Apakah ada budaya yang otentik? Seiring perdebatan pariwisata berlangsung, isu-isu terkait otentisitas juga menjadi perhatian bagi para akademisi (Hamilton-Smith, 1987; Maoz, 2006; Unger et al., 2020). Padahal dengan semakin berkembangnya teknologi dan moda transportasi, arus wisatwana antar dan intra destinasi semakin tidak terbendung. Menarik untuk berspekulasi, apakah kemudian budaya yang diciptakan oleh perjalanan wisata sebenarnya didasarkan pada pertukaran budaya, atau pada budaya transnasional bersama yang benar-benar melampaui budaya nasional atau daerah; atau apa yang disebut sebagai “global tourist culture” (Urry, 1990). Pariwisata budaya memang sangat menarik untuk didiskusikan dalam ranah akademis. Untuk mempermudah pembaca memahami alur, maka tulisan singkat ini dibagi menjadi tiga bagian besar. Pertama perkembangan pariwisata budaya dalam aspek ilmu pariwisata. Pada bagian ini akan dibahas perkembangan pariwisata budaya dalam riset-riset nasional dan internasional. Untuk mempertajam tulisan, maka studi literatur dilakukan sehingga tema-tema besar riset pariwisata budaya dapat terpolakan secara jelas. Selanjutnya, tulisan ini akan merujuk kembali pada dikotomi pariwisata dan budaya; yang sampai saat ini masih terus menjadiperdebatan hangat baik untuk kepentingan akademis maupun politis. Bagian ini juga akan membahas bagaimana pariwisata dan budaya dapat bersifat resiprokal (tree analogy (Pitanatri & Pitana, 2019; Pitanatri & Putra, 2016) yang saling mendukung satu sama lain. Pada bagian akhir, akan dibahas mengenai riset-riset lanjutan pariwisata budaya yang dapat dijadikan agenda akademis. Terdapat spektrum-spektrum baru riset pariwisata budaya yang dapat diekplorasi lebih lanjut sehingga memperkaya khazanah keilmuan pariwisata di Indonesia. Dasar dari tulisan pada bagian akhir akan mempergunakan studi bibliometric.
PUSAKA (Journal of Tourism, Hospitality, Travel and Business Event)
Social media merupakan salah satu media yang digunakan pihak hotel untuk memasarkan fasilitas dan... more Social media merupakan salah satu media yang digunakan pihak hotel untuk memasarkan fasilitas dan produknya. Mengikuti tren tersebut, InterContinental Bali Resort menggunakan social media Instagram sebagai salah satu media untuk menjaga dan mengenalkan brand InterContinental Bali Resort. Dilihat dari data yang ingin dicapai pada tahun 2018 masih belum mencapai target, tetapi pengikut Instagram InterContinental Bali Resort dapat dikatakan sudah banyak jika dibandingkan pengikut dengan respon di Instagram masih sangat minim. Oleh karena itu, untuk mengetahui posisi brand awareness InterContinental Bali Resort diperlukan strategi social media khusus pada Instagramnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui posisi brand awareness melalui social media Instagram, sehingga dapat mengetahui strategi lanjutan apa yang cocok untuk diterapkan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengolah data 100 kuesioner dengan 4 indikator brand awareness. Responden kuesioner ini adalah generasi m...
