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Webpack app.js Not Being Loaded Into HTML Script Tag After Packaging with Electron-Builder

I am trying to build a React app using Electron-Builder. Right now, I have a simple template with a file structure like this: Project + | +--node_modules/ | +--build/ | | | +--js/ | | | +--...
jamman2000's user avatar
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Electron: Failed to load URL: file:///#

I've got a mysterious error in the build of my electron app. The following error shows up when running the AppImage, but not in the dev setup: (node:41260) electron: Failed to load URL: file:///# with ...
Blee's user avatar
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Why my file is not added to the appImage (electron app)

I have an electron app which uses a database opened with the following code: const fs = require("fs") const sqlite = require("aa-sqlite") await'cregr_db.db'); My package.json ...
Alain Bertrand's user avatar
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How to detect if I run in an Electron AppImage in Linux?

I am building an electron app and I need to make a decision depending on if the app is an AppImage. The image itself is mounted in a directory, so sys.argv contains nothing that helps. Any ideas?
HelloWorld's user avatar
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How do I access a Sqlite3 database from an Electron AppImage .mount point?

OS: Linux 5.9.16-1-MANJARO Electron version: 10.1.5 BetterSqlite version: 7.1.2 I am currently writing an application using Electron and BetterSqlite. I build the AppImage like this: npm run build &...
NespoliBT's user avatar
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Desktop integration for electron app in appImage format

I have created my electron app and built it on .deb format using electron-builder. But to enable auto-update, now I have switched into appImage format. But, for desktop integration to work, I have to ...
Prayag k's user avatar
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Electron .AppImage distribution app cannot be opened, when downloaded from the web site

I have an Electron app, which I have to publish, and I am having issues with the Linux distribution version. For Linux, I've decided to build an .AppImage distribution file and the problem is that the ...
Eugen-Andrei Coliban's user avatar
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How do I build and install an electron app for raspbian using appimage

I am working on creating an electron appimage for my raspberry pi 4 to use in my car. I want to be able to use auto-updates from electron-builder so that I wont have to take apart the R-PI every time ...
bocodes's user avatar
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Electron Linux: .AppImage is not showing the icon, while .deb is

I have an Electron app which I want to distribute to all operating systems. I have an issue with the Linux release file. I've tested both the .deb file and the .AppImage file. The problem is the ...
Francesco Borzi's user avatar
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Launch a bundled external script when exporting to AppImage

I have made my own application with electron, and I encounter an issue with production builds, when it comes to launching an external python script. When I run the code in the dev environment, I have ...
yhu420's user avatar
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