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Why is my created zip file (using ZipOutputStream) invalid?

I've been trying to retrieve all the files in the current directory, create a zip file, and place all the files into that zip file. Currently, I'm able to retrieve all the files, but I'm not sure they'...
user28192221's user avatar
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Zip contents corrupted when trying to zip via ZipOutputStream in RxJava

I am trying to create a zip file and upload that zip file in AWS S3 via a multipart upload route. However, I am facing an issue where the file is successfully getting generated however, the contents ...
Satyam Kumar's user avatar
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Create a zip consisting of multiple fileoutputStreams objects

I have a method in which in a loop I am creating FileOutputStream objects of excel files. Each file is in different folder as per the requirement. I need to create a zip response as well of the whole. ...
mautila registan's user avatar
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Corrupt Zip file using ZipOutputStream to create DOCX file

I use ZipOutputStream to compress the content of a folder into a Zip file. Below is my working code. But it creates corrupt DOCX files. Trying to extract them on macOS fails. private const val ...
Genealogy's user avatar
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StreamingResponseBody with ZipOutputStream to WebFlux and reactive programming

In my application (Spring MVC) I have a legacy endpoint returning a ResponseEntity<StreamingResponseBody>. The StreamingResponseBody is basically a ZipOutputStream built by fetching a list of ...
Bapt_'s user avatar
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Java download zip file with HTTPResponse works at localhost but failed at server

I've created a download button to get a zip file of product photos. It works fine when testing in localhost but doesnt work after deployed to server. No zip file was created and there're no error ...
A.T.'s user avatar
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Generated zip file is always corrupted after download on Mac

Lets say that I have a collection of objects which I would like to wrap with zip. My zip conversion class looks like: public class ZipFile { public byte[] createZipByteArray(String fileName, byte[...
Martin's user avatar
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How to create a zip file from binary data without knowing contents of zip file in java?

I am listening to binary data from queues which is actually a zip file data. I want to reconstruct the zip file using java code but I do not have any information about contents of zip file such as no ...
Chaitnya Joshi's user avatar
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Save HTTP Entity ZIP response in Java

I am testing a framework in which I download zip file trough HTTP Get. I use Apache HttpClient for that. I am having hard time saving a response that is a zip file. I tried just Output Stream pointing ...
Ver Siw's user avatar
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How do i add files into a zip for download?

My files does not have a path because it is stored in the database. I retrieve it from blob to bytes. Whenever i download the .zip file, the file is invalid and empty even though the size of the .zip ...
Luffyyy's user avatar
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write large HSSFWorkbook into OutputStream with ZipOutputStream

Really appreciate the assistance since I am stuck here I am Trying to download .xls file/files in zip format Works fine when there are small amount of data like 150 records in xls file But once the ...
Anjali Hegde's user avatar
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what are special characters not allowed to set in net.lingala.zip4j.model.ZipParameters.setFileNameInZip?

I am creating encrypted zip using zip4j_1.3.2.jar. below is my rough code. zipParameters.setFileNameInZip(fileName); in this line if fileName is containing slash special character or filename equals ...
im_who_code's user avatar
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The archive is corrupt / warning 'headers error' ... but everything works? (zip64)

I am zipping (using zip64) a number of files and then returning it in a response to the user. response.setContentType("application/zip"); // Doesn't seem like this makes any ...
Sebastian Nielsen's user avatar
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Creating a zip response without actually creating all the files in the machine

The main endpoint in my program manipulates lot's of data and eventually creates Zip file, which contains parent directory with a few sub directories and a few files(splitted between the sub ...
Ecalipso's user avatar
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Make zip from directory and download it In Spring without creating new files or directories

I have a sample directory called 'sample-directory'(in resources) with files and directories in it. this is my endpoint: public void downloadZipFile(@RequestBody final Parameters parameter, final ...
Nikusha Ozashvili's user avatar
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ZipOutputStream does not create new entries for Directories

I am trying to create directories in a .zip file but only one directory is being created in the .zip. I'm not sure why only the first directory gets created. zip() method gets called everytime theres ...
kpwn Apps's user avatar
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Java - ZipOutputStream within try-with-resources