J. of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 2016
Jurnal Master Pariwisata (JUMPA)
This paper examines flashpacker as an area of research; which discusses the new phenomenon of the... more This paper examines flashpacker as an area of research; which discusses the new phenomenon of the flashpacker originating it’s term from “backpacker”. In this review, a deeper analysis of the evolution and development is presented, charting the growth of the literature, focusing both chronology and epistemology. A framework for understanding and creating knowledge about flashpacker is presented, forming the basis which signposts established research themes and concepts and outlines some future directions for research. In addition, this article focuses on constraining and propelling forces, ontological advances, contributions from key journals, emerging themes and issues. The paper suggests that flashpacker has numerous foundational origins that have complicated its growth as a viable and valued concept. This paper also proposes a number of research activities in understanding the flashpacker. Keywords: flashpacker, epistemology, framework, creating knowledge, research activities
Pusaka: Journal of Tourism, Hospitality, Travel and Business Event, 2011
Pada era revolusi industri 4.0 kemajuan teknologi informasi dan internet memicu perkembangan pada... more Pada era revolusi industri 4.0 kemajuan teknologi informasi dan internet memicu perkembangan pada kegiatan penjualan melalui media internet (E-commerce). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas penerapan E-commerce dalam meningkatkan tingkat hunian kamar di Ayodya Resort Bali, khususnya melalui website hotel dan untuk mengetahui persepsi tamu mengenai E-commerce website Ayodya Resort Bali. Pada tahun 2018, penjualan kamar melalui E-commerce website hanya mencapai target pada bulan Mei saja. Tidak tercapainya target penjualan kamar mempengaruhi tingkat hunian kamar pada periode tertentu. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan teknik pengumpulan data studi dokumentasi, kuesioner dan wawancara dengan menggunakan metode sampel yang digunakan adalah metode purposive sampling. Jumlah sampel diperoleh dengan menggunakan rumus slovin sebanyak 88 responden. Selanjutnya, untuk tahapan analisis dengan teknik deskriptif kuantitatif, dikaji berdasarkan (1) perbandingan antara target dan realisasi penjualan kamar melalui E-commerce website (2) persepsi tamu terhadap kualitas E-commerce website Ayodya Resort Bali. Hasil dari penelitian yang pertama menyatakan perbandingan target dan realisasi penjualan kamar melalui E-commerce website pada tahun 2016-2018 sebesar 82,1% yang artinya efektif dalam meningkatkan tingkat hunian kamar di Ayodya Resort Bali. Hasil penelitian persepsi tamu mengenai E-commerce website mendapatkan nilai rata-rata keseluruhan sebesar 4,22 yang artinya sangat setuju dengan performance E-commerce website Ayodya Resort Bali.
8th ITSA Biennial Conference 2020. Culture, People and Technology: The Driving Forces for Tourism Cities, 2020
Purpose-This paper elaborates a study on behavioural changes in the consumption of millennial tou... more Purpose-This paper elaborates a study on behavioural changes in the consumption of millennial tourists in Indonesia, which to date is still little being studied. This thesis departs from an idea that casts doubt on the assumption that the tourism consumption pattern of the millennial generation is homogenous as is often discussed by previous studies. The main goal is to describe empirical facts about the diversity of motives and consumption patterns based on socio-demographic characteristics, as well as tourist experiences, and destinations visited by millennial tourists. Design/methodology/approach-This study aims to develop study of Indonesian millennials motives and consumption pattern, based on their endogen and exogen factors which affected their behaviour during travel. As delineated in the background of study, millennials travel pattern are still not clearly mapped. What makes a certain destination attractive to millennials that makes them want to buy and what makes a destination is less attractive (bye). An online survey of 577 respondents were conducted to find an extensive analysis on behaviour of Indonesian millennials in buying or leaving a destination. Theoretical Approach-At the leading concept of the study, endogen and exogen factors composes millennials travel motives and consumption patterns which leads to "a good buy" and "good bye" categorisation process. A supporting concept is included to provide nuanced by differentiating evidence and supplementary information with reference to existing theories and secondary data sets. The supporting concept will emphasize on three different aspects consisting of purchase behaviour, travel motivation and experience necessities to Indonesia millennials tourist. The framework of study holds the explanatory of millennials tourists' motives and consumption patterns in Indonesia. Findings-The motivation and consumption patterns of millennials while traveling are strongly influenced by exogenous and endogenous factors. Two main endogenous factors, namely marital status
The Proceedings of Hong Kong 2016: 2nd Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference and 15th Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Students Research in Tourism, 2016
In terms of this exponential growth of hospitality industry, it is mandatory for hotels to formul... more In terms of this exponential growth of hospitality industry, it is mandatory for hotels to formulate strategies in increasing online sales with the use of online sales channels in order to survive in the market. The purpose of this paper is giving an in depth idea of how online customers behave when making a room reservation. Case study is based on the behavior of online market in Bali in relation to global trends in the context of online sales and marketing. By looking at the dependent of dynamic parameters, the study shows the importance of the knowing guest behavior in 1) reservation method preference 2) hotel information search 3) confirming reservation and 4) post purchase behavior. Data were collected by self-administered questionnaire by guests who made their reservation through hotel website and Online Travel Agents (OTAs), and were analyzed using factor analysis. The result shows that online market segments were dominated from Australia, Europe, America and Asia, with the age group of 20-50 years old, from all occupations. The behaviors of online market segments show that 80% making reservation through OTAs and 20% from website hotel, 67% deciding hotel less than three months in advance, 33% finding hotel information from friends and relatives, 30% respectively from hotel's website and OTAs, 75% deciding hotel after checking customer reviews of that hotel, 90% will return to the hotel if they satisfied with the quality of products and services.
