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AppImage giving APPRUN_ERROR: No such file or directory

I am trying to build an AppImage for my Flutter application; this used to work as expected, but after updating to Ubuntu 24.04 (not sure if this is relevant or not) the resulting AppImage is showing: ...
David Hobley's user avatar
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AppImage 'symbol lookup error' in libc library

I created a AppImage file on a system but cant run on other system. I get the following error: $LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$APPDIR/usr/lib/ ./Programik-x86_64.AppImage /tmp/.mount_PrograVkCV6J/usr/bin/...
jeden's user avatar
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ENOENT when executing AppImage inside Docker container

I have an appimage that I want to run with --appimage-extract-and-run inside a docker container. When inside the docker container I cannot extract the appimage (fails with bash: ./prog.AppImage: No ...
Will Alley's user avatar
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Where to put .debug file in AppDir?

I want to create AppImage of my application with debug symbols, because it crashes. Where should I put .debug file containing that info in AppDir? AppDir/usr/lib/debug/? Are there any conventions? My ...
Max Cury's user avatar
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'Desktop file not found' error when trying to create appimage

'Desktop file not found' error when trying to create appimage I am trying to create appimage for Foliate ebook reader on EndevourOS. When i run the appimagetool i get this: [user@user-pc ~]$ ...
Ivo1467's user avatar
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AppImage/Qt6 - QIcon::setFallbackSearchPaths not working

I am trying to deploy a Qt6 application, which bundles its own icons (this way on Windows/OSX I get consistent icons). As part of my build I deploy into $BIN/share/icons the content of the breeze ...
elcuco's user avatar
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How to resolve desktop-file-not-found when creating AppImage with AppStream upstream metadata?

I am having difficulty adding AppStream upstream metadata to my project's AppImage. Below are the relevant parts of the file structure of my AppImage: something.AppDir |__AppRun |__io.github....
Sun Bear's user avatar
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GITLAB - Permalink for download latest AppImage Release from a repository

Somehow a follow up questions to: GITLAB - Permalink for download latest Release form my repository (I wanted to comment below, but this is only allowed after 50 posts or so) Is there a way to put ...
Smojo's user avatar
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create self packed ApRun image includex libonnxruntime(gpu) with gpu support

I am creating App image with linuxdeployqt and also linuxdeploy . all looks fine . I transferred the appimage to another ubuntu with gpu its running withour error but on the cpu not on the gpu .No ...
Rahibe Meryem's user avatar
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How to make custom x-scheme-handlers work in AppImages?

I'm trying to make a custom x-scheme-handler MimeType work in an AppImage I build. It should enable me to open said AppImage if I click a link in the form of my-handler://login-callback. I already ...
SecretOne's user avatar
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AppImage updates conflicts with its .desktop file

I have a couple of AppImage files in my system (Fedora38). I need all of those AppImage icons in my app tray. I manually created the .desktop files, and it works fine. But when an app gets updated, ...
NavaneethPK's user avatar
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How to install AppImage globally using bash? [closed]

I'm looking for a way to simplify the process of making an AppImage globally accessible on a Linux machine. How can I install an AppImage/put it in path without much additional work, so I can i.g. ...
maribox's user avatar
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Webpack app.js Not Being Loaded Into HTML Script Tag After Packaging with Electron-Builder

I am trying to build a React app using Electron-Builder. Right now, I have a simple template with a file structure like this: Project + | +--node_modules/ | +--build/ | | | +--js/ | | | +--...
jamman2000's user avatar
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defaultServiceProvider::requestService(): no service found for - "org.qt-project.qt.mediaplayer"

I'm building my Qt app into an AppImage on Ubuntu-22.04. It builds without errors and the app works. But the problem is that it's supposed to display a video, and it doesn't. The initial version of ...
Wasyn's user avatar
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How do I access resources in C when bundling into an AppImage?

