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What is the best way to consume a WebSocket API for PowerBI via OracleDB?

My data source is a WebSocket API that provides a channel to listen to. The final destination is for use in PowerBI for near Real-Time reporting. Ideally I need to first write this data to an Oracle ...
Antonio's user avatar
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java.sql.SQLException: Protocol violation: [6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 1]

I'm using Talend 6.5 to connect some Oracle DB with a few big query. Sometime (but I can't reproduce every-time), the same query crash with the following error : job.job.my_job - tOracleInput_10 ...
Blag's user avatar
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How to Convert varchar Data type to Cassandra Map (Key value pair) conversion in Talend

I am trying to load varchar2 Data from Oracle to Cassandra Map data type(key value pair) using a Talend Mapping. I have tried TConvertType, Tdenormalize and TJavaFlex Components to convert such ...
Coe john's user avatar
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Update ~30 million records in SCD-2 on daily basis

I have a SCD-2 table which holds 400M+ records. On daily basis I get 40M records out of which ~20M gets inserted & updated. I use Talend & Oracle for this project. The problem is it takes a ...
Pahul's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Transfer xml data to Oracle table by column or fields by using talend

I am using Talend Studio with objects tFileInputDelimited row1(Main) to tOracleOutput what I want is to transfer the data in xml file to Oracle table. I want to transfer the values of the last two ...
peace3106's user avatar
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Datatype conversion using tdbrow of talend

I really need your help,i was using tdbsp (stored proc) before but now i need to use tdbrow for performing an insert into one of the oracle tables as part of the job flow. Some of the columns in the ...
James's user avatar
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Unable to determine the cause of the "ORA-00922: missing or invalid option" error

I am getting "ORA-00922: missing or invalid option" error when I try to run a Talend job to load data from an Oracle script to a database table The script itself has been tested and ...
cmomah's user avatar
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Insert into a table using tdbrow talend -casting datatype or conversion issues?

Tdbrow: In the brackets i have indicated their predefined datatype in the table! insert into FILETABLE (ID (number), DIR(number), file_name(varchar2), file_date(date),file_size(number)) ...
James's user avatar
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Why my oracle to_date is returning this error ORA-01861: literal does not match format string

I'm trying to use java and SQL in talend and I'm getting the following error ORA-01861: literal does not match format string Here my java code: Date supply_date_last_filter = new Date(); Date ...
soufiane's user avatar
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How do i store the results from an db(oracle) query as a global variable to be used in a RUN-IF condition in talend?

I have a dbinput component where i am using an select statement as below: "select file_name,file_size from dat_file where file_name = '"+(String)globalMap.get("...
Tommy's user avatar
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How to capture the output after querying the tdbrow in talend and display it?

I am extracting the filename from tfilelist and i am checking against the database if that filename exists in the table and display the corresponding output? I cannot see the output when i tried with ...
Tommy's user avatar
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2 answers

How to check if a file retrieved from the ftp site exists in the local folder in java using talend?

I am using FtpGet to extract or retrieve a file from the ftp and loading into the database and before that i am storing in a local folder. So before i use tfilecopy to the local Folder i would like to ...
Tommy's user avatar
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how to execute PLSQL script from tOracleRow component using Talend?

I am new to Talend. I am using Talend 6.5.1 version and Oracle 11. I have created a simple table in Oracle. Table DDL: CREATE TABLE test(id NUMBER); Now, I am inserting records with following Talend ...
Vijay_Shinde's user avatar
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Talend tFileInputDelimited to tDBoutput ORA-00904

I made a job design which consists of tFileInputDelimited -> tMap -> tDBOutput(Oracle) The csv I am using has columns which are not currently in the table which I don't think should be a problem....
John's user avatar
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How to catch DB Error in Sub Job in Talend

I have the below design in Talend I am catching the error when the component fails but if there is any error from DB like Cannot Insert as Parent Key not found Cannot Insert into column col2 expected ...
Rajesh's user avatar
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How to prevent oracle database Connection timeout issue without connection pooling

