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Which filesystems provide native support for Java's WatchService?

I want to use the Java WatchService in an IDE-like tool. It seems like a good match for the behaviors I need from it. The trick is that my customers use the tool in all sorts of interesting ...
Drew's user avatar
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How to watch a complete file system for changes in Java?

Problem description I would like to watch a complete file system for changes. I'm talking about watching changes in a directory recursively. So, when watching a directory (or a whole file system) all ...
Tim Visée's user avatar
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MVC: Best way of watching a directory for changes

Context: I am newbie at JavaFX, but I'm trying to build an application which one of it's basic feature is to show the user all folders in certain directory and automatically update the view when there ...
lenny's user avatar
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How to use Java to Index entire hard drive / filesystem?

I want to use Java to get file changes on the entire hard drive. e.g. c:\ or /mnt/drives/hdd1 It is a requirement because many different computers are used with different file structure, which ...
user2000811's user avatar
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How to watch file for new content and retrieve that content

I have a file with name foo.txt. This file contains some text. I want to achieve following functionality: I launch program write something to the file (for example add one row: new string in foo.txt) ...
gstackoverflow's user avatar
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Java WatchService doesn't work on some folders

I want to use Java 7 WatchService to monitor /proc folder, but that's not working (changes made in the folder are not reported). I've tested other folders such as /home/user/Desktop and /tmp and it ...
Caballero's user avatar
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Check when all file handles are released in Java

I want to monitor a directory, and when a file appears there open it, process it and then move it to another directory. The problem is how to check that the other program is done writing it. With Java ...
Anders Sjöqvist's user avatar