I'm confused because I thought $ARMA(p,q)$, has elements of autoregression $AR(p)$ and moving average $MA(q)$.
I know a series is $ARIMA$ if the differenced data is an $ARMA$.
The authors of something I'm reading say that this model:
$Y_t=0.9Y_{t-1}+W_t$ is an $ARIMA (1,1,0)$ because the differenced data are an autoregression of order one:
I agree with the differenced data being an autoregression of order 1 but if a series is a $ARIMA$ if the differenced data is an $ARMA$, then where's the moving average part?.
In other words, why say that a series is a $ARIMA$ if the differenced data is an $ARMA$, why not just say that a series is a $ARIMA$ if the differenced data is an autoregression.