Papers by Ali Murfi

This study was conducted, first, analyzed to determine the learning styles of students excel in M... more This study was conducted, first, analyzed to determine the learning styles of students excel in Mathematics and Science subjects in class XI SMAN 1 and MAN 1 Yogyakarta by applying the theory of David Kolb's learning style. Second, to predict the differences and similarities of learning styles of students achievement in learning Mathematics Class XI SMAN 1 and MAN 1 Yogyakarta. 18 research subjects were drawn from students of class XI. Determining the subject of research is done by using purposive sampling technique that refers to the result of the average value of UTS Mathematics which is the third highest of any class. The results showed that: (1). Students' learning styles achievement in Mathematics and Science subjects in class XI SMA N 1 and MAN 1 Yogyakarta is varied. This is evidenced by the results if the data obtained show that the student has a unique learning style of each and likely to lead to the individual's personality. Based on the analysis of student lea...

Ali Murfi. Komparasi Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Multikultural (Telaah Buku Teks Pelajaran Pendidikan ... more Ali Murfi. Komparasi Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Multikultural (Telaah Buku Teks Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti dengan Pendidikan Agama Kristen dan Budi Pekerti SMP Kelas VII Kurikulum 2013). Skripsi. Yogyakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. 2014. Penelitian ini berdasarkan fakta bahwa materi pembelajaran dalam buku teks PAI dan Budi Pekerti & PAK dan Budi Pekerti SMP Kelas VII Kurikulum 2013 masih belum mampu melakukan integrasi dan komprehensifitas muatan bahan ajar; memasukkan materi-materi, konsep-konsep, dan nilai-nilai dari berbagai agama dengan maksud siswa dapat melihat perbedaan dan persamaan dalam agama-agama, sekaligus untuk mengenal keunikan masing-masing agama.Dalam kerangka inilah, penelitian ini difokuskan untuk mengetahui, memahami dan menghayati nilai-nilai pendidikan multikultural yang termuat dalam buku teks pelajaran PAI dan Budi Pekerti & PAK dan Budi Pekerti, serta melakukan analisis perba...

This research is intended to reveal the importance of Posdaya as an alternative in equal distribu... more This research is intended to reveal the importance of Posdaya as an alternative in equal distribution of early childhood education which isĀ the community-based organization or educational embodiment of, by and for the community.Ā The results showed that the implementation of the model of Posdaya isĀ one of alternative in the equal distribution ofĀ early childhoodĀ educational levelsĀ or it which is called PAUD.Ā The organization of PAUD Posdaya is evidence of the the answers of credibility the challenge of demographic bonus the year 2045, or 100 years of independence of Indonesia andĀ can be a solution related to a classical problem of educational about equal distribution that occurred in Indonesia. Some of the things that make Posdaya important to be held because the first,Ā Posdaya get higher percentage of community pasticipation.Ā The second,Ā itĀ can be reachedĀ by all circles of society,Ā especially medium to bottom class people. The third is as media to synergize the existence of each inst...

Enhancing creativity is beneficial for students to be involved in entrepreneurial activities and ... more Enhancing creativity is beneficial for students to be involved in entrepreneurial activities and entrepreneurship education to promote studentsā creative thinking abilities. This paper examines how teacher creativity drives studentsā ingenuity and investigates entrepreneurship educationās pivotal role in explaining this relationship. A quantitative method was involved in obtaining a better understanding of the relationship between variables using variance-based Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). Participants in this study were gathered from numerous vocational schools in Yogyakarta of Indonesia undergoing an online survey. The findings indicate that teacher creativity has a positive effect on entrepreneurship education and studentsā creativity. It also reveals a strong correlation between entrepreneurship education in the schools and their studentsā creativity. Finally, this study offers to the schools and government to emphasize these variables in enhancing studentsā creativity which can be used to improve studentsā entrepreneurial intentions.

