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Having difficulty installing vagrant-hostmanager

Hi so I am trying to install vagrant-hostmanager plugin. I keep getting this error message and I don't know what else to do, I'm using git bash for the installation. Here is the error message: ...
Edikan Eshett's user avatar
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Vagrant failed to initialize at a very early stage:

A frustrating error after running vagrant up in powershell but a plugin error pop out saying that the plugins failed to load properly OS: Windows10 64bit vagrant: 2.3.7v i tried reinstalling Vagrant ...
Isincredible Eh's user avatar
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Vagrant & VMWare Fusion Communication Failure after Mac Monterey 12.5.1 Update

I use Vagrant to boot, configure and run my development environment (see vagrant file detail below) I am receiving the following error in vagrant following a Mac OS (Monterey 12.5.1) update overnight: ...
Mitch's user avatar
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How to acees the exact total memory from vagrant VM

Ex : here I am able to see the base memory in vagrant machine 11800 Is there any Linux or any other command to extract this memory value it should retrive 11800
praveen pattar's user avatar
1 vote
7 answers

Vagrant was unable to mount VirtualBox shared folders. ERROR: INVALID ARGUMENT

I know that other people during the years had met similar problems (like this ) however in my case the guest addition is installed (0.30.0 version) and I tried to reinstall it a lot of times. I work ...
Carlo Cumino's user avatar
2 votes
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when i am doing vagrant up i am facing this error regarding could not resolve host

when i am doing vagrant up i am facing this error. An error occurred while downloading the remote file. The error message, if any, is reproduced below. Please fix this error and try again. Could not ...
Dhaval Shah's user avatar
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Ruby: nokogiri requires Ruby version <, >= 2.5

I'm trying to install the Vagrant plugin vagrant-libvirt on Debian 10. However, Debian 10 does only have Ruby 2.5 and I get the following error message each time I trigger vagrant plugin install ...
manifestor's user avatar
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OSError: [Errno 26] Text file busy: 'baremetrics'

I am getting the following error after running vagrant provision. OSError: [Errno 26] Text file busy: 'baremetrics' text file busy I am using Virtual box : 6.1.16 version and vagrant : 2.2.14 ...
nikhil_2001's user avatar
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in `+': no implicit conversion of nil into String (TypeError)

I am installing VVV and stuck while executing "vagrant up" command. It is showing me following error: C:/Users/Admin/.vagrant.d/gems/2.6.6/gems/vagrant-hostsupdater-1.2.0/lib/vagrant-...
Solanki Ketul's user avatar
1 vote
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How to extend a vagrant plugin through Vagrantfile without changing the .rb file?

I have this scenario in Vagrant where I wanted to patch how the ansible is being installed on RHEL 8 (because of certain issues with absence of packages missing due to repository setup) using ...
toytoy's user avatar
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Vagrant how to install 'vagrant-disksize' plugin

On Ubunto 18 and Windows 10 Vagrant could install vagrant-disksize plugin, configured as: Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.vagrant.plugins = ["vagrant-disksize"] On ...
Alexandr's user avatar
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vagrant-share plugin installation error -- fog-core gem mismatch

I'm learning Vagrant's vagrant-share plugin and ran into a Bundler error: "conflicting dependencies fog-core (~> 1.43.0) and fog-core (= 1.45.0). activated fog-core-1.45.0 which does not match ...
Brian Piercy's user avatar
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vagrant plugin not running on vagrant up

I installed a vagrant plugin "vagrant-certificates" and added the following config to my ~/.vagrant.d/Vagrantfile if !['plugin', 'box'].include? ARGV[0] unless Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-ca-...
Peter Weeks's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Vagrant folder sync not working correctly. Seeing the files but PHP cant detect function (does work on different enviroment)

Just got a new Ubunut Laptop with an SSD. Trying to run my project on Vagrant which works on my desktop (with normal hdd) but I am not able to run it on this laptop. I am getting weird error that php ...
NashPL's user avatar
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Vagrant-Azure: Guest machine can't connect to host machine (Unable to copy SMB files)

I've been working on Vagrant only locally until now and now I want to create VM with Azure as the provider, but unfortunately I've got the error that can be seen on the image accesible through the ...
Luka Žontar's user avatar
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Why does Vagrant require dummy boxes with cloud providers?

