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Spring Security , session security with Thymeleaf

why i have these errors when I try to login , i want just try to log in but something went wrong , it must be redirecting to successUrl but it don't do that . here is my security configuration @...
tex_carat's user avatar
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Thymeleaf extras detects that the spring version is not compatible

I tried to build my spring boot web application and create jar file to deploy it on the dedicated server. When I build it using IDE (in my case Intellij Idea) all works fine. But when I try to execute ...
LuxusXc's user avatar
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Spring security not working with form login from UI and basic auth for rest API both [duplicate]

I am working with Spring boot, spring security and thymeleaf for UI. I have http form based login and http session based authentication for UI part and it's working fine. But now I have to expose some ...
Shailesh Vikram Singh's user avatar
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trying to process a Thymeleaf registration form with Spring Security 6 -> 403 on POST request

I'm new to Spring Boot and am trying to create a simple registration + login. However whenever I try to submit data with a POST request, the request gets blocked (403) and I'm not getting redirected ...
sirmeowsalot's user avatar
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Thymeleaf exception only with JUnit test and not in the app

I'm using spring boot, spring security and thymeleaf for a web app. The problem is all is working fine when I test manually, but when I'm executing tests, I have an error : Exception evaluating ...
Kévin Jovanovic's user avatar
2 votes
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The "redirect" routing of thymeleaf is redirecting the application to http and not to https when deployed in AWS ECS

I am building a Spring Boot application which consists of Spring Security and Thymeleaf. I have deployed this application in Elastic Container Service (ECS) cluster of AWS. I have my simple controller ...
Nitin Bisht's user avatar
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Thymeleaf throws an error when outputting the object id to the template

I have a object format, when I try to output to the id value, thymeleaf throws an error. Spring Security dependency is also enabled. Template code <label th:each = "format : ${Format}" th:...
FIDSTONE's user avatar
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share authenticated user in whole app spring security

I am trying to build an application where users can post products. Database looks like this : user -------- username password product ------- name price idUser I try to use spring security 6. ...
ruben's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Can't login error when using Spring security?

i am learning how to use spring security to build login function, i got the error as below "Invalid Username or Password" : Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "...
Thang Đai's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Getting error while trying to authorise user with Spring Security

Trying to block access to a dropdown menu to unauthorized users using Spring Security (not owners and not admins), passing an "owner" object - the owner of the currently viewed list: <...
no way's user avatar
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How can I configure logout functionality in spring security with thymeleaf?

I am new here I just want to know where I go wrong In configuring the Logout part in spring, I made a loging form form patient but when I try to logout it promt a 404 page. Here is my Source Code. ...
Johndavid Cabal's user avatar
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Second hidden input is not read

I have two hidden input fields to implement Friend system. I pass user and friend's ids in Model and then use them in thymeleaf page to pass them in form to PostMapping and save changes. However, ...
Thorvas's user avatar
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Unexpected error (type=Forbidden, status=403) using csrf with Spring Security v3.0.0 and Thymeleaf

I try to configure security of my application but I get "Unexpected error (type=Forbidden, status=403)" and I don't know what is the problem. I register a user then login, do some stuff on a ...
tsavaph's user avatar
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Spring. One-time add session attributes after authorization

Stack: Spring Security and Thymeleaf. I have the following problem: I want to show or not show some elements in all html templates depending on user's role. So, I need a boolean variable "isAdmin&...
Dimitrii's user avatar
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parsing multiple variables path from url in thymeleaf th:action

I am trying to get to the following URL in thyemleaf. This is basically a button that when clicked supposed to increment a value in the backend and turn a boolean value to true. Each of these path ...
spock's-neurons's user avatar
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How to display the user's nickname in the header

Actually, a more general question is how to display dynamic information loaded from the outside in an embedded page such as header and Footer. I call a regular page using the controller and send ...
Сергей's user avatar
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Can't load static resource with Thymeleaf

In my multi-module spring boot project I have included thymeleaf in the bo_ui module to show html pages. Below what has been done so far. MVC configuration class: @Configuration @EnableWebMvc @...
user3187960's user avatar
2 votes
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spring boot security prevent the logged in user from seeing the login and registration pages

