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Return a Variant from a c dll to Excel VBA on macos

In Paulo Bueno's project he returns a Variant from a C++ dll, e.g. Declare PtrSafe Function IncrementArrayBy _ Lib "/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/...
DangerMouse's user avatar
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Unable to run C coded DLL in Excel VBA

I have a Windows 10 64-bits, Office 2013 32-bits and using MinGW64. I followed instructions from I checked other answers ...
Fabio's user avatar
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I would like to replicate this nested for loop I have in c in an excel vba

Note:I'm aware that this explanation is confusing but when you look at the code I posted it will make a lot more sense. Feel free to suggest any edits. I'm trying to recreate a a nested for loop I ...
Sam's user avatar
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Prevent Excel file from remember old DLL data. DLL Hell?

I've made simlpe C DLL: void msgbox(long n) { char tmp[255]; sprintf(tmp, "%ld", n); MessageBoxA(0, tmp, "DLL Message", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); } void DLL_EXPORT ...
ingwarus's user avatar
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Malloc error in excel called .exe library

I'm using office 365 in 64 bit, with Windows 10 OS. I compile my .exe file with Visual Studio 2017 Community. Each time I met malloc() function, it report a violation of memory access. It is nearly ...
Shore's user avatar
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Use DLL in excel-vba

i would love to know how to declare and use a dll in vba. I have a code written in C and i would like to use some data from an excel sheet to test my c-code. How is it possible? Many thanks in advance
Mohamed Azzam's user avatar
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Error accessing 64bit DLL function

I have created a 64bit DLL file using Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. Visual C --> Win32 Project. The code for squareMain.c is as follows : long _stdcall square(long a) { return a*a; } The code ...
Pranav Bhagwat's user avatar
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How can I receive "char *d" from DLL in VBA(Excel Visual Basic)?

Now I'm trying to get a char string as the below c function. This is a C function of DLL, char _stdcall *fmt_hex(long long num, int nbits, char *d) { sprintf(d, "0x%0*llX", (nbits - 1) / ...
grander3's user avatar
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editing table using vba

I'm trying to edit the following table (the left one in the picture): I have columns of x, y, test name, pass/fail (0 if pass and 1 if fail), and "firstFAIL" column. For each pair of x and y I have to ...
Maya.R's user avatar
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Send a BSTR string written in a C DLL to Excel

I am trying to send a BSTR string written in a C DLL to Excel. Problem: Excel VBA receives the BSTR from the C DLL. I can see the BSTR in the VBA Intermediate window and debug window. If I try to ...
12avi's user avatar
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Unexpected Results When Returing BSTR from DLL to Microsoft Excel VBA Application

I am writing a VBA extension in C, from what I have read VBA uses BSTR, which is just a WCHAR* with a length prefix. I have a function: __declspec(dllexport) VB_STRING _stdcall getStr() { return ...
Jacob H's user avatar
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Excel VBA script crashes when calling a DDL function written in C, which returns a string BSTR

I'm using Code::Blocks to write a DLL in C which I intend to use in a Winbatch script but for the moment I'm testing it using Excel VBA. The moment the VBA script runs the DLL getVersion() function ...
JanWillemT's user avatar
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Excel VBA not working well with C dll for decimals - works fine with integers

I have a problem that really stumps me. Ultimately, I think that the problem could very well be down to my lack of knowledge about C programming for Windows or how to properly work between C and VBA. ...
mdv's user avatar
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C++ to VBA (Excel)

So, basically, in Excel, I have 4 columns of data (all with strings) that I want to process, and want to have the results in another column, like this (nevermind the square brackets, they just ...
MikeAscended's user avatar
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copy multiple pdf files data to excel in different worksheets

I have created a vba script to copy all data from multiple pdf files and paste in a excel in different tabs with the same name of the pdf files. Problem is its copying data from pdf files and pasting ...
Striker's user avatar
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How to print a C BSTR in Excel 16 for Mac with VBA?

I have a C function which returns a BSTR like "Hello world" and in Excel 11 I can call this function to print the string with the msgbox vba function. With Excel 16, I only have an returned empty ...
TuDa's user avatar
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Implementing Rosseta Code FFT into VBA Excel

I attempted to implement the FFT Rosetta Code into VBA excel. I was unable to reconstruct the same output data exactly as written in the Rosetta Code. At first I thought it was type conversion ...
linuxfreebird's user avatar
-6 votes
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Translate this simple C code to VBA

I am looking to print an output that constitutes a string and a float. For example, I calculated the density of a box using D = Mass/Volume. I would now like to generate an output saying "The density ...
Kmanchel's user avatar
4 votes
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DLL compiled from C source code. Not able to use in excel VBA. File not found error

I have written a function in C (for some bitwise operations on 64-bit) and I want to use that function in my excel vba macro. I used steps described here to create a DLL file using cygwin (64-bit). ...
fonzie's user avatar
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VBA and dlls in C: Strategy for more responsive and controllable Excel performance?

I have an Excel workbook that another (3rd party. Not under my control) application pushes data onto. I have written various VBA functions that are triggered via an Worksheet.Change event when certain ...
blagstar's user avatar
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Problems comparing integers to hardcoded values in a dll called from VBA

I am about to transfer a project I have written in Applescript and Objective C to Excel/VBA/dll. I have started with the Objective C functions that I want to place in a dll and call via VBA. First of ...
blagstar's user avatar
2 votes
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C function in Excel 64 bit does not work as a worksheet function but works well in VBA

I am writing a 64 bit Dll in C which is then used in Excel 64 bit, and I am following a sample project from The example is simple. We write a ...
eric.lx's user avatar
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Declare a variable Registry in VBA?

New to VBA here. We can decare a variable as "Register" in C/C++ for very-very frequently accessed variable, ex- Loop iterator variables. Does similar system exist in Visual Basic for Application. I ...
Ramu Bhai's user avatar
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Call an executable of OCaml or C from VBA code

Under Ubuntu I have coded a very simple in OCaml: let () = print_string "hello world, in OCaml\n" And a simple c.cin C: #include <stdio.h> main() { printf("hello world, in C\n"); ...
SoftTimur's user avatar
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