I need to read around 80k ids from oracle and should iterate on each id to again use the id to query against oracle to fetch that data for that particular id and process it. But when reading the 80k ...
Darla's user avatar
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Oracle ora_rowscn to get delta [duplicate]

ora_rowscn as definition from oracle, You cannot use this pseudocolumn in a query to a view so can I use the ora_rowscn column to get the delta and updated data from the oracle table in my ETL job?...
user1724852's user avatar
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Execute Stored Procedure Talend

I try to execute a stored procedure with Talend 7.1.1. That procedure is registered in DB 'SYS' and she TRUNCATE the table in parameter (my table : ODS.TEMPF_PRODUCTION) I put the composent tDBSP (...
PandaRasta's user avatar
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Talend : Truncate Table and insert data from a view

i'm working on a job with Tos for ESB 7.1.1. I'm trying to connect to a DB (ORACLE), recover my ID_MAX and save it, TRUNCATE my table and insert data from a view and for each line increment my ID. ...
PandaRasta's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How to get column names from a query?

I have a specific query with joins and aliases, and I need to retrieve columns name for a REST request in Talend. I'm using Talend Open Studio for Data Integration 6.2 and I've got an Oracle 11g ...
Ceci Semble Absurde.'s user avatar
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Oracle Spool file via CMD command deliver more Data than expected

i have a Oracle Table "Sales" with columns ID,Sales,TIMESTAMP. Data looks like this: ID Sales TimeStamp 1 30 2018-08-20 00:00:00.989900 +02:00 1 35 2018-08-21 05:00:00.989900 +02:00 ... 1 ...
phalondon's user avatar
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How to generate oracle rank and dense_rank function in Talend?

SQL> select ID,rank() over(order by ID) RANK , dense_rank() over(order by ID) DENSE_RANK from a; ID RANK DENSE_RANK 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 4 ...
Dhanraj's user avatar
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Talend Create Select Performance tuning

I just realised that when I run a create select statement on my Oracle 11g database the execution is about three times faster than using Talend to select the data then creating and writing the data ...
cdaiga's user avatar
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Talend how to use an Oracle database created sequence

I've created a sequence object in Oracle DB and I need to assign it to a context variable in Talend and so that I can increment the value from Talend. How can I do that? What component should I use ...
Usr's user avatar
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How to pass dashed strings to oracle from a query written in java

I have a problem with this query when I pass it to an oracle dbms SELECT * FROM RD_RBF WHERE REQUEST_ID = 'S2N-F01-000000000001' because of the dashes in the string the jvm return me this exception ...
Leonardo's user avatar
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send Email with new record from Database query

i have query which give me information of ETL Error like this: i create a Job: tOracleinput --->tsendMail which sends this Error logs to my Email. What i want now is that: when i execute the Job ...
phalondon's user avatar
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Transfer CSV data to Oracle table by Column or fields using Talend

I am using Talend Studio with objects tFileInputDelimited row1(Main) to tOracleOutput what I want is to transfer the data in CSV file which are cell delimited (looks like an excel record) to Oracle ...
Davees John Baclay's user avatar
-4 votes
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how to bind varible in sql/plsql

My query is with dates_table as ( SELECT to_date(:begin_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') + ROWNUM - 1 cal_day FROM dual CONNECT BY LEVEL <= to_date(:...
siddhesh's user avatar
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Adding Oracle Database driver to ESB server

I am new to ESB and have the Talend Runtime installed on my local machine and am able to run it partially. By partially I mean the child job of the ESB service does everything EXCEPT for performing an ...
RoflWaffle17's user avatar
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Migrate tables with special characters in Talend studio

I am migrating from table A (DB A) to table B (DB B), an error occurs on 1 specific field that contains french characters (é, à, ..) and special characters (&, ', ..): Exception in component ...
user3132623's user avatar
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Querying a database again and again or storing all the data in a file at once and querying the files?