Jurnal Bisnis Hospitaliti, 2018
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh harga dan kualitas layanan terhadap keputusan ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh harga dan kualitas layanan terhadap keputusan menginap wisatawan nusantara di Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah wisatawan nusantara yang sedang menginap di Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa pada periode Mei 2018 – Juni 2018 dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 77 responden. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik accidental sampling. Harga berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap keputusan menginap wisatawan nusantara di Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa. Kualitas layanan berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap keputusan menginap wisatawan nusantara di Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa. Kondisi tersebut ditunjukkan dengan perolehan nilai signifikansi masing-masing variabel bebas tersebut kurang dari á=0,05 (5%). Pada pengujian dua variabel bebas yaitu harga dan kualitas layanan secara simultan (bersamasama) menunjukkan pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap satu variabel terikat yaitu keputusan menginap wisatawan nusantara di Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan dengan nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar 58,6%
Jurnal Bisnis Hospitaliti, 2018
Bertumbuhnya tingkat kunjungan wisatawan Cina ke Bali menjadi peluang tersediri bagi NBB.Di tenga... more Bertumbuhnya tingkat kunjungan wisatawan Cina ke Bali menjadi peluang tersediri bagi NBB.Di tengah ketatnya persaingan harga akomodasi di Bali saat ini, pasar Cina memnag seksi untuk dimaksimalkan potensinya. Tidak dapat dipungkiri, sebagai bagian dari emerging economies and developing countries, Cina telah menjelma menjadid raksasa baru Asia yang eksistensinya menjadi peluang bagi banyak negara. Dalam perspektif industri kepariwsataan, pasar Cina menjadi pangsa pasar besar yang tidak dapat dipandang sebelah mata.Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi pemasaran yang tepat untuk menyasar pasar Cina melalui konsep new wave marketing. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis data dari salah satu komponen new wave marketing yaitu new wave strategy yang memiliki unsur 3C yaitu comunitization, confirmation dan clarification yang di integrasikan bersama dengan analisis SOAR (Strength,Opportunity, Aspirations Results) oleh Coopperider, yang tujuannya untuk merumuskan beberapa strategi yang dapat dipilih oleh NBB dalam strategi pemasarannya. Hasil penelitian ini diketahui bahwa unsur 3C yang di integrasikan dengan analisis SOAR dapat memberikan beberapa strategi yang dapat dipilih oleh NBB, adapun strategi yang dipilih manajemen oleh NBB untuk mengembangkan tingkat pendapatan dan hunian kamar pasar Cina ialah strategi OA (opportunity and aspirations) dan SR (strength and results). ABSTRACT The growing level of visits by Chinese tourists to Bali is an opportunity for NBB. In the midst of intense competition in accommodation prices in Bali today, the Chinese market has a section to maximise its potential. It cannot be denied; as part of emerging economies and developing countries, Cina has transformed into a new giant of Asia whose existence has become an opportunity for many countries. In the perspective of the tourism industry, the Chinese market becomes a significant market share that cannot be underestimated. This research was conducted to find out how the right marketing strategy is to target the Chinese market through the concept of new wave marketing. This study uses data analysis from one component of new wave marketing, namely the new
Jurnal Master Pariwisata, 2020
This paper examines flashpacker as an area of research; which discusses the new pheno... more This paper examines flashpacker as an area of research; which discusses the new phenomenon of the flashpacker originating it’s term from “backpacker”. In this review, a deeper analysis of the evolution and development is presented, charting the growth of the literature, focusing both chronology and epistemology. A framework for understanding and creating knowledge about flashpacker is presented, forming the basis which signposts established research themes and concepts and outlines some future directions for research. In addition, this article focuses on constraining and propelling forces, ontological advances, contributions from key journals, emerging themes and issues. The paper suggests that flashpacker has numerous foundational origins that have complicated its growth as a viable and valued concept. This paper also proposes a number of research activities in understanding the flashpacker
apa itu flashpacker ; apa yang membedakannya dengan backpacker ; evolusi flashpacker serta apakah flashpacker "layak dikaji" dengan pendekatan akademis dibahas secara mendalam dalam tulisan ini.
