Papers by Titis Thoriq
Islam Nusantara's ideas were clearly elaborate about the teachings of Islam which tolerant, creating
This paper examines the relationship between nationalism, Indonesian state formation, and its imp... more This paper examines the relationship between nationalism, Indonesian state formation, and its impact on Ahmadiyya's school, a self-defined minority sect of Islam. This paper proposes a different reading based on an intertwined reconfiguration of Indonesian nationalism and religion. I suggest that Indonesia contains a common but overlooked example of " godly nationalism " , an imagined community bound by shared theism and mobilized through the state in cooperation with religious organization. Limiting its scope on Ahmadiyya's school namely, Yayasan PIRI (Perguruan Islam Republik Indonesia) Yogyakarta which established on 1942 and it labeled as Ahmadiyya's school based on its history especially refers to Gerakan Ahmadiyya Indonesia. This paper drawn on the dynamics of Ahmadiyya School around the society and its effort to negotiate their position related with godly nationalism ideas as the approach and the perspective. Furthermore, researcher will point out its uniqueness from the curriculum (learning materials), the educators and its learning methods in order to find the basic characteristics which it appropriate with the concept of nationalism. Abstrak Penelitian ini berfokus pada persinggungan antara konsep nasionalisme, pembentukan kebangsaan Indonesia dan pengaruhnya terhadap sekolah Ahmadiyah, sebagai representasi kalangan minoritas dalam Islam. Penelitian ini menawarkan cara pandang yang berbeda mengenai rekonfigurasi yang terjalin dalam diskursus mengenai Nasionalisme dan Konsep keberagamaan di Indonesia. Peneliti berpendapat bahwa Indonesia merupakan sebuah bentuk Negara Nasionalisme Berketuhanan, sebuah masyarakat imajiner yang terikat pada konsep theisme " umum " dan termobilisasi melalui Negara yang didukung oleh organisasi keagamaan. Pembatasan lingkup penelitian pada sekolah Ahmadiyah, yaitu Yayasan PIRI (Perguruan Islam Republik Indonesia) Yogyakarta yang didirikan pada tahun 1942 dan secara historis, yayasan tersebut berafilisasi pada Gerakan Ahmadiyah Indonesia (GAI). Penelitian ini memotret perkembangan dinamika sekolah Ahmadiyah di lingkungan sekitarnya dan usaha negoisasinya dengan mengedepankan gagasan nasionalisme berketuhanan sebagai sebuah pendekatan dan sudut pandang. Lanjutnya lagi, Peneliti menganalisis temuannya lebih dalam tentang kurikulum, eksistensi pendidik dan metode pembelajaran yang digunakannya guna menemukan karakteristik mendasar yang sesuai dengan konsep Nasionalisme dalam konteks ke-Indonesia-an khususnya bagi kalangan minoritas. Kata Kunci: Nasionalisme Berketuhanan, Ahmadiyah, Yayasan PIRI
Madrasah Mu'alimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta merupakan institusi pendidikan tertua dibawah naungan ... more Madrasah Mu'alimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta merupakan institusi pendidikan tertua dibawah naungan Muhammadiyah, organisasi massa Islam terbesar kedua di Indonesia. Sebagai sebuah institusi pendidikan, eksistensi dan urgensi kurikulum yang diterapkan di lembaga tersebut merupakan kajian yang menarik untuk dikaji. Kurikulum sebagai sebuah bagian integral dalam proses pembelajaran memiliki makna yang lebih luas jika disesuaikan dengan tingkat kompleksitas kondisi dan situasi masyarakat sekarang ini. Kurikulum bukan hanya mengenai buku ajar, materi pembelajaran ataupun arsip administrasi. Penelitian ini berfokus untuk mengkaji pengembangan kurikulum yang telah dilaksanakan oleh Madrasah Mu'alimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta didasarkan pada beberapa kajian mengenai pengembangan kurikulum. Peneliti memiliki keingintahuan akademik terhadap keberadaan kurikulum pada institusi pendidikan yang berafiliasi dengan salah satu ormas Islam, dalam hal ini Muhammadiyah. Untuk menunjang proses penelitian ini, Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan disertai dengan metode interview, dokumentasi dan observasi untuk mendapatkan data-data yang sesuai dengan tema tersebut. Adapun cara mendapatkannya melalui teknik purposive sampling dan snowball sampling.