I have this Java code that creates and saves a zip file with a text file inside it: public static void main(String[] args) { try (ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ...
thwomp68's user avatar
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Memory allocation error when trying to create a large zip file in memory

The memory allocation error specifically seems to occur once it hits the for loop and only for very large storesLists. I only able to hit the memory allocation error if storesList.size() is about 2 ...
Brandon Hu's user avatar
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ZipFile : Wrong values when reading

I am creating a zip file with one directory and an single compressed text file inside of it. Code to create the zip file try(ZipOutputStream zos=new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("E:/...
Sync it's user avatar
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How to completely abort the output stream download?

we're currently working on the service that would archive the data and return it to the user as a ZipOutputStream. What we're currently looking for is an option to completely terminate the operation ...
ZeeG's user avatar
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VB.NEt cannot stream/download zip file to client

I have a PDF string list with strings in the form of "http://whatever.pdf" and need to create a zip file of them and stream it to client as a download. The weird thing is if I create the zip ...
Diego Perez's user avatar
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VB.Net: Cannot download stream file generated with ZipOutputStream

I'm trying to zip a set of pdf files and send to client as download. No matter what combinations of Response settings I try, the code doesn't throw any exception and apparently the zip file stream is ...
Diego Perez's user avatar
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Ktor responding outputStream causing io.netty.handler.timeout.WriteTimeoutException

I have a Ktor application that return multiple files as a stream but when the client has a slow internet connection, apparently, the stream gets full and blows launching an io.netty.handler.timeout....
ademarizu's user avatar
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Assigning zip filename in Java and convert it as ByteArrayOutputStream

I am currently trying to create zipfile using ZipOutputStream and return it back as ByteArrayOutputStream. However currently wondering how can I assign a filename for the zip itself. Right now it will ...
OreoFanatics's user avatar
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When should I call Finish on the ZipOutputStream (SharpZipLib)

SharpZipLib is a .Net implementation for Java library for working with archives. It provides ZipOutputStream class, which derives from DeflaterOutputStream and has Finish() method. In the docs here it ...
Eleonora's user avatar
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9k views invalid entry size (expected 18401 but got 0 bytes) when using putNextEntry() in ZipOutputStream?

I converted a zip file of 5 files into a byte array. I want to output a zip file on my disk from that bytearray. My process was first reading the byte[] into a ByteArrayInputStream then into a ...
AlMahiyan's user avatar
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Android 10 (Android Q): How to unzip file due to External Storage Changes (without android:requestLegacyExternalStorage)

Can the Android 10(Android Q) download the zip file and extract the zip file? I really have no idea. How do I unzip the file without using Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() without adding this ...
ZR Low's user avatar
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Generate Zip File - download PDF from Url and Generate Zip to Download in Browser - Broken PDF

I have create Rest Service and I am trying to Generate Zip file. This Zip file created from muliple PDF files which are downloaded using method InputStream inpuStream = new URL(url).openStream() . I ...
Jordan's user avatar
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Prevent removing duplicates from ZipOutPutStream

I am using this functionalities to zip bunch of files, but the problem is if the there are two file names with different content but with the same original name, then only one file is been zipped, how ...
Catalina's user avatar
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Why can't I flush ZipOutputStream? [closed]

I am trying to create a zip archive in java. Every iteration adds some data to a ZipEntry and I wanted to flush the contents after every iteration ( due to server restart handling ). But ...
Kumaran's user avatar
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3 answers

How to extract zip archive with subdirectories using SAF / DocumentFile?

I'm struggling with extracting a zip file contents using the evil Storage Access Framework, as you may know; I can't use any File objects so I have to use ZipInputStream, ZipOutputStream and ...
Al_HK's user avatar
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Java : Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream while attempting to merge split zip files

I have split zip files that I'm trying to merge using Java. But I get Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream error. Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong? File bigZip = new File("")...
Joe's user avatar
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Is it possible to exclude files and/or directories when using GZIPOutputStream or ZIPOutputStream in java?