Learning that does not pay attention to individual differences in children and is based on the wi... more Learning that does not pay attention to individual differences in children and is based on the wishes of the teacher, will be challenging to be able to lead students towards the achievement of learning goals. One application rather than active learning is the Question Students Have strategy (questions from students). This study aims to find out and understand the forms, steps, strengths, and weaknesses of the Question Student Have (QSH) learning strategy, as well as how the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) is modeled in Fiqh subjects in MTs Negeri 9 Bantul. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method. The results showed that the form of the Question Student Have strategy teachers stimulated students to learn firsthand the learning material materials that would be delivered within a specific time. After that, students are invited to submit questions from material that they do not understand nor understand. Steps to make the Question Student Have strategy more effective then allocate time for each session after that if the class is too large so that there is not enough time to distribute the paper to all students, divide the class into groups and follow the instructions as above. This Question Student Have a strategy that can attract and focus the student's attention even though the classroom situation was complicated before or students had a joking habit during the lesson. However, not all students were comfortable with making questions because the level of students' abilities in the class was different. In the future, a teacher must continue to look for and formulate strategies that can embrace all differences held by students. Abstrak Pembelajaran yang kurang memperhatikan perbedaan individual anak dan didasarkan pada keinginan guru, akan sulit untuk dapat mengantarkan anak didik ke arah pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran. Salah satu aplikasi daripada aktif learning adalah strategi Question Students Have (pertanyaan dari siswa). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memahami bentuk-bentuk, langkah-langkah, kelebihan dan kekurangan dari strategi pembelajaran Question Student Have (QSH), serta bagaimana model Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) pada mata pelajaran Fiqh di MTs Negeri 9 Bantul.

Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) is shaking the world. This massive event triggered by i... more Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) is shaking the world. This massive event triggered by infectious disease is beyond the predictions of many people, even practitioners, and experts in the field of crisis management. Now all sectors are affected, including the world of Education. Academic leaders respond by moving their educational activities and those related online. The decision to pivot into distance learning is made quickly. This research focuses on highlighting how the headmaster's leadership in carrying out crisis management in the Islamic School of Al-Azhar Cairo Yogyakarta by going through the stages, namely 1) Before the Crisis, 2) During the Crisis, 3) After the Crisis. This research uses a qualitative method with the type of case study. The results showed that Before the Crisis stage was carried out by implementing the Covid-19 Prevention Literacy policy. The stages during the crisis are carried out with (a) Health Talk, (b) Learning from Home Policy, and (c) Video and Podcast Challenge. After the crisis phase, the principal develops a collaborative approach to leadership, evaluating, and controlling the various effects of the crisis to prevent future crises. Crisis management is needed so that schools can be better prepared to deal with crises and reduce their impact so that the learning process and managerial activities can continue to run productively.

Although Singapore cannot be used as a model for global Islamic education, this country has quite... more Although Singapore cannot be used as a model for global Islamic education, this country has quite several madrasahs. The Singapore government is also quite responsive in providing support for the continuation of Islamic education activities. This study aims to analyze the Islamic education system-madrasah management and curriculum in Singapore. Most importantly, this study identifies how the role of madrasahs in the Singapore education system is. The study in this paper is qualitative. This study uses library research, and the method of content analysis and constant comparative analysis becomes the first option of the writer. The results show that Singapore's Islamic Ugama Majlis (MUIS) plays a significant role in monitoring and managing the development of Islamic education in Singapore, which performs three types of Islamic education, Part-Time Education, Full Time Education, and Islamic Study Program for the Community. MUIS created a special curriculum by proposing the Singapore Islamic Education System (SIES) by introducing the ALIVE curriculum. The role and relevance of madrasahs cannot be underestimated or dismissed because the growing Muslim community and society will always need the right channels for real Islamic education regardless of how progressive or modern it is. This paper provides a broad view of madrasah in Singapore and looks at management, curriculum, and the role of madrasahs.

Seeing the face of Islamic nowadays, Islam Nusantara is very needed, because its characteristic p... more Seeing the face of Islamic nowadays, Islam Nusantara is very needed, because its characteristic proposes solution in moderate ways, not right or left extreme, always balance, inclusive, tolerance, can live in harmonization with other religion followers and can accept the democracy well. Islam Nusantara is delivered through in friendly, harmonize and respectful way, so that it does not suppress the culture. Islam Nusantara is neither a new religion nor a new school, but Islam Nusantara is the face of Islam in Southeast Asia. The teachings of Islam are implemented in a society in which the mental and character are influenced by the structure of the islands. Islam Nusantara's characteristic can be formulated in operational form as the basic of life for the pluralism and nationality society so that it can be defined as a process of Islam Nusantara actualization through local wisdom. In level of practice, it can be done by inserting Islam Nusantara's values, not only in knowledge's source and structure, but also in society's morality. Those values are moderate, tolerance, balance and inclusive.

