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org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault: Unexpected element / WebSphere-Liberty Migration from WebSphere-7

The code that is working in WebSphere-7 is giving the following error in WebSphere Liberty: Unexpected element {}...
Siv's user avatar
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How to deploy multiple versions of the same web service on websphere

I want to support two versions of a web service on WebSphere 7. Although both web services work fine separately, only one is listening when both are present. I package the following two classes and ...
Sparwer's user avatar
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jax-ws with intermediate https proxy and https endpoint does not work

Problem Description - We are having problems with a JAX-WS Webservice that wants to connect to a server using HTTPS in combination with a proxy server. The setups is as follows: - WebSphere ...
vishal's user avatar
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Message-level security with JAX-WS on WebSphereApplication Server V7

I'm new to web services. I was reading the following document on Message-level security with JAX-WS on WebSphere WebSphereApplication Server V7, Part 1: Using RationalApplication Developer V7.5.2 to ...
pras's user avatar
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Error with WebService on Websphere Spring JAXWS

I have a webservice deployed on Geronimo Server, it works perfectly but when i try to deploy it on Websphere Application Server 7 doesnt work this's the exception: AxisFault faultCode: {http://...
user3822212's user avatar
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JAX-WS in RAD with websphere7 javaAccessorNotSet error

SEVERE: javaAccessorNotSet /WEB-INF/wsdl/TestWebServiceService.wsdl does not exist in the module. at com.tcs.testwebservice.TestWebServiceService.(...
Baskaran Kumarasamy's user avatar
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SOAPFaultException detail is null

I am calling a SOAP webservice using JAX WS. In the case of an error I am getting the following response from the client (I see this in my trace log): <?xml version="1.0"?> <SOAP-ENV:...
Syk's user avatar
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5 votes
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Websphere 7 error: A WSDL Definition could not be generated for the implementation class

Excuse me for my english I have an application that uses jax-ws and spring, it work on tomcat fine, but i should deploy it on Websphere 7. WAS7 throws the following exception: 00000027 ...
Askar's user avatar
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Is It Possible To Use The IBM WebSphere JAX-WS Runtime To Generate Web Services In Eclipse 4.x?

I'm attempting to generate a JAX-WS server top down (from a WSDL) for the IBM WebSphere v7 runtime using Eclipse Kepler. The problem I'm running into is that I simply cannot select the web service ...
butallmj's user avatar
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jax-ws client distributed in a jar

We have a jax-ws client we are developing in RAD 8. We want to make the client available to apps by just passing around this JAR. So i made a java project, generated the client, and then wrote a ...
Entropy's user avatar
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Websphere Application server not calling classes from jaxws jar

I am using jaxws-ri to create the stub from webservices.I have deployed the application on tomcat and it is working fine.Now I want to move to websphere 7.0. when I deploy the same war the login page ...
Abhijit C's user avatar
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Calling JAX-WS Web Services on WebSphere v7 with SOAP UI

I have a JAX-WS Web Service packed in an EAR, deployed to WebSphere v7. The EAR contains: - APP-INF directory: classes directory (.class files in the right package hierarchy) plus the lib dir with ...
Kumite's user avatar
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JAXWS Soap Handler Large MTOM Attachments

The JAXWS implementation within IBM WebSphere 7 and 8 appears to have some problems when it comes to soap handlers and large MTOM attachments. It appears that the entire message, including all ...
Kabron's user avatar
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EJB @Stateless and @WebService on Websphere 7

I am looking all over the place to try and figure out how to turn a stateless session bean into a JAX-WS webservice (I am using WAS 7, Websphere Integration Developer, EJB 3). Not Jax-RPC. I am ...
SoftwareSavant's user avatar
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Jax-ws client not detected by Websphere 7

we have a client jax-ws jar generated by a provider. when i put the jar inside a war (and then the war inside an ear) and i deploy the client in websphere inside RTC, the jar is not detected by the ...
naaka's user avatar
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Why isn´t websphere recognizing my webservice

I´ve been working on a webservice with websphere 7 and jaxws. So if my webservice returns a string, and Integer, and int or a float. When I deploy it websphere recognizes my webservice, but if I ...
linker85's user avatar
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Websphere, Spring, Hibernate, JAX-WS Global Transactions

I am attempting to write a demo of a JAX-WS service participating in a global transaction. This is a model my organization will be doing more of as time goes on and we need to figure it out, but I am ...
Entropy's user avatar
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Returning SOAPFault from JAX-WS Provider<SOAPMessage>

what is the preferred way of creating SOAPMessage containing a SOAPFault from a webservice that implements JAX-WS Provider interface? MessageFactory.newInstance() seems like unnecessarily expensive ...
Sami Korhonen's user avatar
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Configuring Websphere 7 to use single JAX-WS service instance for all requests

While it's well known that Websphere's JAX-WS implementation is based on Axis2, I have had trouble finding information how to set "scope" for the service. In axis 2 scope can be defined using ...
Sami Korhonen's user avatar
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Exception with WAS 7

When I am deploying an application on WebSphere Application Server 7.0 , I am getting below exception and its taking too much time to deploy. After few deployments the server start generating heap ...
Saurabh Srivastava's user avatar
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Getting "Error: Generic Error. Could not generate specified XSD file!" while trying to get dependent xsd of a wsdl file

I have an EJB Session bean exposed as a webservice: @Stateless @WebServiceProvider( targetNamespace = "", ...
Dmitry Klochkov's user avatar
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JAX-WS Webservice Class initialisation block in a

A bit of newbie on Webservices, but here's a tricky one I'm struggling with finding a better way to implement. See code below: instead of having to invoke the setClientIPAddress method on each ...
stack's user avatar
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Websphere JAX-WS web service client using RAD does not allow Java Project

I am trying to create a web service client using RAD 7.5 using JAX-WS run time / Websphere 7. However RAD does not allow to select a Java Project as "Client Project" when using JAX-WS (If run time is ...
PrasadB's user avatar
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Publishsing jax-ws webservice on multiple url's

How can I customize jax-ws webservice to be available on more than one url. I have a webserice named commonService. By default it is hosted at I need to host it in ...
kiran.kumar M's user avatar
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How to add a custom Callback Handler for JAX-WS client service in WebSphere 7.0/RAD 7.5

I'm trying to add a custom callback handler to a client web service (JAX-WS), but cannot find any information related to it. All the information out there requires a keystore, which was not required ...
Mrc's user avatar
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How do I get the login creditials passed to the JAX-WS service client with its associated policy sets and bindings in Rational/WebSphere tooling

I am specifically using WebSphere Integration Developer V7, but I also could be using Rational Software Architect V 7.5.1 (as I have both). Context: I am trying to create a JAX-WS client to call into ...
Chris Aldrich's user avatar
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I wrote 2 web services, one with Jax-WS and one with Jax-RPC. They just return a String. I stress-tested both with jMeter and, strangely, thereby Jax-RPC was a bit faster. When do I really profit from ...
norminka's user avatar
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