I have a C program that I want to package into an AppImage file. I am attempting to use linuxdeploy and appimagetool to create the AppImage for my program. It has worked so far, but I do not know how ...
Priff13's user avatar
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How run AppImage with AppArmor

I have Archlinux with AppArmor and I get this error trying to run this AppImage (standard-notes-3.150.38-linux-x86_64.AppImage): $ Downloads/standard-notes-3.150.38-linux-x86_64.AppImage fuse: mount ...
oml's user avatar
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Hosting static files with Python Fastapi inside an Appimage

I have two projects: one of them is a Python Project with Fastapi and another one is a React project. I've packaged my Python application into an Appimage, by creating a single binary for it (with ...
Computergy's user avatar
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Dealing with files in app running inside AppImage

I have an application written in Qt/C++ which is running under Linux. Inside my application I have several functions which dealing with files located in: QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() /tmp/ ...
Mike's user avatar
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Electron: Failed to load URL: file:///#

I've got a mysterious error in the build of my electron app. The following error shows up when running the AppImage, but not in the dev setup: (node:41260) electron: Failed to load URL: file:///# with ...
Blee's user avatar
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Adding command line arguments to AppImage

When opening an appImage with double click, is there some way to automatically add command line arguments? Why: on a fresh UBUNTU MATE 22.04 installation, I'm having problems with some appImages: most ...
valerio_sperati's user avatar
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Calculate Disk Space in Linux

I am trying to get free disk space in an electron application targeting linux. I have following code to get free space. const checkDiskSpace = require('check-disk-space').default checkDiskSpace(path....
Abdul's user avatar
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Java application with jpackage: Conflict with parallel installed JDK/JRE

I am developing a Java application and distribute it with packaging with jpackage on Windows. I am using the following jpackage command to create the whole application image: jpackage --java-options '-...
ndbd's user avatar
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Qt::FramelessWindowHint is invalid if packaged with AppImage

I want to build a window that no frame, so I use that code: setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint | windowFlags()); it's work, but when I build with AppImage, it becomes invalid。 The complete ...
Maicss's user avatar
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appImage-builder V1.0.3

I am trying to use the latest version of the appImage-builder because appimages of my application built with the old version of appImage-builder do not run on ubuntu 22.04 anymore. So I got the order ...
denvercoder's user avatar
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RPATH applies for most of dependent libraries shown by ldd but not for all on Centos 7.7

I have this problem only on CentOS 7.7 (on Fedora 33 and 35 it all works as expected). My appimage app for some reason tries to open system, , and some others, while ...
JenyaKh's user avatar
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Why my file is not added to the appImage (electron app)

I have an electron app which uses a database opened with the following code: const fs = require("fs") const sqlite = require("aa-sqlite") await'cregr_db.db'); My package.json ...
Alain Bertrand's user avatar
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FUSE problem launching app in linux with java

Hi i'm tring to launch software from java in linux, but i recive this error for appimage: dlopen(): error loading AppImages require FUSE to run. You might still be able to extract the ...
Amedeo Braggio's user avatar
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How to set app icon for linux revisited and how does xfreerdp do it

I discovered that my appimag-ed application does not show any app icon in the window manager when launched, even though it has the icon inside itself. By the way, e.g., Obsidian app does suffer from ...
JenyaKh's user avatar
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Is there a way to get Keyboard change reflect on Appimage?

I am using ibus keyboard layout and I can change the language globally, However this change is not reflected on Appimages (I am using Inkscape). Is there a solution to this problem or are Appimages ...
linguistan's user avatar
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How to deploy qt applications in raspberrypi 4

i want deploy qt applications in raspberrypi and share apps with other raspberrypi without instal qt. As an executable file. I tried linuxdeployqt but it error "./linuxdeployqt-continuous-x86_64....
MinhThong's user avatar
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AppImage and CAP_SYS_BOOT using setcap: ./app.AppImage differs in [pe]

I am trying to grant reboot capability to my appimage using setcap. Using following command on a simple application (all it does is to reboot the machine) works, however it does not work with my ...
no more sigsegv's user avatar
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How to run Github Desktop on Manjaro

I am new to Manjaro and Linux in general. I downloaded the AppImage from the github repsitory: and set the properties to be able ...
Konstantinos Larkos's user avatar
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Can not run appimages inside rootless docker container

I have installed rootless docker on ubuntu 20.04 [][1] I have download vscodium appimage from [
Parvez Khan's user avatar
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Undefined reference. But can't find the specific library name

I'm going to assemble a program. But errors followed. gcc -no-pie final.s -ldl -lm -lz -lrt -lpthread -lcrypt -lgmp -m64 /usr/bin/ld: error in /tmp/ccjXcZiN.o(.eh_frame); no .eh_frame_hdr table will ...
S1mple's user avatar
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Setting runtime environment variables in appimage-builder

I was able to successfully package a small QtQuick app (QT 6.2) using appimage-builder My only issue was to get it to work I need to manually set the environment variable QML2_IMPORT_PATH=$APPDIR/home/...
richc's user avatar
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How to extract and compare the libc versions at runtime?

