My First Sewn Clothing - Pajama Capri with Cuff and Piping
Hi Friends! Happy Sunday! About a month ago I decided to take sewing lessons because I wanted to learn to sew. . .duh! Well, we're 6 weeks into our 10 week class and I finally finished sewing my pajama pants! Actually, the pants above is a pajama capri that I sewn myself without the help of the instructor. I'm actually still working on my full length pajama with my instructor but I decided to try to make the capri version myself.
There's also a pajama top that we haven't started on yet so I'll share the full set once I'm done. You're like, what's the big deal. . .it's just a pajama pants! LOL! Well, I am so excited that I was able to complete the capri all by myself especially the capri cuff and piping! A month ago, I had no idea how to sew anything. . .and look, I actually sewn a pants! I'm on my way, people!!
Honestly, sewing the capri was not problem free. It's a completely different scenario when you're doing it on your own when you're a newbie. I had paid attention in class but when I had to do it on my own without any help, well. . .I messed up. I was so confused on how to sew the crotch area. I actually sewn the wrong end and had to tear out the seam and start over. I even read the instructions and was still confused. I finally figured it out and honestly, I'm still not sure what I did to complete the pants! LOL!!! I'll make another one for my daughter and see if I can do it again. Practice makes perfect!!!
I'm especially proud that I had sewn the cuff and piping. Actually, this part was easier than sewing the crotch because I really paid attention when our instructor was showing us the steps on how to sew the cuff and piping. Don't you just love the cupcake pattern? It's so cute!!
I'll practice making this capri pants and after I've made a few, I'll work on a new project. I'm thinking of sewing an apron next! I know, simple stuff but I'm so stinkin' excited about it. I'm imagining all the fun projects I can work on once I get the hang of this sewing stuff! The possibilities are endless!!!!
Before I go, I wanted to share this video! I love finding new music on YouTube. . .I love this song by KT Tunstall. You may remember her song "Suddenly I See" in the movie "the Devil Wears Prada". Well, I really love this song "Other Side of the World" and I especially love the video. It's pretty cool. The song is pretty too.
Anyway, that's it for today! I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!!