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Node js threadworker - threadId keep increasing its threadId number

I have a worker_thread, let's say a "Thread manager" in node 18 app that is spawning, let's call them "sub-workers". They do what they do and when finished execution, they send a ...
Svetoslav Trifonov's user avatar
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How to get Kernel Thread ID in Python 2.7?

I have read in Python version > 3.8 there is function "get_native_id()" in module "threading" to get kernel Thread ID. Is there any similar possibility to get kernel thread id ...
Saurabh Jain's user avatar
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Extract Gmail Thread ID from Email URL using a Script

I'm trying to develop a script that can extract the Gmail thread ID from the URL of a specific email. The goal is to automate the process of retrieving the thread ID for further processing. For ...
Hamed's user avatar
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Read data from Quip Spreadsheet with Python

I need to make a tool with Python which needs to read data from a given Quip. I have read the Quip Api documentation but I can't find anything code related. Does anyone have a source of inspiration ...
Leonard Basag's user avatar
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Why `std::cout << std::this_thread::get_id()` does not compile? [duplicate]

Why std::cout does not compile in this code snippet, #include<future> #include<iostream> #include<array> #include<algorithm> std::array<int, 100> arr; int sum=0; struct ...
John's user avatar
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iOS "thread-id" doesn't group push notifications

From the documentation: thread-id | string | When displaying notifications, the system visually groups notifications with the same thread identifier together. For remote notifications, the value ...
Albert Bori's user avatar
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