This research is intended to reveal the importance of Posdaya as an alternative in equal distribu... more This research is intended to reveal the importance of Posdaya as an alternative in equal distribution of early childhood education which is the community-based organization or educational embodiment of, by and for the community. The results showed that the implementation of the model of Posdaya is one of alternative in the equal distribution of early childhood educational levels or it which is called PAUD. The organization of PAUD Posdaya is evidence of the the answers of credibility the challenge of demographic bonus the year 2045, or 100 years of independence of Indonesia and can be a solution related to a classical problem of educational about equal distribution that occurred in Indonesia. Some of the things that make Posdaya important to be held because the first, Posdaya get higher percentage of community pasticipation. The second, it can be reached by all circles of society, especially medium to bottom class people. The third is as media to synergize the existence of each instituiton in society, such as government programs related to toddler, mothers, and society as Posyandu, PKK, BKB, KB, the national program for community empowerment (PNPM Mandiri), and other empowerment programs. Abstrak Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengungkap pentingnya posdaya sebagai alternatif dalam pemerataan pendidikan anak usia dini yang merupakan lembaga berbasis masyarakat atau sebagai perwujudan pendidikan dari, oleh dan untuk masyarakat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyelenggaraan model posdaya merupakan salah satu pioner

This study was conducted, first, analyzed to determine the learning styles of students excel in M... more This study was conducted, first, analyzed to determine the learning styles of students excel in Mathematics and Science subjects in class XI SMAN 1 and MAN 1 Yogyakarta by applying the theory of David Kolb's learning style. Second, to predict the differences and similarities of learning styles of students achievement in learning Mathematics Class XI SMAN 1 and MAN 1 Yogyakarta. 18 research subjects were drawn from students of class XI. Determining the subject of research is done by using purposive sampling technique that refers to the result of the average value of UTS Mathematics which is the third highest of any class. The results showed that: (1). Students' learning styles achievement in Mathematics and Science subjects in class XI SMA N 1 and MAN 1 Yogyakarta is varied. This is evidenced by the results if the data obtained show that the student has a unique learning style of each and likely to lead to the individual's personality. Based on the analysis of student learning styles achievement shows that students SMA N 1 Yogyakarta been the subject of much research as 4 students have a learning style Assimilator, 3 students have learning styles Konverger, one student has a learning style Akomodator and one student has a learning style Diverger again. While students perform at MAN 1 Yogyakarta who is the subject of research, as many as four people have Akomodator learning styles, each two students have learning styles Assimilator and Diverger, then one student again has a learning style Konverger. (2). Differences in learning styles that happens is the individual habits that become unique to them. Students perform at SMA N 1 Yogyakarta dominates the Assimilator learning styles, while students of MAN 1 Yogyakarta dominates the Akomodator learning styles. Abstrak Penelitian ini dilakukan pertama, menganalisa untuk mengetahui gaya belajar siswa berprestasi dalam mata pelajaran MIPA kelas XI di SMAN 1 dan MAN 1 Yogyakarta dengan menerapkan teori gaya belajar David Kolb. Kedua, untuk memprediksi adanya perbedaan dan persamaan gaya belajar siswa berprestasi