The flexibility of Islam and its ability to blend with the indigenous cultures of the Indonesian ... more The flexibility of Islam and its ability to blend with the indigenous cultures of the Indonesian archipelago facilitated its dissemination throughout this region. Since its coming, Islamic values have easily existed side by side with indigenous Indonesian values. In the field of education, the Islamic educational institution famous for its Islamic approach is the pesantren. This institution, however, is facing major challenges at present and is being asked to modify, develop and change many of its programs in order to accommodate the contemporary issues, especially about the minority rights. This article discusses three main ideas; the minority rights, tolerance and Pesantren. By taking Pesantren Khusus Waria "Al Fattah" as the illustration, this paper proposes an example of how a religious, social, political and sexual marginalized community can live harmony with other communities. In this article, the researcher believed that pluralism means the legitimacy of all kinds of "differences" instead of solely been by the existence of difference itself. Furthermore, this article aims to provide information on the importance of understanding especially for the minority rights as well as the awareness on tolerance and pluralism among communities in order to provide the equal rights for its citizens, including those who considered as "other".
ndonesia has a long history as the multicultural and multiethnic nation -state. However, as a res... more ndonesia has a long history as the multicultural and multiethnic nation -state. However, as a result of these diversities, the numbers of Indonesian citizen still regard it as the seeds of conflict horizontally and vertically. In recent year, the number of mass -violence, discrimination and disintegration in the national scale are increasing so that it needful the immediately solution, one of the ways through the education.
his paper describes about the criminalizing regulation on nikah sirri cases and its responds from... more his paper describes about the criminalizing regulation on nikah sirri cases and its responds from the various society, especially from the religious leaders in Madura. The regulations to criminalize the subject of nikah sirri become debatable issues for Madurese community in the living context socially and religiously. The acceptations and the refutations for this phenomenon become the crucial point to solve and discuss academically because both of responds supported by the logic argumentations.
Hajj is, perhaps the most powerful ritual performed by religious members, included in Islam. In a... more Hajj is, perhaps the most powerful ritual performed by religious members, included in Islam. In addition, Hajj carries Hajjis into the holy land, Mecca and Medina, where prophets received revelations from Allah in the past and religious figures performed the virtuous act there. In Islam, hajj is one of the most important religious acts for Muslim to perform and draws over two million pilgrims each year. As a result, the hajj has become the largest single gathering in one place at one time for one purpose on The Earth
Conference Presentations by Titis Thoriq
ndonesia has a long history as the multicultural and multiethnic nation – state. However, as a re... more ndonesia has a long history as the multicultural and multiethnic nation – state. However, as a result of these diversities, the numbers of Indonesian citizen still regard it as the seeds of conflict horizontally and vertically. In recent year, the number of mass – violence, discrimination and disintegration in the national scale are increasing so that it needful the immediately solution, one of the ways through the education. Lately, the character education and its implementation on multicultural society become the national and global issues. It closely related to the real challenges which faced by the society today about the student population in Indonesia becomes more culturally diverse. This paper is an attempt to explore some of the issues and challenges that embedded in the implementation of character education in multicultural society from Islamic education perspective. From the brief explanation above, this paper is focused on the multiculturalism, the nationalism, the character education and Islamic education. The researcher believed that the multicultural spirit is able to shape by the formulation of character education. Furthermore, this study aims to uncover and explore the model of character education on Islamic education and its significance potentially with Indonesia's multicultural ideals. In concluding, the multiculturalism should be organize and empower in order to build the nationalism awareness.
Kurikulum pendidikan mempunyai peranan yang signifikan dalam mengarahkan dan memandu menuju penin... more Kurikulum pendidikan mempunyai peranan yang signifikan dalam mengarahkan dan memandu menuju peningkatan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia. Eksistensi kurikulum pendidikan seharusnya dikritisi dan dievaluasi secara serius dan berkesinambungan, karena tanpa adanya kurikulum, visi dan misi sebuah bentuk pendidikan akan menjadi ambigu Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menerapkan pendekatan penelitian qualitative dengan metode penelitian studi kepustakaan (library research). Studi ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi isu -isu pendidikan terkini mengenai kurikulum pendidikan dan fenomena kurikulum pendidikan yang paradoks dan anti -realitas. Studi ini mengilustrasikan kejadian sosial, lalu dikaitkan pada data dan literature yang ditemukan dalam buku, dokumen dan jurnal -jurnal. Hasil studi ini berasal dari sintesa dan perbandingan data pada beberapa literature. Adanya proses transformasi makna pendidikan yang tampak sebagai implikasi dari penerapan kurikulum. Konsep baru dalam kurikulum seharusnya disusun dan diterapkan supaya membangun kualitas pendidikan yang lebih baik, melalui implementasi model kurikulum yang berkaitan dengan konteks sosial masyarakat Indonesia, yang mana didominasi oleh masyarakat berkultur pertanian dan kelautan. Kesimpulan dari penjelasan di atas adalah rumusan kurikulum pendidikan dalam konteks masyarakat Indonesia seharusnya sesuai dengan budaya dan kondisi sosial masyarakat tersebut. Kurikulum pendidikan paradoks dan anti realitas seharusnya dieliminasi dalam proses pembelajaran, karena dapat menghilangkan nilai kemanusiaan siswa. Pengaruh dari kurikulum tersebut menjadikan siswa seolah -olah menjadi robot dan memiliki tugas hanya untuk menghafalkan pelajaran tanpa memahami, menganalisis dan menerapkannya dalam kehidupan sosial.
Papers by Titis Thoriq
Conference Presentations by Titis Thoriq