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Questions tagged [gpower]

G*Power Statistical Power Analyses for Windows and Mac is a program which helps with calculating the power of some statistical tests.

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Bootstrapping as an alternative to simulation-based power/sample size calculations

Typically when one has to do a sample size and/or calculation, they might use simple sample size calculations from textbooks or use gpower. However, there are only closed form calculations for very ...
dfife's user avatar
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How can I convert an effect size from Cohen's d to f(v)

I am interested in calculating the power I need to compare several groups to one reference group in how much an outcome changes between two timepoints. My understanding is that I should use the ANOVA: ...
Benji's user avatar
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Logistic regression sample size with categorical predictor in G power

I am trying to figure out if G power is the way to go in my case and if I am doing it right. I wish to calculate a priori sample size. I am about to do a cohort study using registry data using ...
Arvid Gustafsson's user avatar
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Calculating sample size based on a 2 x 2 x 2 repeated measures ANOVA using G Power

I am planning on doing a 2 (A: a1, a2) x 2 (B: b1, b2) x 2 (C: c1, c2)repeated measures ANOVA where A and B are within subject factors and C is a between subject factor. In G Power, I suppose the &...
Jess's user avatar
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Guidance on running G*Power to calculate the sample size using Poisson Regression

I am working on a dissertation to determine if there is a difference in the number of specific disciplinary actions (5 count dependent variables) from before remote learning and after remote learning (...
Mom with many hats's user avatar
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Sample size estimation using G*Power

I am trying to calculate an a priori sample size using the G*Power for a project that I intend to do. I will collect reaction time data from two groups of participants across two time points (T1, T2). ...
Christina's user avatar
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Mixed ANOVA Power Analysis

So I'm doing a thesis on compassion meditation and I'm confused about the power analysis. When I calculated it in G*power, "total sample size= 34", but it's for a 2x2 mixed ANOVA, so does ...
Bree's user avatar
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Predictor variables vs control variables for power analyses in multiple regression G*Power

I am using GPower to get an idea of the sample size needed to detect a medium effect size in the second and third steps of a hierarchical multiple regression model. To do this, GPower asks for the ...
jpf66's user avatar
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How do I to correct the α in the power analysis?

The reviewer asked us to use a corrected α when calculating the sample size with G*Power. The literature I found suggests that the Bonferroni adjustment = α/n (Armitage, Peter; Colton, Theodore, 2005)....
Norbert's user avatar
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G*Power sample size calculation between regression coefficients in two separate within-subject models

I have two identical regression models run on two different subsamples. In R, my models would be the following: ...
flâneur's user avatar
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Power of One Sided t-test

Let $X_1, \ldots, X_n$ be a sample from $N(\mu, \sigma^2)$ for unknown $\mu \in \mathbb{R}$ and unknown $\sigma > 0$. Fix $\mu_0 \in \mathbb{R}$. The one-sided hypothesis is $H_0: \mu \leqslant \...
温泽海's user avatar
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G*Power Mixed two-way ANOVA power analysis - sample size seems too small? [duplicate]

I am running my first-ever power analysis and I am worried that I am misunderstanding something about G*Power. I am running a 2x2 mixed ANOVA. I chose the 'ANOVA: Repeated measures, within-between ...
mbeasle2's user avatar
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Approximate power analysis for simple linear mixed model without random effects

For educational purposes, a repeated measure of all participants in two conditions is modeled as linear mixed model. We're interested in the difference in outcome while controlling for confounders $...
Madamadam's user avatar
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sample size calculation using G*Power -- which model to use based on an already calculated effect size?

I want to perform a sample size calculation using G*Power. I have 2 predictors and want to test how these 2 predictors affect change over time in a specific cognitive measure. The cognitive measure ...
user412145's user avatar
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Help: G*Power Analysis for Correlation and Moderation

I have 3 measures, all scored on Likert style scales and I will be using the sum of items from each as scores. It is a cross-sectional study. predictor variable is attachment style (with two levels, ...
Cody Banks's user avatar
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Statistical power of my study

I am writing a paper for a journal. I have been asked to calculate the statistical power of my study. I have zero idea about how to do that. I am an engineer and never cared about this kind of ...
GGChe's user avatar
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Repetitions on the same combination of factors in mixed ANOVA and its power analysis