The research reveals about the thought of Omid Safi about Progressive Muslims from naming, agenda... more The research reveals about the thought of Omid Safi about Progressive Muslims from naming, agenda, attendance reasons, to focus them on the realm of Islamic thought and relate it to trends in contemporary Islam. Progressive Muslim intended as an umbrella concept for people who want an open and safe space for running a rigorous and honest engagement with tradition, and hopefully will lead to further action. There are three major agenda (mission) of Progressive Muslims, the first social justice; both gender equality; The third received a plurality. The method adopted by Omid Safi in constructing the concept of Progressive Muslims are methods Multiple Critique. Progressive Muslims in an attempt to compare with trends in contemporary Islam is indeed a lot of help affirm the distinction in each trend. However, when we conducted an analysis of eight classification proposed by Abdullah Saeed on trends in contemporary Islam, seemingly progressive Muslims more fit in the category of groups ijtihadi Progressive, which modern thinkers on religion which seeks to reinterpret religious teachings in order to answer kebutuham modern society and Saeed himself quoting Omid Safi when defining trends of this last one. Abstrak Penelitian ini mengungkap tentang gagasan pemikiran Omid Safi tentang Muslim Progresif mu-lai dari penamaan, agenda, alasan kehadiran, hingga fokus mereka pada ranah pemikiran Islam serta mengaitkannya dengan tren-tren Islam kontemporer. Muslim Progresif dimaksudkan sebagai sebuah konsep yang memayungi bagi orang-orang yang menginginkan ruang terbuka dan aman untuk men-jalankan suatu keterlibatan yang ketat dan jujur dengan tradisi, dan penuh harap akan mengantarkan kepada aksi lebih lanjut. Ada tiga agenda besar (misi) dari Muslim Progresif, pertama mewujudkan keadilan sosial; kedua mewujudkan kesetaraan gender; ketiga menerima pluralitas. Metode yang dia-dopsi oleh Omid Safi dalam mengkonstruksi konsep tentang Muslim Progresif adalah metode Multiple Critique. Dalam upaya membandingkan Muslim Progresif dengan tren-tren Islam kontemporer me-mang banyak membantu menegaskan distingsi secara masing-masing tren. Meskipun demikian, apa-bila kita melakukan analisis terhadap delapan klasifikasi yang diajukan oleh Abdullah Saeed tentang tren-tren Islam kontemporer, nampaknya muslim progresif lebih tepat masuk dalam kategori kelompok Ijtihadi Progresif, yaitu para pemikir modern atas agama yang berupaya menafsir ulang ajaran agama agar bisa menjawab kebutuham masyarakat modern dan Saeed sendiri mengutip tulisan Omid Safi ketika mendifinisikan tren terakhir ini.
This research to reveal comparative Islamic Education (PAI) with Christian Education (PAK) throug... more This research to reveal comparative Islamic Education (PAI) with Christian Education (PAK) through a textbook's lesson in terms of content values of multicultural education. The comparative's analysis includes three aspects, differences, similarities, and common platform. The results showed that substance of values of multicultural education contained in the textbooks have much in similarities which eventually became common platform both than the differences that exist, so that PAI and PAK should move bind themselves to each other in one joint effort to raise the noble values of multicultural, where both scientific traditions stand firm through efforts integration and comprehension charge of teaching materials.

This research has been done to reveal the gender bias in text books of Islamic and Christian reli... more This research has been done to reveal the gender bias in text books of Islamic and Christian religious educationas as the basis for promoting gender concept religious education factually. These findings show that the text books of Islamic and Christian religious, which are learnt by students nowadays, are found only a little value of gender norm. Because of this, it is necessary for the religious education lessons are to be revised and implemented the comprehension of gender bias by professional teacher. This is as the innovative movement of religious education about equality and equity of women and men in the access of economic, social, cultural and political activities. Abstrak Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menyingkap bias gender dalam buku teks pendidikan agama Islam dan Kristen sebagai dasar untuk mempromosikan pendidikan agama berwawasan gender secara faktual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa buku teks pelajaran pendidikan agama Islam dan Kristen yang dipelajari oleh siswa dewasa ini, hanya berisi sedikit nilai norma gender.Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya revisi materi pendidikan agama yang lazim diimplementasikan pemahaman tentang bias gender oleh para guru profesional. Hal ini sebagai gerakan inovasi pendidikan agama tentang kesetaraan (equality) dan keadilan (equity) antara perempuan dengan laki-laki dalam akses ekonomi, sosial budaya dan politik
Conference Presentations by Ali Murfi
Papers by Ali Murfi
Conference Presentations by Ali Murfi