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Where file status info actually store?

Where the file status info actually store when we using stat() in to get? I'am learning Unix Programing, But i am confused when i using stat() function to get file status. There are no any ...
l33klin's user avatar
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What is the meaning of each field with the output of `stat` on OSX?

$ stat Cargo.toml 16777220 9094681422 -rw-r--r-- 1 tonytonyjan staff 0 109 "Jan 19 10:05:13 2019" "Dec 31 17:52:29 2018" "Dec 31 17:52:29 2018" "Dec 14 16:32:26 2018" 4096 8 0 Cargo.toml man stat ...
Weihang Jian's user avatar
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How to get a files last changed time (Unix + Java)

In Unix there is a difference between last changed time and last modifies time. For example when using stat I can get: Access: 2016-01-18 10:50:01.624303144 +0100 Modify: 2016-01-12 13:34:18....
Arenlind's user avatar
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Perl: Get the user name and group name from stat commad

Here is the code snippet I am using and I am unable to get the user name and group name for the required file. #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Data::Dumper; use File::stat; $somedir = '/var/vob/...
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