How to extract and compare the libc versions at runtime with the following restrictions? stable solution (commands output parsing is discarded as this may vary) should not rely on executing external ...
Alexis's user avatar
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Appimage problems

I would like to release my program that wrote in ruby language, I need to pack ruby to appimage file and send it to my client ubuntu PC first. so I create the folder "ruby-img", then copy my ...
DarkSpy's user avatar
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Appimage make package issue

I need to release my program which wrote in ruby. first of all I would like to make ruby to appimage package to client linux. now I make the "ruby-img" folder and put the desktop file down ...
DarkSpy's user avatar
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Using unionfs from inside an appimage

I'm creating an overlay FS (using unionfs-fuse) from a script in an AppImage (created with appimage-builder v0.9.2). The overlay is mounted successfully, but at the end of the script, it fails to ...
Francois's user avatar
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Oracle OCI library fails when packaged in AppImage

The following code sets up an OCI (Oracle Call Interface) environment, which must be done before attempting to connect to a database. It works fine when compiled and linked as a normal program, but ...
Åsmund's user avatar
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Enormous appimage created by appimage-builder

I'm packaging an application I have written into an AppImage so that it can be delivered to Linux users. One of the key features of the GUI toolkit I'm using is that it is small and lightweight, ...
user3353819's user avatar
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how to setup odbc for MSSQL SERVER correctly

i have made a QT Desktop application as an Appimage. On my development laptop it works fine connecting to the database flawless. But when i put the Appimage to my PC where also the MS SQL Server is ...
Rolf Hausen's user avatar
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How to detect if I run in an Electron AppImage in Linux?

I am building an electron app and I need to make a decision depending on if the app is an AppImage. The image itself is mounted in a directory, so sys.argv contains nothing that helps. Any ideas?
HelloWorld's user avatar
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AppImage : When deployed in another system , does it use the .so files which is bundled in it ..or the ones present in distributed system?

I am creating a .appimage in my system for an application which uses libraries from openvino..When deploying that on another gives me symbol lookup error in opencv Mat() function.. The ...
Kaviya Subramanian's user avatar
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nvim and vim not recognized after upgrade to nightly

in the attempt of upgrading nvim NVIM v0.4.4 Build type: Release LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3 Compilation: /usr/bin/cc -g -O2 -fdebug-prefix-map=/build/neovim-u4YhjF/neovim-0.4.4=. -fstack-protector-strong -...
Francesco Iapicca's user avatar
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AppImage - AppRun gives segmentation fault

I have a Qt-Qml application that i've built and packed on Ubuntu 20.04.2 using appimage-builder. I tried to deploy it to a Debian 10.8.0 virtual machine. When I try and run the .AppImage it is waiting ...
no more sigsegv's user avatar
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How do I access a Sqlite3 database from an Electron AppImage .mount point?

OS: Linux 5.9.16-1-MANJARO Electron version: 10.1.5 BetterSqlite version: 7.1.2 I am currently writing an application using Electron and BetterSqlite. I build the AppImage like this: npm run build &...
NespoliBT's user avatar
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Images not displaying in Qt application packaged with linuxdeployqt

I have a sample project at If I run the app from Qt Creator, I get a window which looks like the one below. However, if I package the app with ...
James Hudson's user avatar
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How to only download an appimage if the version doesn't match the existing in ansible

I want to download the latest appimage of bitwarden, but only if the downloadable version is newer than the local one. - name: Download and place Bitwarden Appimage get_url: url: "https://...
G4nja Wizard's user avatar
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Unable to properly disown AppImage

Been tinkering tonight but am unable to find a solution. I've written a small script that I call with a "popup-shell" and that uses fzf to select a file. I pass this file to marktext ...
Yaogen's user avatar
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