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Displaying a checkbox in Vue Quasar Tree

How can I remove the checkbox display for parent nodes, i.e. nodes that have children in the component Tree. I tried it through the class. .q-checkbox__inner) { display: none; But then all the ...
B2ng4's user avatar
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How to customize the border and dropdown icon color for a single QSelect in Quasar

I'm working with Vue.js and Quasar, and I want to customize the border and dropdown arrow color of a single QSelect component that is in outlined mode. I want to apply a custom border color and change ...
taher.robbana's user avatar
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quasar q-dialog - How to reduce size of backdrop?

I was hoping someone would be able to provide some guidance on how to reduce the size of a backdrop on a q-dialog? I've tried using the assigning a ref and toggling the elements directly, attempting ...
Adam's user avatar
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How do I make the pre tag decrease in width?

How do I make the pre tag decrease in width? The pre tag prevents the q-card from decreasing, when the browser window is shrinking. I want a q-card that will contain a code similar to that in ChatGPT. ...
Timur's user avatar
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Listen to input validation events on Quasar

In my Vue3 Quasar project, I have a component similar to this: <template> <div class="q-pa-md"> <div id="myCustomLabel">{{ props.label }}</div> &...
Otorrinolaringologista -man's user avatar
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How do I position the buttons at the bottom in the q-input field?

How do I make the q-input buttons appear at the bottom with the autogrow property? Reproduction URL Code <div id="q-app"> <div class=&...
Timur's user avatar
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Overlay background not applying on quasar

I'm trying to put a div overlaying another with a shading white background. But Quasar won't apply the background color off the overlaying div, when color text css style is applied ....
Vaquez Vincent's user avatar
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How to make css component responsive when adding content inside q-card

I am using vue and quasar and have this component: <template> <q-layout> <q-page-container style="background-color: #e0e5ea;"> <q-page class="column&...
MSZMC's user avatar
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Limit Q-Select choices line number

using a q-select in order to choose options. But if there is to many the q-select content grows in so much lines. I want to limit to 2 lines : <q-select v-model="...
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Add ripple effect to a disabled button

I have a button which would enable and disable based on the mandatory form fields. When the button is enabled, clicking would have the ripple effect. I want to add the ripple effect when the button is ...
Lahiru's user avatar
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q-select jump on select

When an option is selected with these q-select inputs, the input field jumps out of the margin a bit. How do I fix this so that when an option is selected, there is not a jump that puts the field out ...
jdost_26's user avatar
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How to change text sizes based on breakpoint in Quasar?

I was trying to set a custom font size and line height for each variable in quasar.variables.scss but it draws an error: [plugin:vite:css] Undefined operation "(600px,) > 0". ╷ 6831 │...
Qiuzman's user avatar
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Styling Quasar q-select

I have been wasting a ton of time trying to get this to work but I cannot figure it out for the life of me. I want to change the border color and the text color and the drop down icon. I have used the ...
Qiuzman's user avatar
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How can I prevent Quasar dropdown list from scrolling with the page?

I have following Code, using Quasar (Vue 3.0) and have following code: <q-select filled v-model="model" :options="options" label="Filled" /> But when the ...
Maryam Mikog's user avatar
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How to use a curved menu approach with a q-card as the body

I have a dashboard design I am working on in quasar that I am trying to get to flow correctly. When things squish together horizontally everything closes up smoothly and its very responses. My issue ...
Qiuzman's user avatar
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How to remove ripple effect from clicking q-list item

I have put together a nice sidebar that has a curved edge and flows nicely into the body of the page however I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get rid of the semi transparent ripple effect ...
Qiuzman's user avatar
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Can someone help me with a card flip animation in Quasar Vue.js3?

So i want to add a card flip effect on some cards, that should turn in a 3D animation when clicked around the y-axis for 180 degrees. On one side should be a question mark picture to cover the content ...
Psynformatrix's user avatar
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How to add scroll only for one template

I'm new in frontend and just have started to learn Vue + Quasar Framework. So, I have a table and want to fix my table name and scroll is only available in my table items. <template> <q-...
Alex Dalen's user avatar
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Move all Columns if one row changes in height using Quasar

I'm programming a Jeopardy game using Vue3 in combination with Quasar 2.11.6. I have a grid of q-cards and a header with an editable Text (q-input) representing the topic of the column, like here: ...
Frederik Kliemt's user avatar
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I found a white space at the bottom while making the website mobile responsive on some of the phones and tablets

This is the image. I found a white space at the bottom while making the website mobile responsive on some of the phones and tablets as you guys can see in the image. Please post your solutions. I am ...
Zulqarnain Hyader's user avatar
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In Vue js, how can i assign unique id that doesn't reset when page gets reloaded

I am working on a small project to get into Vue js. It is supposed to be a Habittracker. I currently have a bug, if you reload the page and add new habits, my function that is supposed to change the ...
2803's user avatar
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Material Icons not displaying on Azure hosted Vue/Quasar web app

I have a webapp created using Vue and Quasar. In my quasar-user-options.js file I have added the required icon imports. import '@quasar/extras/material-icons/material-icons.css' import "@quasar/...
christian21's user avatar
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How to correctly use Quasar variables in scss style

I have configured a Vue3 + Quasar project via vue add quasar. I can't undersand how to use quasar sass/scss variables. From the doc I'm expected to use <style lang="scss"> div { ...
ALai's user avatar
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How to have q-card take full height in q-splitter, in Quasar

We have a Vue/Quasar based project and in one of the pages want to have a splitter, with two panes, where the content takes full height in each. Right now they occupy minimal height. <q-...
Andre M's user avatar
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Why is that strange behaviour in quasar framework select css?

