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4 votes

RWE: use of target trial emulation framework: why aiming to emulate RCT?

The whole idea of emulating an RCT is because they are generally considered the gold standard for causal inference. (Yes, there is the conversation about meta-analysis of RCTs too, but let's not go ...
usεr11852's user avatar
2 votes

IV Estimation, Direct and Indirect Effects

Let $Y$ and $X$ represent the outcome and exposure variables, respectively, with the true data-generating process described by: $$ \begin{aligned} Y &= \alpha + \beta X + \gamma Z + \epsilon, \\ X ...
Johan de Aguas's user avatar
1 vote

How to find a de-biased estimator with a ML component in my contaminated data problem?

Under your stated assumption, your parameter is non-identifiable You have said that the values of $y_i$ are not sampled using the proportion $\theta$ that is the subject of your inference. The ...
Ben's user avatar
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1 vote

Outcome Level vs. Treatment Level vs. Fixed-Effects Level in Difference-in-Differences

One of my models tries to understand the impact of the opening of a public facility (treatment is municipal-level) on also municipal-level outcomes. I am worried about time-varying cofounders like ...
Thomas Bilach's user avatar
1 vote

How to find causal inference when one subgroup of population, all are treated?

I believe you’re referring to the Conditional Average Treatment Effect (CATE) rather than the Individualized Treatment Effect (ITE). The former computes the effect at the level of strata or ...
Johan de Aguas's user avatar
1 vote

OLS estimator and conditional variance weighting

Supppose we have a stratified RCT where $S_k$ denotes one of three strata. We're interested in the causal effect of treatment, $T$, on the outcome $Y$. Using potential outcomes notation, define $Y_i(1)...
num_39's user avatar
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