I am using Thymeleaf in the interface layer. I want to prohibit login and register pages when user is logged in. Is there any solution to this? @Override protected void configure(HttpSecurity http)...
harbk's user avatar
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Spring Security CSRF 403 Forbidden on successful login

I'm using Spring Security on a basic Thymeleaf setup with index.html and login.html, however the default login page always returns 403 Forbidden when the credentials are valid. (It gives a UI error ...
user avatar
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Spring security loginProcessingUrl only works on localhost

I have built an application by using Spring Boot and Thymeleaf. My application works as supposed in my localhost, but when I package it as a .war and deploy it in a test tomcat server, it prompts the ...
JustCodingPlease's user avatar
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How to authorize html elements to specific users with sec:authorize with thymeleaf?

i would like for certain elements to show in front end for only certain users (not any user with certain role). Why does this work: <form sec:authorize="${principal.username.equals('A') }"...
mortar-1's user avatar
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How to specify content security policy with hash in spring security

I am using a java springboot application with thymeleaf and I want protect my app from non persistent xss by content security policy in spring security. Now, in my front end, none of the buttons work ...
jkasper's user avatar
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How do I resolve a Thymeleaf template to send in an email?

I am setting up email verification in a Spring Boot project of mine. I am following this tutorial from baeldung. I want to send an HTML email using a Thymeleaf template. After looking around the ...
Cardinal System's user avatar
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Spring Security forgets authentication or requires multiple login attempts

I have a basic Spring Boot application secured by Spring Security and a form login. When I call a site which needs authentication, the login form appears, which is fine. But after I log in one of the ...
Bence Szebedy's user avatar
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SpringBoot Thymeleaf login redirect to index loads html but not css and js

I have a springboot application where I authenticate a user and if he is logged in I redirect him to the index.html. However, this index page just loads the plain .html and no js or css at all. I don'...
jkasper's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Thymeleaf form sumbit button always returns null [duplicate]

I have the following login template: <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns:th="" xmlns:sec=""> <...
Luis Fernandez's user avatar
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Java - Using Facebook Share Button Plugin in a Spring Boot Application With Thymeleaf and Spring Security

I am trying to dynamically share a page on facebook by using th:data-href="'' + ${example.getId()}" When this is shared it is a link to my sites login page which ...
William Tisdale's user avatar
2 votes
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Displaying custom error messages in Spring Security?

I started to learn Spring 1 month ago and I'm doing some exercises with Spring Security. When a user logins into my app, the app check if the credentials are bad or less and if the account registered ...
AEX_'s user avatar
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Logout doesn't work with Spring Boot, Spring Security and Thymleaf

I’m trying to add a logout function for our Spring Boot application but Spring logout does not work... The authenticated user still exists and it doesn’t clear the security context. What actually ...
user avatar
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Spring boot admin page - Security config - Java

im my web application, i have ad admin page. the security config looks like this: protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception { http.authorizeRequests().antMatchers( ...
Alz's user avatar
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SpringBoot show logout button for only users that are logged in without thymeleaf

I am currently looking for a solution on how to show the logout button only when a user is fully authenticated. This is for a personal project that I am doing. I want anonymous users to be able to ...
Donobuz's user avatar
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http status 403 forbidden when uploading files [duplicate]

I am using Spring boot MultipartFile to allow users to upload their files and I want to save the uploaded files in the project directory or on my disk "C:\upload" (or wherever it works ...
MoBasheer's user avatar
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Spring security does not go beyond login page

I am currently using thymeleaf, to implement my spring starter security. What I am trying to acheive: redirect to /userList after successful login config file @Configuration @EnableWebSecurity public ...
yongchang's user avatar
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Mapping error Thymeleaf Spring Boot Security app, doesn't load templateS

This is my first time asking here, I'm concerned about this, so Im developing a web application using Spring Securirty and Spring boot, code seems to be fine and application runs, I only configured ...
hKRRR's user avatar
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Visability of static resourses in Thymeleaf with using Spring security