Apparently, you need a "dummy" box with Vagrant when you are going to configure cloud providers The provider for Azure v2 requires downloading a dummy box from GitHub The provider for GCE: config.vm....
jjmerelo's user avatar
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Vagrant NameError: undefined local variable or method `config' for main:Object

I had one Vagrantfile on VirtualBox running on my machine (MacBookPro) that was working pretty well. Then I installed another Vagrantfile. Even though I destroyed them both I still can't get it to ...
jendiamond's user avatar
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Vagrant 2.1.3 doensn't see plugin disksize

I upgraded from ubunutu 16 to Ubuntu 18.04.1 desktop (what i really did was reinstalled ubuntu, because i kinda destroy my system) yesterday, and now i want get vagrant back up and running, the ...
Raymond's user avatar
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vagrant-vsphere: how to create a .box file?

I want to use vagrant-vsphere and went through the steps described in Installation went fine. Now I am at this step: After installing ...'s user avatar
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Vagrant hostmanager doesn't keep machine "alive"

Whenever I have a machine configured with hostmanager installed like this hosts file (\System32\drivers\etc) ## vagrant-hostmanager-start id: 382a2553-2617-4b47-972f-87f95eea4f24 my....
murtho's user avatar
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2 answers

How to specify a provider during `vagrant up` command?

I have two machines (linux, Mac) and need to use vagrant to manage the vm. VirtualBox is used in the Liux while parallels is used in Mac. so I configured these two providers in the vagrant config file ...
Joey Yi Zhao's user avatar
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How to use the vagrant vagrant-share 1.1.9

I've already installed ngrok to "/usr/bin" , but still suggested that "The executable 'vagrant is trying to run was not found. The 'executable is required to. Run Vagrant share. If 'ngrok' is ...
hajia's user avatar
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Unable to add Raspbian image to Vagrant-libvirt Virtual machine

Am trying to create a virtual machine for Raspbian using Vagrant-libvirt plugin. However I failed find out how to add '2017-09-07-raspbian-stretch-lite.img' image. Am able to boot the image using ...
Arky's user avatar
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Keep vboxadd-service running on a guest vm without syncing the time with the host?

The vboxadd-service in my VirtualBox guests has to be running to obtain an ip from the following VagrantFile code snippet, or else the vagrant hostupdater command won't work as expected: config....
leeand00's user avatar
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How to set environment variables and /etc/hosts through Vagrantfile?

Vagrant version Vagrant 1.9.7 Host operating system Darwin bogon 16.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 16.6.0: Fri Apr 14 16:21:16 PDT 2017; root:xnu-3789.60.24~6/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 Guest operating system ...
user3928131's user avatar
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Issue while installing vagrant plugins

I have an issue when trying to install any of the vagrant plugins. vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws vagrant plugin install vagrant-awsinfo The error that I end up getting is this: Installing the '...
user3371307's user avatar
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vagrant-hostmanager (1.8.6) error when updating guest hosts?

I have vagrant-hostmanager 1.8.6 installed, and when I run vagrant hostmanager I end up with the following error: [vagrant-hostmanager:guest] Updating hosts file on the virtual machine puppet_server.....
leeand00's user avatar
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Why does Vagrant require you to reinstall a plugin after running vagrant destroy?

I'm using the Vagrant SSHFS plugin instead of rsync. I installed the plugin: vagrant plugin install vagrant-sshfs Below is my Vagrantfile: Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "...
BugHunterUK's user avatar
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2 answers

Error While Installing Vagrant Plugins in Manjaro Deepin

I am using vagrant version 1.9.4 When trying to install any vagrant plugin one of the two outputs comes out I run This command: vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager Then This comes out at a ...
ElGenius's user avatar
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How to install vagrant plugin on Windows 7 without internet connection?

I'm trying to install vagrant-hostmanager plugin on Windows 7 without internet connection. I have downloaded gem file from and copied to this machine to D:\distr\Vagrant. Then I move ...
Gulnara's user avatar
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installing vagrant-librarian-chef plugin

I'm trying to install the vagrant librarian plugin with this command: vagrant plugin install vagrant-librarian-chef But I keep getting this error message: chef-zero requires Ruby version >= 2....
MaxRah's user avatar
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12 answers

Vagrant was unable to mount VirtualBox shared folders

Current setup: Virtualbox 5.1.20 with Vagrant 1.9.3 Previous working setup: Virtualbox 5.1.18 with Vagrant 1.9.3 I installed the latest version of Virtualbox and tried to start my VM. The folder ...
edwardmlyte's user avatar
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2 answers

Renaming the Windows guest failed. Most often this is because you've specified a FQDN instead of just a host name

I am running vagrant version, vagrant -v Vagrant 1.9.3 vagrant plugin list vagrant-butcher (2.2.1) vagrant-cachier (1.2.1) vagrant-omnibus (1.5.0) vagrant-share (1.1.7, system) vagrant-vbguest (0.13....
user3536147's user avatar
9 votes
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What exactly does Vagrant snapshot save?