I am making a set of Talend jobs where I am going to query same set of tables differently depending on the need of the jobs. These tables are huge. Will it be good if before running the jobs I query ...
GadaaDhaariGeek's user avatar
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talend - output of tReplicate to subjob

My planned flow is as follows: subJob1 / tOracleInput -> tMap -> tReplicate -- subJob2 ...
lorraine batol's user avatar
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talend - split one row into multiple rows based on some logic

Currently here is my flow: tOracleInput -> tMap -> tFileOutput The output of the select statement in tOracleInput is something like this: ID | Name | Amount | PercentageOfMixed | ...
lorraine batol's user avatar
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Talend Component "OracleInput" don't find datas

I have a problem on Talend Open Studio for Big Data, for a project i ahve to import in MongoDB datas which come from an Oracle Database. The problem is my connection to Oracle is correct, but with ...
Kévin Danilo's user avatar
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talend - tMap output into list

I have the following flow: tOutputFile (will output many fields) / tOracleInput -> tMap -> tReplicate ...
lorraine batol's user avatar
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talend - output of tMap to another query

I have a one view query (which is quite heavy) so I want to avoid re-querying again. The output of this query is transformed and put into the file. There is a unique reference number on this file (...
lorraine batol's user avatar
4 votes
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talend - specify jndi as datasource

I have a talend job that uses tOracleInput component with connection type of ORACLE CUSTOM. It is working well. Now, I have a requirement to use jndi as the database connection. Any ideas how can ...
lorraine batol's user avatar
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Talend-Unable to use Context variable in oracle query

I am facing challenge in calling a context variable in my oracle source query select branch_code from sttms_branch where country_code='"+context.con_contry_cd+"' No rows are fetching.But if we ...
NMB's user avatar
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Talend ETL jobs calling through Web Service

Our requirement is to call "Talend ETL job" from another application sources like Salesforce, Jira & others. Can someone please guide me for process steps needs to be used for calling "Talend ETL ...
user2128189's user avatar
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Update or Insert into postgres table without any primary key

I have a table which needs to be ingested from Oracle source to Greenland target using ETL tool talend. The table is huge , hence we want to load the data on daily basis incrementally. The table ...
Harshitha Goli's user avatar
-1 votes
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Not able to connect to oracle database using context variables talend open studio for Big Data

I had created context group: using context variables for database connection imported from Oracle db connections in meta data. While running the job it is throwing the following error: Exception in ...
Munagalavenkata Senthilroyal's user avatar
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4 answers

Where to find tns.jar for Talend tOracleConnection

I am working on creating an Oracle connection in Talend. When I configure the tOracleConnection component, I install the prompted ojdbc.jar with no issues. When I start to use this connection it ...
Rakesh Sharma Parakkal Rajan's user avatar
2 votes
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How to do a simple Talend Upsert with timestamp column

I'm trying to create a Talend job which will do the following: Take input rows and insert or update into an oracle table If the row already exists in Oracle table, check if it needs updating based ...
Paul's user avatar
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CDC for 100 tables in TalenD

I am new to CDC, have a query. I have say 100 tables where i cannot create a subscribers for 100 tables to capture the data change using TalenD. Is their any way to capture for all the tables ...
maniv5790's user avatar
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Data when loaded from oracle to greenplum via talend is not handling CLOB columns well

I am using tOracleConnection to connect to the oracle source and tOracleInput to fetch the data, then tMap and then writing the data to a file using tfileoutputdelimited (custom component) From file ...
Harshitha Goli's user avatar
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Return last ID from a column

Is there a way to return the last ID from a column (called ID_MES) without browsing through all of the records? My job Talentd:
Sami Meskaoui's user avatar
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how to count number of lines with jointure in Talend on Oracle

i have 3 tables supplier(id_supp, name, adress, ...) Customer(id_cust, name, adress, ...) Order(id_order, ref_cust, ref_supp, date_order...) I want to make a job that counts the number of orders ...
Ilyaş Kaşmi's user avatar
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How do I resolve protocol violation that occurs on only one table in Oracle 11?

The protocol violation is only happening on one table out of many. Oracle DB Version: Using: ojdbc6.jar Stack Trace: java.sql.SQLException: Protocol violation at oracle.jdbc.driver....
JTeezee's user avatar
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talend etl oracle error 0 row insert

I am a newbie to TalendETL and am using Talend Open Studio for Big Data version 6.2. I have developed a simple Talend ETL job that picks up data from a tFileInputExcel and tOracleInput(dimension date ...
Araour Kahy's user avatar
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How to create configuration to specify Source(DB) and Destinations dynamically in Talend?

I have to move data from Oracle to PostgreSQL on Amazon cloud. I want to know if there are any ways to take care of configuration related issues.I want to take connection string ,userID, password and ...
Bisu's user avatar
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