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Trouble setting up turso database with drizzle ORM

So I have a Create React App (deprecated I know) and a Turso database that I am trying to connect to. My app needs to be able to read and write and I have a function to write that looks like this: &...
Ethan Deardorff's user avatar
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Trying to connect to Turso from Prisma generates a TypeError (duplex option is required when sending a body)

I'm trying to use prisma with turso, I know this isn't a fully supported use-case, but I did see it's a preview feature and I plan on making a next.js app that's hosted on vercel for free hosting with ...
sebramirez's user avatar
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How to connect to Turso database using Prisma

I'm having trouble connecting my Turso database with Prisma. I'm currently using Prisma version 5.17, and Turso supports Prisma from version 5.4 and up. However, I'm running into issues because Turso ...
nibelungen's user avatar
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Issue with libsql client in Next.js with correct environment variables

I'm currently facing an issue with integrating the libsql client into my Next.js application. Here's a simplified snippet of how I'm attempting to create the libsql client: console.log(process.env....
sarthak kuwar's user avatar
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How to find a module in deno?

I'm trying to follow the documentation on the page: In the documentation it has this code snippet: import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/libsql'; ...
sander's user avatar
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