Journal of Tourism, Hospitality, Travel and Business Event, 2020
Social media merupakan salah satu media yang digunakan pihak
hotel untuk memasarkan fasilitas dan... more Social media merupakan salah satu media yang digunakan pihak
hotel untuk memasarkan fasilitas dan produknya. Mengikuti tren
tersebut, InterContinental Bali Resort menggunakan social
media Instagram sebagai salah satu media untuk menjaga dan
mengenalkan brand InterContinental Bali Resort. Dilihat dari
data yang ingin dicapai pada tahun 2018 masih belum mencapai
target, tetapi pengikut Instagram InterContinental Bali Resort
dapat dikatakan sudah banyak jika dibandingkan pengikut
dengan respon di Instagram masih sangat minim. Oleh karena
itu, untuk mengetahui posisi brand awareness InterContinental
Bali Resort diperlukan strategi social media khusus pada
Instagramnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui posisi
brand awareness melalui social media Instagram, sehingga dapat
mengetahui strategi lanjutan apa yang cocok untuk diterapkan.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengolah data 100 kuesioner
dengan 4 indikator brand awareness. Responden kuesioner ini
adalah generasi millennial pengguna aktif Instagram. Hasil
kuesioner dianalisis dengan tingkatan untuk mengetahui posisi
brand dan menentukan strategi lanjutannya. Hasil penelitian ini
menunjukkan bahwa posisi brand awareness terhadap Instagram
InterContinental Bali Resort terletak pada brand recall yang
berarti Instagram InterContinental Bali Resort sudah dikenal
tanpa harus mengingatkan kembali akan brand tersebut. Untuk
meningkatkan posisi ke “top of mind” diperlukan beberapa
strategi lanjutan seperti menjalin komunikasi, membuat kontenkonten yang lebih kreatif dan mengatur waktu postingan yang
disesuaikan dengan target market sehingga melalui Instagram
InterContinental Bali Resort, produk dan fasilitas yang
ditawarkan dapat diketahui dengan mudah
Tourism Research Journal , 2020
To be able to survive in a continuously growing competitive environment, the right business strat... more To be able to survive in a continuously growing competitive environment, the right business strategy is needed. Aim of this research is to formulate a set of marketing communication mix strategies to increase room sales and hotel profits for The Ritz-Carlton Jakarta, Mega Kuningan. The methods used in this research are SWOT analysis and IFE-EFE matrix. The findings suggested that the Hotel must hold and maintain strategy whereas it can be elaborated into four aspects 1) horizontal integration strategy by seeking ownership or increased control over competitors; 2) market penetration strategy; by seeking increased market share for present products or services in present markets through greater marketing efforts; 3) market development strategy by introducing present products or services into the new geographic area, and 4) product development strategy; by seeking increased sales through improving present products or services or developing new ones.