I use Vagrant on VirtualBox. Yesterday, I saved a snapshot of my project by running: $ vagrant snapshot save 'my-project-date-time' Today, I've made some changes to files and folders in my project ...
qwaz's user avatar
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How to auto run vagrant fsnotify?

I am developing angular4 app using vagrant. I have installed vagrant-fsnotify plugin in order to notify file system changes to trigger hot build. The problem I have is how to run automatically vagrant ...
gandra404's user avatar
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How to programmatically install vagrant plugins?

I have a Vagrant build that has a dependency on vagrant plugins. I could document that users need to install those plugins, but ideally I would like to automatically install the required plugins. ...
Chris Snow's user avatar
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How do I create a Vagrant base box without requiring the vagrant-vbquest plugin?

I am following the steps here to create a Vagrant base box. However, when I type in vagrant up, I get the following message. Vagrant was unable to mount VirtualBox shared folders. This is usually ...
Jane Wayne's user avatar
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Use Vagrant trigger to execute bash script on host

I use Vagrant to start my testing environment. Sadly I have to retrieve information (passwords) before spinning up my Vagrant box. So far I use Vagrant-Triggers to do this and have multiple run "do ...
lony's user avatar
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Vagrant Berkshelf Plugin Error: cannot load kernel_require.rb

I am trying to use the vagrant and the Vagrant Berkshelf Plugin. I have a project directory with a Vagrantfile and a Berksfile: Vagrantfile # -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : Vagrant....
1up's user avatar
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vagrant-aws plugin installation error

I am trying to install the aws plugin for vagrant but getting an error. I am running vagrant 1.9 on macOS Sierra 10.12.1. I have no ruby expertise so I can use all the help you can provide. I tried ...
user3137124's user avatar
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Vagrant r10k not installing modules from PuppetFile Windows 10

I run Vagrant under Windows 10, provisioning it with puppets. I need some modules from forge, so I've added Puppet file and installed vagrant r10k plugin with vagrant plugin install vagrant-r10k ...
alekwisnia's user avatar
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vagrant plugin gives gem install error

Background The command vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater gives the following error Bundler, the underlying system Vagrant uses to install plugins, reported an error. The error is shown ...
janw's user avatar
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Does vagrant share with https still work?

I have the guest's HTTPS port set to 443 on it's Apache 2 installation. In Vagrantfile I have vm.forwarded_port set to forward from 443 to 8443 I have vm.hostname set to I've also ...
leeand00's user avatar
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Virtual Cluster with Vagrant behind corporate proxy

I’m trying to run a Virtual Apache Hadoop cluster on my laptop using Vagrant and Cloudera Manager following these instructions:
Cecilia's user avatar
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Error while running Vagrantfile - undefined method `concat' for nil:NilClass

We are using vagrant with digital ocean for spawning nodes on digital ocean. The script was running successfully till 6 September 2016. Now, without any change in system configuration and script, We ...
Chintamani Manjare's user avatar
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VSCode launch.json for vagrant plugin

I try to set up a launch.json for a vagrant-plugin on windows. My current version look like this: { "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "Launch Vagrant", ...
sschoof's user avatar
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vm * the box 'hashicorp/precise64' could not be found in ubuntu

I Install Vagrant in Ubuntu System(14.04). When i entered " vagrant up " Comment Display Following Error. Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider... There are errors in the ...
Karthik mathesh's user avatar
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Vagrant-winrm not recognized when running kitchen list

I have a very simple serverspec test that I'm trying to run for platform windows-2012r2. When I run kitchen list I get the following: exception: "#<Kitchen::UserError: WinRM Transport requires the ...
devlife's user avatar
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Disable vagrant plugin execution

Is there any way to disable a plugin execution? For instance, we use vagrant-librarian-puppet-plugin and it gets automatically executed when there is a Puppetfile present. In some cases we want to ...
Gonzalo Matheu's user avatar
3 votes
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How to run gui application on windows vm?

I have installed vagrant and virtual box on my Mac. I have created a Windows10 VM and it's configured with winrm. I am able to run commands on Windows VM through vagrant. However I am not able to ...
Pradeepta Swain's user avatar