I am trying to decide the appropriate model and perform power analysis. Suppose a data contains 2 groups (A,B) and 28 participants from each group. All of those participants are measured 15 times on ...
ksing's user avatar
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Power Analysis for 8x8 factorial within-subjects design (required number of participants/samples)

for an experiment, I was asked to provide a minimum required number of participants using an a-priori power analysis. Thing is, I'm now really confused on how this is possible or even if it makes ...
WalterYellow's user avatar
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How does G*Power calculate sensitivity in z-test for two independent proportions

I am trying to recreate sensitivity calculation in Python by applying the same methodology as used in G*Power z-tests > Proportions: Difference Between Two Independent Proportions > Sensitivity: ...
Eugene Krall's user avatar
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Is G*Power reliable for logistic regression? It does not seem to account for Hauck-Donner

I've just been introduced to G*Power. The only option I could find for analysing logistic regression is described as: Options: Large sample z-Test, Demidenko (2007) with var corr That seems to ...
Mohan's user avatar
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Sample size calculation for RM ANOVA; the difference between WebPower package in R and G*Power

I've run two sample size calculations with the WebPower package in R and G*Power simultaneously. The conditions I've done are; Case 1 Cohen's f = 0.2756987 Number of groups = 1 Number of repeated ...
DK LEE's user avatar
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Would a post hoc power analysis be used for a retrospective chart review and how would this be done?

I'm a novice in research and wondering if I need to calculate power to determine my sample size. My study is about collecting data from all patients that presented to a clinic for a period of 6 months....
Raji's user avatar
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How to interpret a sensitivity analysis from G*Power for a repeated measures, within factors ANOVA

I am trying to conduct a sensitivity power analysis for a (2x2) ANOVA. The participants all received trials based on color or shape, and items could be either old or new. In G*Power I have the ...
gert's user avatar
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Sample Size Question - Population- Multiple Regression?

I am doing a research project for class. Our research questions are as follows: Has news exposure impacted parental decision-making in preparation for the new school year? Has Media exposure to ...
Alyssa Leeanne's user avatar
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Post hoc power analysis options for 2x2 ANOVA and paired t-tests

We recently submitted a manuscript for publication. My advisors never do power analyses, and so the reviewers came back questioning our sample sizes. Lesson learned on my end. One reviewer said "...
gert's user avatar
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G*Power repeated measures ANOVA within-within interaction

Suppose that I have 4-by-6 factorial design where both factors are within-subject variables, and I want to perform a repeated-measures ANOVA on the data. Using GPower, I calculate the sample size ...
11thdimension's user avatar
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G Power Settings for Friedman Test Comparing Multiple Models

UPdated to convey statistical question: The underlying statistical question is one of which test to use: I have three models against a single dataset. I want to see which model is better. Is repeated ...
user19226726's user avatar
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G*Power ANOVA repeated measures within-between interaction

I'd love to get a sanity check on a sample size calculation I'm running in G*Power. I'm planning a study with 2 groups and 2 measurement points, aiming for a f of 0.10 because, to my understanding, it'...
Benji's user avatar
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Power Analysis for 2-Way-Anova in R

I did a power analysis to calculate the sample size in GPower. Now I'd like to do the same in R. However, I am not able to figure out how... I found ss.2way but that seems to require different inputs. ...
Julian R.'s user avatar
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Determine the sample size to validate a bug fix

Using gpower, I would like to calculate the sample size to validate a bug fix. There is a software bug that appears in 3 out of 1000 test runs. I would like to validate a bug fix so that it doesn't ...
buckley's user avatar
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Statistical power and sample size for Poisson regression: specifying the "mean exposure"?

I am trying to perform an apriori power analysis to estimate sample size for a Poisson regression model. The background is that a RCT is proposed to compare the rate of pill consumption between two ...
user167591's user avatar
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G*Power - Difference between ANOVA Repeated measures, between factors and ANOVA: Repeated measures, within-between interaction

I have a mixed-ANOVA design: 2 groups (experimental & control) x 4 time points (pre, post, post2, post3), and am using G*Power to calculate the required sample size. My understanding is that the &...
user381122's user avatar
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Reviewer is requesting the use of Bonferroni adjustment to alpha in G*power calculation ("multiple regression" with 3 predictors)

Since Bonferroni is intended as a (conservative) adjustment to reduce Type 1 error, I'm unclear why it would be required by the reviewer to adjust alpha in the power calculation (using G*power). While ...
J Gates's user avatar
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GPower: unequal number of measurements?