I am trying to archive all the files in the root directory of the folder but have the backups as one of the folders in the root directory so I wanted to exclude it so each backup after the first one ...
JordanPlayz158's user avatar
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Add JarOutputStream to ZipOutputStream

currently I have generated a JarOutputStream and a Directory filled with *.java files. I want to add the final JarOutputStream to a ZipOutputStream to return a final *.zip file with the directory and ...
tud_mb's user avatar
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Corrupted zip file using ZipOutputStream

I'm trying to create a zip file to be able to send multiple files over http. My issue is that the Zip file that is generated is "corrupted" before and after the file has been send. The issue ...
Michel Melhem's user avatar
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Is the compression happening after the encryption?

While reviewing an encryption scheme, I came accross the following code: @Override public OutputStream encrypt(OutputStream outputStream) throws Exception { // generate the IV for ...
phil's user avatar
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Fortify Privacy Violation in ZipOutputStream.write() method

In Fortify code scan, we have a privacy violation in below Java code, which converts a byte[] to ZipOutputStream, which is later converted to another byte[]. The exact sink line is zos.write(arr); ...
User_1940878's user avatar
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Java: Problems with ZipOutputStream and UTF-8 encoding

I am currently having trouble getting a ZipOutputStream to correctly encode xml files in UTF-8 under certain circumstances. Here's the relevant code: public void saveQuest(File selectedFile) { ...
CadianGuardsman's user avatar
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Download Zip file from azure Storage c#

I am looping through the file names from my database and the same file i have in azure storage. I am zipping those n number of files and download from azure storage. I saves the zipped file to my ...
bbajwa9366's user avatar
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Java zip program produce corrupted zip file

I wanted to write a GUI zip/unzip program with Java. The program will be able to compress any combination of file(s) and directory/ies and decompress one or more compressed files. Now I've just ...
Michael May's user avatar
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Invalid zip while compressing with ZipOutputStream

I get invalid zip, when writting to file the following code: public static byte[] zip(final Map<String, byte[]> mapReports) { try (ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ...
Gilo's user avatar
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zip file corrupted or has NUL bytes at the beginning correct it and re create the zip in Java

we are receiving a zip file through http post url,some times this zip file is corrupted or while zipping from source contains NUL bytes while it is adding the files to the zip when ever it takes more ...
Subash's user avatar
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Corrupt extraction with ZipArchive in PHP

I have a PHP script that must unzip some uploads. The uploads are packed folders, basically zip files with a custom extension. I am having problems with some zip files packed in one machine, but not ...
msoutopico's user avatar
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Unzip Password Protect Zip file is slow, How to make it fast?

I using the following class for UnZip password-protected file but unzipping to too much slow to fast it or any improvement in such class or method. Thanks in advance. Class for Unzip Password Protect ...
Attaullah's user avatar
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Android Create zip file

I am using this piece of code to create a zip file: String filename = Helper.Timestamp() + ".zip"; ZipOutputStream out = Helper.CreateZipOutputStream(filename); Helper.AddZipFolder(out, Helper....
Seaky's user avatar
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Java Reading from n-nested zips, modyfing and writing to new zip preserving original structure

PROBLEM SOLVED IN EDIT 3 I've been struggling with this problem for sometime. All of the questions here in SO or internet seems to work only on 'shallow' structures with one zip inside of another. ...
Macryo's user avatar
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How do I write chinese charactes in ZipEntry?

I want to export a string(chinese text) to CSV file inside a zip file. Where do I need to set the encoding to UTF-8? Or what approach should I take (based on the code below) to display chinese ...
Isaia Bejan's user avatar
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Java: ZipOutputStream to compress chunks of data to single zip file

Follow up of Question: Java: how to compress a byte[] using ZipOutputStream without intermediate file I can zip data without an intermediate file (or memory file). I now need to zip chunks of data ...
Lakshmi Manasa's user avatar
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Java: how to compress a byte[] using ZipOutputStream without intermediate file

Requirement: compress a byte[] to get another byte[] using BUT without using any files on disk or in-memory(like here Is ...
Lakshmi Manasa's user avatar
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Mac OS Chrome Browser: Archive Utility (Error 1) - Operation not permitted: Unable to expand downloaded zip

Background: We have written a java code to download zip from web location to local download folder. And downloaded zip is expanding fine with Window(including all browser) but we are facing issue in ...
Manish Bhadani's user avatar