I have a select control that I need to put on the right. I use html and css to achieve this, but there is strange behaviour when I click on the control for the first time. It breaks the options, but ...
AndresChica's user avatar
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Quasar QMarkupTable th sticky header not working

I am using Quasar's QMarkupTable and I am trying to make the header sticky but it isn't working. .my-sticky-header-table /* height or max-height is important */ height: 600px .q-table__top, ....
Phillis Peters's user avatar
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Why is Quasar drawer overlaying Quasar toolbar in Vue app?

I'm using the quasar UI framework. I have a main layout file that only has a toolbar. This toolbar displays for all pages of my application. <template> <q-layout view="hHh Lpr lff&...
Joe B.'s user avatar
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I want to disable the animation of a q-select (quasar select input)

I am new to Quasar and I want to disable the animation/class change of a q-select ( quasar input select), as in I want the text to stay like this , and not change to this, once it is clicked on. If ...
Deigan's user avatar
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Vue Quasar Layout Drawer with Footer

Trying to get a footer to appear on my q-drawer. This is my template and component <template> <q-layout view="hHh lpR fFf"> <q-header elevated> <q-toolbar>...
Jeff's user avatar
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Quasar Vue: Set static width content on Grid Style

I'm very new in dynamic web programming but I get a little problem with Quasar Grid Gutter. I have string on array with different word and length, I want to show them in Button with grid style. So I ...
MrX's user avatar
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Is it possible to disable shadows on all components?

I was wondering if it is possible to disable shadows/elevation on all components through some configuration?
Kim Boender's user avatar
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Getting columns to fill just a certain percentage of the screen

Problem I have a layout where the idea is there are 2 columns, side by side, as shown in this screenshot, but to not have the columns go past the q-footer: Screenshot Regardless of the amount of ...
JayDubbs's user avatar
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Quasar table change style of whole row based on value in one cell

I'm trying to change style of whole row based on the value in one cell. For this I used template styling, however it only allows me to change the style of one cell. <q-table :data="rows"...
Alex T's user avatar
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Quasar not able to style QTable cell conditionally

This is a simple template for a table I created with Quasar. :class="'(props.value < 1000) ? bg-red : bg-green'" I am not able to color each cell according to the number conditional and it keeps ...
fenchai's user avatar
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Sticky floating action button hidden behind other component in Quasar

So I created simple floating action button which I placed on the top right corner of the page. When scrolling down the button is sticking to that top right place as expected, except when there is ...
Alex T's user avatar
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On click remove hover style until next time element is hovered

There's a button that changes color when a cursor hovers over it. Example jsfiddle: I wish to have an effect that goes like this: When the button is clicked, ...
CodeBreaker's user avatar
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Scoped css not being applied with lang="scss"

I'm using Quasar and trying to style q-table first column: <style lang="scss" scoped> td:first-child { background-color: #747480 !important; } </style> However this does not work even ...
Alex T's user avatar
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Hide scrollbars in Quasar/Vue - overflow hidden not working

I am using Quasar/VueJS for development. How can I remove the outermost scrollbar (this is for the actual body of the page). So annoyed that I have already tried putting overflow:hidden everywhere ...
kzaiwo's user avatar
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VUE - QUASAR - TIPTAP - How to Set CSS Height on Editor's Inner Element

How can I get the inner editor portion (which is highlighted with a thin blue line) to go full height. This is the internal element that gets created by the tiptap editor: <div contenteditable="...
JWhitten's user avatar
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CSS(?) Preventing a table from printing past the first page with Ctrl + P

I'm a novice developer coming in mid-way to a Vue-generated project with many components. We're also using the quasar framework for some of our tables. We have tables that should print out to at ...
Varju's user avatar
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Override opacity in Qselect when disabled

I am using the Quasar framework and want to use the Disabled option on the q-select component, but i dont like that the text has some transparency. Is there a way to override it?. I want the text to ...
kevin van gils's user avatar
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Setting a background image in quasar that don't overlay the card

How can I set a background image in my app because right now it just overlays the card that I created? I want my card to be on top of the background image. I also tried to use z-index but it didn't ...
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Using Vue Data to Contain CSS Element

I am using Quasar framework alongside vue for the application development. Here is my code: <q-tooltip content-class="bg-amber text-black shadow-4" :offset="[10, 10]"> Save </q-tooltip> &...
kzaiwo's user avatar
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Override child component's internal quasar components CSS in VueJS

I'm using quasar components in VueJS to make an app. I have a child component being imported in parent component. For the child, I have overrided and applied custom css by accessing the quasar classes ...
Seemab Anjum's user avatar
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Component to take all available height with Flexbox (in Quasar/Vue)

I'm building a component with header/main content/ footer where the main content will be scrollable. While I can do this in Js, I need the component to take all available space on height and footer to ...
SharpBCD's user avatar
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Error-labels of q-field (in combination with q-input) when using Quasar Framework

I have two questions regarding error-labels of q-field (in combination with q-input) when using Quasar Framework: When the error-label shows it moves the button below it further down. How can I solve ...
musicformellons's user avatar
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Keep a parent element the same size before and after conditionally showing a button in it with vue.js

Using vue.js (and quasar framework), I have a card component. When an event is triggered a button at the bottom of the card is shown. When the button appears, the size of the card increases due to the ...
musicformellons's user avatar