I'm in psych research, so typically I have my subjects do ~40 trials per condition. If I have an uneven number of trials per condition (say, 30 in one and 40 in another) and a 2 x 2 within-subjects ...
jelly1's user avatar
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Multiple linear regression: minimum sample size required when only a subset of independent variables are of interest

I am planning a multiple linear regression model with 1 continuous dependent variable and 6 independent variables. Of these 6 independent variables, I am only interested in the contribution of 2 ...
The_old_man's user avatar
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Why are ztest and chisquared test not returning equivalent sample size results?

I'm using the statistical software G*Power to find the minimum sample size needed to detect whether or not the difference in two proportions is statistically significant in an AB test I'm setting up. ...
Pedro Alonso's user avatar
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What are the distribution values (mu, sigma) for alternative hypothesis of differences between two proportions? How to calculate?

When comparing two independent proportions (p2, p1) in an A/B test, null hypothesis states that the difference is 0, while the alternative hypothesis states it is something other than 0, let's say mu1....
kukushkin's user avatar
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Noncentrality parameter Repeated-Measures ANOVA - formula vs. G*Power

I am trying to figure out the correct expression for the noncentrality parameter $\lambda_{ws}$ for the within-subjects effect in a one-way Repeated-Measures ANOVA with $k$ trials/groups. Comparing ...
Barlon Mrando's user avatar
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Formal name for research design: repeated measures, 1 varying treatment condition, 1 constant treatment condition

I'm coming from a background with regards to randomizing treatment and just conducting measurement at one point in time. In my current setup, there are just four groups of interest: A control group (C)...
rpickmans's user avatar
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Is there any way to do a power-based sample size calculation if you don't know the minimal (scientifically) important difference?

I am in the life sciences field and I don't have much experience with power-based sample size calculations. I am doing a Western blot experiment and my research question is whether protein X ...
ceno980's user avatar
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Power analysis without a prior and for observational data

I am trying to develop the design for an observational study, but I am struggling with the number of observations that would allow us to estimate our model and generalize its results. As a dependent ...
David Harar's user avatar
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Calculate required sample size for multiple linear regression

I'm planning to run a survey experiment where I have a pre-measurement of my outcome variable, then I'm randomly assigning my respondents to one of six treatments/stimuli ("NO" = baseline ...
deschen's user avatar
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ANOVA Repeated Measures crossover design, number of measurements in GPower?

I am planning an experiment in which I will have a group of animals which I will give both the control diet also test them on the treatment diet. I think I can use repeated measures ANOVA for this. I'...
Shara's user avatar
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What does Actual α mean in G*Power?

Can anyone explain what actual α (alpha) means in G*Power? For input parameters, I choose 0.05 for α err prob, and I get 0.0288167 for Actual α. Does it mean I should use 0.0288167 instead of 0.05 for ...
Fatemeh's user avatar
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GPower: Difference in Sample Size for ANCOVA vs. Repeated Measures ANOVA in clinical trials

I want to conduct a randomized pre-post intervention study with two measurement points (1. Baseline 2. Post-intervention) and two groups (Treatment vs. Control) and am currently trying to work out the ...
Sven's user avatar
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Regression power analysis: R's `pwr::pwr.f2.test` R2 deviation from zero vs. R2 increase (vs. G*Power)?

This question is about the difference between R's pwr::pwr.f2.test and G*Power regarding the ...
rempsyc's user avatar
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Numerator degrees of freedom in power analysis for regression (R vs. G*Power)

Background In R, the power analysis package pwr can estimate the required sample size for regression with the following formula: ...
rempsyc's user avatar
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Power analysis: Use a prio test to determine number of particants with G*Power

I would like to conduct a priori power analysis to determine the number of required participants for my experiment. I want to have two experiment groups (with immersive and desktop virtual reality) ...
datasciencelearner's user avatar
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Sample Size - GPower options in F tests, ANOVA: Repeated measures, within factors

I'm trying to determine sample size and found that the "Options" in G*Power changes the effect size (seems to automatically convert this and provides the same results, first two ...
adrienne's user avatar
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Power Calculations for Diff-in-Diff with Fixed Effects

I am conducting a field experiment. Where we observe two different optimization methods. First 7 days pre-treatment period and 28 days treatment period. To split treatment and control, we will have ...
flw's user avatar
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