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Generate Zip File - download PDF from Url and Generate Zip to Download in Browser - Broken PDF

I have create Rest Service and I am trying to Generate Zip file. This Zip file created from muliple PDF files which are downloaded using method InputStream inpuStream = new URL(url).openStream() . I ...
Jordan's user avatar
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Compressing(zip) List of files with ZipOutPutStream Java

I`m trying to compress a list of Xml converted on Strings, save them in only one zip file and returning as a body of a POST on restful. But everytime I save the file I get the error "The archive is ...
Idelgarde Sá's user avatar
60 votes
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Spring REST - create ZIP file and send it to the client

I want to create a ZIP file that contains my archived files that I received from the backend, and then send this file to a user. For 2 days I have been looking for the answer and can't find proper ...
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