I have a directory hierarchy like this: -resources | |-static | |-css | |-js |-templates |-error |-fragments And This cofigure: @Override protected void configure(HttpSecurity ...
Astansur's user avatar
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Registration and authorization on one page (Java)

I need help. There is a page where the user can enter or register in the application. I do all this on one page and one view. If the registration works like an authorization, then the login refuses to ...
Astansur's user avatar
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Using Posting a form with Spring Boot and Thymleaf incorrectly uses GET method instead of POST

I'm learning Spring Boot and am attempting to implement authentication. I have a signup page that uses a POST method to send new user data to be stored in an in-memory database. The weird thing that ...
Stephen Agwu's user avatar
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How to make spring security make use of the existing tables by switching from in-memory

I have searched for this issue but cannot find any answer. I am new to spring framework. I have created an app which uses inMemory users. I want to switch and use the users I have created with the ...
helloApp's user avatar
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Spring security: how to turn off /logout for non-logged users?

I am building a spring security app. Login and logout are working fine, but I would like to make it impossible for non-logged users to logout which is possible by default (strange...). I tried to add ...
Jacek Grzegorczyk's user avatar
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Spring Security Thyemleaf page 403 after login using custom login page

Im setting up a Web Application using thymeleaf and spring security username and password authentication. After my login is successful im redirected to a url but Im getting a 403 on that page. Below ...
rogger2016's user avatar
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sec:authorize does not work - Spring Boot 2, Thymeleaf 3, Thymeleaf Spring Security 5 integration package

I'm working with Spring Boot 2.2.5 Thymeleaf 3.0.11 Thymeleaf Spring Security 5, 3.0.4 Release I use the following dependencies in my pom.xml: <dependency> <groupId>org....
stephan's user avatar
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Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header in the response must not be the wildcard '*'

I have Spring Boot Application. I also use Spring Security and Thymeleaf.\ I have a piece of code where I get you tube videos from database and apply it in my thymeleaf template. If I open dev tools ...
kenny's user avatar
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3 answers

Problem loading static resources in spring 5 with security enabled

I'm experience problems loading static resources like images, css styles, etc.... in spring 5 when I add security, without security it load ok THis is how I done. First, I create a project using ...
davisoski's user avatar
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Spring Security pages don't open in Iframe on Chrome

I am using Spring Boot, Spring Security and jdk 1.8. When I am trying to open any secured Thymleaf page in iframe on Chrome, then it is redirecting me to login page every time. It is working fine on ...
Deepak Gupta's user avatar
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Spring Security and Thymeleaf with updated authentication

During one session I change user role with: Authentication newAuth = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(newUser.geteMail(), newUser.getPassword(), AuthorityUtils.createAuthorityList(newUser....
Katerina's user avatar
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Cannot access asset in spring-boot project due to spring security

I am facing quite an interesting issue. In my controller class I added path @RequestMapping("/product"). Inside class when I put a path on method like @GetMapping("/update/{productId}") that means ...
Aritra Paul's user avatar
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Spring, Thymeleaf redirect to the wrong controller

The problem is when i click on button (at homeHeader.html) which should redirect me to and then to > viewJobslist(), but it didn't happened because it redirect me to login page....
Piotror's user avatar
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java.lang.IllegalStateException:Current user principal is not of type when i try to integrate keycloak with spring boot web + spring security project

I Created a spring boot web project (.war) to be deployed in an application server.I want to integrate keycloak sso with spring security.The redirection to keycloak login page is working fine. But ...
charles babu's user avatar
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How to make the initial landing page is not the login form from spring security?

Currently, I am using spring-security with a custom login page. Whenever I start my app, it always landed on my login page first instead of home in not login state. I want to make my initial landing ...
Gagak's user avatar
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TemplateInputException: Error resolving template [auth/login]

i faced this problem , when i send request with invalid user credentials. If user credentials are valid , everything works normal. Controller @RestController @RequestMapping(value = "/auth/") public ...
Gaena's user avatar
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