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How can I configure Tcl 8.5 to enable threads on Linux?

I have installed tcl 8.5 as well as tk on my linux computer, but I need to be able to use threads for a project. I'm aware that this needs to be enabled separately if you downloaded tcl/tk from a ...
chall18's user avatar
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Perl Tk repeat on background without freezing the application

I have Perl Tk application which uses a repeater (mw->repeat). The repeater is calling a function which refreshes some Tk objects inside the GUI. This repeater function is taking some time to ...
orohev's user avatar
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tkinter freezes (not responding) upon button pressing with multilogin automation using python selenium

I am writing a form filling automation script using selenium automation by following this link. So whenever I press the button of 'Run Weekly', the GUI freeze and shows not responding message. The ...
Taimorr Mughal's user avatar
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TCL threads for run a script and update the GUI [duplicate]

I've a tcl script which runs another tcl script. When the script is called, it creates a log file which is supposed to be updated in the text box(TCL GUI). I tried and failed, below is the code So I'...
NMN's user avatar
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Can you kill a Tk app from another thread? If not, is it possible to easily send a boolean message to main thread?

I was writing a Tk application (my first one) and as you can tell, I'm new to python. I basically needed a thread to not block the main thread where the Tk instance is running, so I'm downloading the ...
Pato05's user avatar
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Creating progress bar with text using TK in Python

I'm using TK progress bar to monitor download percentage. Here is the partial code i found. s = Style(alarm) # add the label to the progressbar style s.layout("LabeledProgressbar", [('...
DanH.'s user avatar
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Threads And Time + Tkinter In Python

In tkinter I have made a password GUI some people have helped me with other things with it. The problem is: I have made a file called timeloadin it there is a while loop. When I import it into my ...
MrBlob's user avatar
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thread help TCL

I have a problem when I throw my script of two different ways I set up ActiveState. With tclsh86.exe , when I launch my script like that : % source C:/Temp/thread.tcl Thread 1: 0 Thread 1: 1 Thread ...
Mkn's user avatar
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ruby tk and fork with exit cause an abort: "[xcb] Unknown sequence number while processing queue"

Working with ruby 1.9.3 with tk and I've found that I can't do a fork inside the mainloop that calls "exit" - I need to get out of the fork by doing something like exec(). Example program: #!/usr/...
David Ljung Madison Stellar's user avatar
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Inserting text to text box in tcl tk through thread

I'm currently developing gui in tcl tk. In the gui I am trying to read file continuously as like (tail -f).I want to put data in to text box. I have created thread for separating this taks and keep ...
Vitthal Padwal's user avatar
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R tcltk responsive gui during calculation

Hello dear stack overflow community. i'm currently working on an R project for statistical calculations that involves a gui and also time consuming heuristics. in the gui shall be an button to start ...
hannes's user avatar
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Start threads after queue with task that calls functions in another module, Python

I want to call functions in a tkinter application from a threading class in another module. The queue self.tasks get a function call added in t and after t runs the threads thread1 and thread2 are to ...
user1749431's user avatar
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tcl/tk creating/modifying a widget in a different thread

What i'm trying to do is modify or create a widget created in the main thread from a different thread, I read that tk is not safe thread and I haven't been able to accomplish this. I just want to ...
Ubaldo Quintero's user avatar
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how to create a modeless dialog in tcl/tk

I'm trying to make a modeless dialog, since whenever a dialog appears stops the real time process that is running in the main gui, after some reasearch i realize that the problem that is causing the ...
Ubaldo Quintero's user avatar
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Perl Tk error "Invalid value for shared scalar"

I got problem with scalars in my program. I got code like this: use threads; use threads::shared; use Tk; $mw = new MainWindow; my $label = undef; share($label) my $ok = undef; share($ok) HERE IS ...
Kamil Hajduk's user avatar
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Perl Tk update(redraw) widgets in sub(in thread)

I have some widgets, checkboxes actually. And I have variables that contains their value. I have shared this variables and called a sub with creating new thread. Variables change into this sub but ...
user1720753's user avatar
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Destroying and Recreating a TK Window in Python

I create a root window in thread using python. Then next is I need to destroy it and create a new window but an error was out saying that threads can only be started once. How can I start a new window ...
Kit's user avatar
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Tkinter & Threads - Exception: out of stack space (infinite loop?)

We implemented a distributed chat, which is using a Tkinter GUI. As I updated my system to Fedora18 Im getting exceptions when calling a Tkinter event, almost the same as described here: Exception ...
wedel's user avatar
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Passing data to tk gui

I want a gui to display the values of my variables, so i can watch it working. The code below increments $counter but the label doesn't update like 'textvaraible' should. The problem is probably ...
StanOverflow's user avatar
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Hide a Segmentation Fault Perl 5.8.8 with Threads and Perl TK

I've written a GUI using Perl TK and Threads. Everything works wonderfully until the program is exited. At this time I get a segmentation fault. I believe I'm managing my threads as well as I can ...
Glicholas's user avatar
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Using Python Tk as a front-end for threaded code

I know that Python’s Tk interface has some problems when using threads, and I’ve already run into problems with it. My idea is now to use a Queue.Queue to somehow pass events to the Tk mainloop, ...
Debilski's user avatar
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