Abstrak Ketatnya persaingan yang terjadi dan mulai terdisrupsinya pasar Offline Travel Agent oleh... more Abstrak Ketatnya persaingan yang terjadi dan mulai terdisrupsinya pasar Offline Travel Agent oleh Online Travel Agent menuntut pihak manajemen hotel mempertimbangkan secara selektif saluran distribusi mana yang harus dimaksimalkan guna meraih kinerja pendapatan kamar yang baik melalui Revenue per Available Room. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mengkaji bagaimana pengaruh penjualan kamar melalui saluran distribsui Offline Travel Agent dan Online Travel Agent secara parsial maupun simultan terhadap Revenue per Available Room. Hasil penelitian secara parsial dan simultan menunjukan bahwa saluran distribusi Offline Travel Agent dan Online Travel Agent berpengaruh positif (searah) dan signifikan terhadap Revenue per Available Room (RevPar). Hasil analisis koefisien determinasi menunjukkan bahwa nilai R 2 para variabel saluran distribusi Offline Travel Agent sebesar 0,765 atau jika diinterpretasikan sebesar 76,5% dengan kontribusi yang kuat. Pada salurah distribusi Online Travel Agent nilai R 2 sebesar 0,836 atau sebesar 83,6% dengan kontribusi yang sangat kuat. Sementara secara simultan nilai R 2 sebesar 0,865 menunjukkan bahwa 86,5% variabel Revenue per Available Room dapat dijelaskan melalui kedua variabel bebas tersebut, sedangkan sisanya sebesar 13,5% dijelaskan oleh variabel lain diluar variabel penelitian. Sebagai kesimpulannya saluran distribusi Offline Travel Agent dan Online Travel Agent memiliki pengaruh dan kontribusi terhadap Revenue per Available Room, namun pengaruh dan kontribusi lebih besar dihasilkan oleh saluran distribusi Online Travel Agent. Kata kunci: Saluran Distribusi, Offline Travel Agent, Online Travel Agent, dan Revenue per Available Room. Abstract The competition that occurs and the disruption of the Offline Travel Agent market by Online Travel Agents demanding the hotel management to consider selectively which distribution channels should be maximized in order to achieve good room revenue performance through Revenue per Available Room. This study aims to find out and examine how the influence of room sales through Offline Travel Agent and Online Travel Agent distribution channels partially or simultaneously to Revenue per Available Room (RevPar). The results of the partial and simultaneous research show that the Offline Travel Agent and Online Travel Agent distribution channels have a positive (unidirectional) and significant effect on Revenue per Available Room. The results of the coefficient of determination analysis show that the R 2 value of the Offline Travel Agent distribution channel variabl e is 0.765 or if interpreted at 76.5% with a strong contribution. On the line of Online Travel Agent distribution R 2 value is 0.836 or 83.6% with a very strong contribution. While simultaneously the R 2 value of 0.865 shows that 86.5% of the Revenue variable per Available Room can be explained through the two independent variables, while the remaining 13.5% is explained by other variables outside the research variable. In conclusion, Offline Travel Agent and Online Travel Agent distribution channels have influence and contribution to Revenue per Available Room, but greater influence and contribution is generated by the Online Travel Agent distribution channel.
1st Padjadjaran Communication Conference Series, 2020
Mount Agung eruption in Bali in 2017 was projected to significantly drop-down numbers of visitors... more Mount Agung eruption in Bali in 2017 was projected to significantly drop-down numbers of visitors to the island. Surprisingly; even tough BPS recorded a decline of 12.64% in November, the occupancy rate in private housing especially villas and homestays are high. Hence, it becomes a paradox when many countries have put up travel warning, but millennials keep coming to the island. Hence, looking into this phenomenon, the study discusses millennial typologies that engage in tourist activities in Bali after Mount Agung eruption by looking into its level of resilient tourists of issues. By using a qualitative approach, the study indicates that millennials are the most resilient type of traveller of all. Nonetheless, it's nationality, millennials continue their travel plan to a certain destination. They even took the opportunity of lower rates during stay and post pictures on their social media of the Agung eruption.
The Journal of Social Sciences Research, 2019
Tourism development in Ubud raises new paradigm that encourages city hotel and hostel investment ... more Tourism development in Ubud raises new paradigm that encourages city hotel and hostel investment in the area.
Ubud, which was once secluded for the development of mass accommodation facilities, now has begun building
various brands managed by hotel chains that threaten the existence of homestay owned by residents. The dilemma is
not only these homestays must survive with market change, but they also must compete with the “giants” like Evitel
(Asiawood Hospitality Management) and MaxOne (Milestone Pacific Hotel Group) offering relatively similar price.
