Papers by Almaydza Pratama
TARQIYATUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Seeking knowledge requires understanding and ethics based on religious arguments so that Allah SW... more Seeking knowledge requires understanding and ethics based on religious arguments so that Allah SWT. facilitates the pursuit of knowledge. It is important for Muslims to study the arguments related to the obligation to study and understand the ethics of a student in studying so that they can obtain knowledge to the fullest. A student in gaining knowledge should pay attention to several things that need to be prepared. One of them is having good intentions. Sincere intentions in his heart. The intention is solely to learn because of Allah ta'ala. In addition, a student must also have good manners in his pursuit of knowledge. The most important figure as a role model for students to have commendable morals is the Prophet Muhammad. Rasulullah saw is a noble creature. His main task was sent to the world is to perfect morals. He taught and exemplified commendable behavior to his friends. Then the friends transmit what they get to others, so that these teachings reach us today. These t...
Jurnal Asy-Syukriyyah, 2016
Discussing leadership is essentially to discuss the intricacies of human society. Humans are soci... more Discussing leadership is essentially to discuss the intricacies of human society. Humans are social creatures, instinctively need to get along and needing another human in the process they form groups, communities, nations and state, which in turn needs a leader. A joint community leaders work together to organize, build, promote and defend the community. Leadership is understood as all efforts together to mobilize all the resources and tools available within an organization. Resources can be classified into two major parts, namely: human resources and non-human resources. In educational institutions, especially the educational institutions of Islam consists of various elements or sources, and humans are the most important element, so the success or failure of an organization to achieve its intended purpose is highly dependent on the ability of its leaders to foster a climate of cooperation easily and can mobilize resources existing power, so it can be run effectively and efficientl...
Scaffolding: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam dan Multikulturalisme
Al-Quran motivates students to understand and observe their environment in learning, so the purpo... more Al-Quran motivates students to understand and observe their environment in learning, so the purpose of this study is to find and prove the concept of learning motivation according to the perspective of Al-Quran. The approach in this research is a descriptive-interpretative qualitative approach. The type of research used is library research. While the data obtained is a descriptive narrative of motivation in learning the Koran perspective. The Quranic perspective is related to the principles of learning motivation, including the principles: 1. The principles of learning motivation from within the learner or intrinsic include the principles of curiosity, asking, caring, confidence, relevance, and hope. 2. The principles from outside the learner or external, namely: the principle of fun, appreciation, self-actualization, and achievement.
Jurnal Asy-Syukriyyah, 2017
Understanding educators or teachers are limited as one individual figure who is in front of the c... more Understanding educators or teachers are limited as one individual figure who is in front of the class. In a broad sense is a person who has the duty of responsibility to educate learners in developing their personality, both take place in school or outside school. According UUSPN 1989, teachers include educational staff, especially educators who are tasked with guiding, teaching and training students. In modern educational terminology, educators are called people who give lessons to their students by holding one discipline in school. Generally the educator is the person who has the responsibility to educate. While in particular, educators in the perspective of Islamic education are those who are responsible for the development of learners by seeking the development of all potential learners, both affective potential, cognitive, and psychomotor in accordance with the values of Islamic religious teachings. Students themselves in Islamic education are individuals who are growing and de...
ABSTRAK Al Wa'du Al Haq adalah sebuah novel sejarah karya Thaha Husein yang menceritakan tent... more ABSTRAK Al Wa'du Al Haq adalah sebuah novel sejarah karya Thaha Husein yang menceritakan tentang kehidupan sejarah awal Islam yang dikelilingi oleh orang-orang kecil, para budak, orang buangan, dan mereka yang sama sekali tidak pernah diperhitungkan oleh sejarah. Mereka dianggap tidak mempunyai peranan apapun bagi kehidupan di sekitarnya. Peneliti menggunakan teori struktural genetik Lucien Goldmann. Teori struktural genetik Lucien Goldmann menekankan bahwa sastra merupakan sebuah struktur, akan tetapi struktur itu bukan sesuatu yang statis, melainkan merupakan produk dari proses sejarah yang terus berlangsung, proses strukturasi dan destruksi yang hidup dan dihayati oleh masyarakat asal karya sastra yang bersangkutan. Lucien Goldmann membangun seperangkat kategori yang saling bertalian satu sama lain sehingga membentuk apa yang disebutnya stukturalisme genetik. Kategori-kategori itu adalah fakta kemanusiaan, subjek kolektif, strukturasi, dan pandangan dunia pengarang. Kristalisasi dari strukturasi fakta kemanusiaan, subjek kolektif, pengarang sebagai subjek transindividual, akan tergambar dalam pandangan dunia pengarang yang merupakan hasil interaksi antara subjek transindividual dengan dunia sekitarnya. Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fakta kemanusian dalam realitas literer adalah adanya hegemoni aristokrat sejarah. Hal ini sangat homolog atau simetris dengan realitas sosial historis bangsa Mesir antara tahun 1920- 1930an, sejarah pada waktu itu bersifat aristokratis yang hanya dihegemoni oleh para pemimpin dan berpihak kepada tokoh-tokoh yang dianggap penting, bukan kepada orang-orang kecil yang tertindas, baik oleh kekuasaan, sistem, dogma atau apapun. Sejarah yang terlupakan tersebut menjadi perhatian Thaha Husein. Ia kemudian menstrukturasi realitas sosial tersebut dalam Al Wa'du Al Haq. Hal ini dilakukan karena ia merupakan bagian dari subjek transindividual yang berfikir dengan struktur mental kelas sosialnya. Lebih lanjut, Thaha Husein menyuarakan pandangan dunia produk dari subjek kolektif yang melingkupi kelompok sosial pengarang, yaitu kelompok sosial masyarakat The Syntetic Trend, yaitu kelompok yang berusaha memadukan antara Islam dan Kebudayaan barat. Dari kelompok sosial Masyarakat ini ia mulai menyampaikan gagasan-gagasannya, terutama mengenai hegemoni aristokrat sejarah. kemudian Ia merekontruksi sejarah bukan milik para penguasa yang dapat direkayasa. Sejarah sesungguhnya adalah milik orang-orang kecil yang dinistakan dan disingkirkan dari lingkaran kekuasaan. Ia juga merekonstruksi mitos-mitos sahabat-sahabat Nabi Muhammad. Kalau selama ini, para penulis mengagungkan sang Nabi dengan setting para sahabatnya, Thaha Husein membaliknya. Tokoh agung itu menjadi setting perjalanan hidup para sahabatnya.
Jurnal Asy-Syukriyyah, 2020
ion Learning motivation is one of the factors that can determine the learning outcomes of student... more ion Learning motivation is one of the factors that can determine the learning outcomes of students. The existence of learning motivation can provide energy that drives all potential, raises high desire, and increases togetherness which will have an effect on arousing, directing and maintaining student behavior towards the learning environment. Thus the goal of achieving the expected material will be achieved. Therefore learning motivation plays an important role in learning because of several factors: First, learning motivation gives enthusiasm to students in learning activities. Second, learning motivation is a determinant of the kinds of activities that students want to carry out. Third, learning motivation provides instructions for students to behave.
Papers by Almaydza Pratama