Looking into this phenomenon, the study conducted a survey to 163 homestays in Ubud to see what this local
homestay has to support their existence: competing for the "giants" of the hospitality industry. Results of the survey
were then being elaborated through an in-depth interview to selected homestay owners and administrator. Literature
studies were also being conducted, ensuring five main factors that contribute to homestay competitiveness in Ubud,
namely experience, digitalisation, innovation, market and location
1st International Conference One Belt, One Road, One Tourism (ICOBOROT 2018), 2020
As the sector of the future, tourism changes lives. Gili Trawangan, an island that was once uninh... more As the sector of the future, tourism changes lives. Gili Trawangan, an island that was once uninhabited became a spotlight; an undeniably top-notch destination for island hops of millennial tourists when visiting Indonesia. Although there is a substantial increase in community welfare, other two aspects of sustainability: socio-culture and environment have risen severe issues and challenges. Using the elements of sustainability through case studies of several island management in Indonesia, this paper critically reviews the impact of tourism on Gili Trawangan. The concepts of three elements of sustainability and the tree analogy, become the main key concept of this article. Hence, challenges which occur in this island should then raise awareness of future tourism management of other small islands in Indonesia. Tourism should not be a suicide; but should encourage and fosters sustainability in the destination.
Papers by Putu Diah Sastri Pitanatri
apa itu flashpacker ; apa yang membedakannya dengan backpacker ; evolusi flashpacker serta apakah flashpacker "layak dikaji" dengan pendekatan akademis dibahas secara mendalam dalam tulisan ini.
hotel untuk memasarkan fasilitas dan produknya. Mengikuti tren
tersebut, InterContinental Bali Resort menggunakan social
media Instagram sebagai salah satu media untuk menjaga dan
mengenalkan brand InterContinental Bali Resort. Dilihat dari
data yang ingin dicapai pada tahun 2018 masih belum mencapai
target, tetapi pengikut Instagram InterContinental Bali Resort
dapat dikatakan sudah banyak jika dibandingkan pengikut
dengan respon di Instagram masih sangat minim. Oleh karena
itu, untuk mengetahui posisi brand awareness InterContinental
Bali Resort diperlukan strategi social media khusus pada
Instagramnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui posisi
brand awareness melalui social media Instagram, sehingga dapat
mengetahui strategi lanjutan apa yang cocok untuk diterapkan.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengolah data 100 kuesioner
dengan 4 indikator brand awareness. Responden kuesioner ini
adalah generasi millennial pengguna aktif Instagram. Hasil
kuesioner dianalisis dengan tingkatan untuk mengetahui posisi
brand dan menentukan strategi lanjutannya. Hasil penelitian ini
menunjukkan bahwa posisi brand awareness terhadap Instagram
InterContinental Bali Resort terletak pada brand recall yang
berarti Instagram InterContinental Bali Resort sudah dikenal
tanpa harus mengingatkan kembali akan brand tersebut. Untuk
meningkatkan posisi ke “top of mind” diperlukan beberapa
strategi lanjutan seperti menjalin komunikasi, membuat kontenkonten yang lebih kreatif dan mengatur waktu postingan yang
disesuaikan dengan target market sehingga melalui Instagram
InterContinental Bali Resort, produk dan fasilitas yang
ditawarkan dapat diketahui dengan mudah
Ubud, which was once secluded for the development of mass accommodation facilities, now has begun building
various brands managed by hotel chains that threaten the existence of homestay owned by residents. The dilemma is
not only these homestays must survive with market change, but they also must compete with the “giants” like Evitel
(Asiawood Hospitality Management) and MaxOne (Milestone Pacific Hotel Group) offering relatively similar price.
Looking into this phenomenon, the study conducted a survey to 163 homestays in Ubud to see what this local
homestay has to support their existence: competing for the "giants" of the hospitality industry. Results of the survey
were then being elaborated through an in-depth interview to selected homestay owners and administrator. Literature
studies were also being conducted, ensuring five main factors that contribute to homestay competitiveness in Ubud,
namely experience, digitalisation, innovation, market and location
apa itu flashpacker ; apa yang membedakannya dengan backpacker ; evolusi flashpacker serta apakah flashpacker "layak dikaji" dengan pendekatan akademis dibahas secara mendalam dalam tulisan ini.
hotel untuk memasarkan fasilitas dan produknya. Mengikuti tren
tersebut, InterContinental Bali Resort menggunakan social
media Instagram sebagai salah satu media untuk menjaga dan
mengenalkan brand InterContinental Bali Resort. Dilihat dari
data yang ingin dicapai pada tahun 2018 masih belum mencapai
target, tetapi pengikut Instagram InterContinental Bali Resort
dapat dikatakan sudah banyak jika dibandingkan pengikut
dengan respon di Instagram masih sangat minim. Oleh karena
itu, untuk mengetahui posisi brand awareness InterContinental
Bali Resort diperlukan strategi social media khusus pada
Instagramnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui posisi
brand awareness melalui social media Instagram, sehingga dapat
mengetahui strategi lanjutan apa yang cocok untuk diterapkan.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengolah data 100 kuesioner
dengan 4 indikator brand awareness. Responden kuesioner ini
adalah generasi millennial pengguna aktif Instagram. Hasil
kuesioner dianalisis dengan tingkatan untuk mengetahui posisi
brand dan menentukan strategi lanjutannya. Hasil penelitian ini
menunjukkan bahwa posisi brand awareness terhadap Instagram
InterContinental Bali Resort terletak pada brand recall yang
berarti Instagram InterContinental Bali Resort sudah dikenal
tanpa harus mengingatkan kembali akan brand tersebut. Untuk
meningkatkan posisi ke “top of mind” diperlukan beberapa
strategi lanjutan seperti menjalin komunikasi, membuat kontenkonten yang lebih kreatif dan mengatur waktu postingan yang
disesuaikan dengan target market sehingga melalui Instagram
InterContinental Bali Resort, produk dan fasilitas yang
ditawarkan dapat diketahui dengan mudah
Ubud, which was once secluded for the development of mass accommodation facilities, now has begun building
various brands managed by hotel chains that threaten the existence of homestay owned by residents. The dilemma is
not only these homestays must survive with market change, but they also must compete with the “giants” like Evitel
(Asiawood Hospitality Management) and MaxOne (Milestone Pacific Hotel Group) offering relatively similar price.
Looking into this phenomenon, the study conducted a survey to 163 homestays in Ubud to see what this local
homestay has to support their existence: competing for the "giants" of the hospitality industry. Results of the survey
were then being elaborated through an in-depth interview to selected homestay owners and administrator. Literature
studies were also being conducted, ensuring five main factors that contribute to homestay competitiveness in Ubud,
namely experience, digitalisation, innovation, market and location
Bab ini merupakan Bab yang sangat menarik dari buku Michel Picard Bali: culture Tourism and Touristic Culture. Picard menitikberatkan pada perkembangan serta komodifikasi budaya dalam bentuk tarian Bali dimana telah menjadi salah satu atraksi pariwisata tersohor di dunia . Secara garis besar Bab ini terdiri dari 3 Sub Bab yang membahas secara mendetail mengenai tarian yang bermetamorfosis dari sakral menjadi atraksi wisatawan serta tindakan prefentif pemerintah daerah provinsi Bali di dalam melindungi asset budayanya dari pengaruh pariwisata.
Adopted from
Promoting Cultural Events in Indonesia Through Millennials: Lesson Learnt from Yogyakarta
Putu Diah Sastri Pitanatri & Sabda Elisa Priyanto
Reference work entry
First Online: 10 July 2022
7 Accesses
As a world cultural tourism destination, Yogyakarta has become a magnet for those seeking diverse authenticity. In contrast to Bali, which is a melting pot for international tourists, Yogyakarta, as one of the unique regions of Indonesia, is infamous for its “Keraton” (Royal Family of Yogyakarta). With the dominance “Keraton” has made, cultural events are relatively rigid because it follows the royal rules. Nevertheless, cultural events taking place in this destination are dominated and driven by millennials. Regardless of the generation difference that exists, millennials have been able to conform to the kingdom’s stringent rules through the use of technology applications and digital marketing. Naturally, this implies that cultural activities held at this destination are generally successful. This study examines the concerns, challenges, and triumphs faced by technologically savvy millennials. Throughout the in-depth debate and joint literature reviews, it has become clear that cultural tourism and technology should not be made into a dichotomy. Instead, it should become an integral element of cultural preservation.