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why st_dev in stat structure is somewhat difference with the output of the command stat

i use stat() system call, and st_dev and st_rdev gives me somethong about device id that is fe02 and 0 command line stat gives me Device: fe02h/65026d why there is a difference? or is my code wrong? ...
Timmie's user avatar
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setting st_birthtime in macOS

In macOS, I want to set st_birthtime to a date before 1970/01/01. For instance date = '1953/12/02 00:00:01'. N.B.st_birthtime is the fourth date displayed by shell command > stat my/file.txt I ...
Pierre Puiseux's user avatar
2 votes
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How to calculate a sample size for non inferiority test two samples?

I have a test where I want to check whether the install rate of tests group is at least 70% of controls group. To do so I took the following function from Python libraries alpha = 0.1 power = 0.80 ...
Kristina Aivazova's user avatar
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stat_compare_means() for multiple factors in faceted ggplot data

I am trying to add a p-value (t-test pairwise) across subgroups of data. See the example figure. The following figure is group into groups and subgroups. code: SUAC_cv <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE)...
giorgio oliviero's user avatar
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how to calculate average daily balance - current cycle

I have this data and i want to calculate, average daily balance - current cycle: $1,595.49. I try mean median mode and manulay sum / T rows but all results different fd tr_type amount date ...
waqasss's user avatar
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Friedman test using gtsummary

I'm trying to perform frideman test inside and add_p() function added to tbl_summary() The problems is that frideman test assumes complete blocks So I added it as a function to exclued uncomplete ...
Doc-Data's user avatar
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Docker SDK for Python - `mode` field in output of `Container.get_archive(path)` returning unexpected value when `path` is a folder

In the Docker SDK for Python, Container.get_archive(path) returns stat information of path in a dictionary. However, when path is a folder, the mode of the stat dictionary is set to 2147484141, which ...
Alfon's user avatar
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Generate three correlated variables in R [duplicate]

I want to simulate three variables e1, e2 and e3 that are not independent of each other. The population mean of each variable must be 0 and each follows a normal distribution. Since they are not ...
Phoebe's user avatar
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Good way to understand if file has been just created rather than modified in Linux

I need a way to learn if a file has been just created (rather than e.g. modified). I do it like this: const bool isCreated = ((f.atime.tv_sec == f.mtime.tv_sec) && ...
JenyaKh's user avatar
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rounding to nearst 0 or 5 in n (add_n()) gtsummary outputbale

I need help in rounding the last digit to 0 or 5 in n column from add_n() in my gtsummary output table. any help is much appreciated library(tidyverse) library(gtsummary) round_05 <- function(x) { ...
skpak's user avatar
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rounding to nearst 0 or 5 in gtsummary outputbale

I need help in rounding the last digit to 0 or 5 in my gtsummary output table. any help is much appreciated library(tidyverse) library(gtsummary) data %>% tbl_summary( by = hba1c, include = -...
skpak's user avatar
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what's diffrent of geom_histogram about statistical transformations

i have no idea with the difference between statistical transformations about plot1 and plot2 ? plot1 <- ggplot(mpg, aes(x = hwy)) + geom_histogram(stat = "density") plot2 <-ggplot(...
kschen's user avatar
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Number of Observations

I am trying to establish relationship between an organisation’s degree of diversity representation and their annual revenue, and ran into a concern in my data analysis. If I am looking at the number ...
Kech's user avatar
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is anyone add statisctic columns successfully using add_stat function for tbl_continuous objects( not tbl_summary)?

is anyone add statisctic columns successfully using add_stat function for tbl_continuous objects( not tbl_summary)? by using add_stat, we can custom statistic columns for tbl_summary() objects as ...
Done Jia's user avatar
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X86-64 assembly syscall statx

I have a problem with _statxFlow. I try to call statx and save GID in uidGidRecieved. I don't know what the problem is (well, besides that _print is not suited for integers, but that's I have already ...
Vik's user avatar
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file creation time system call in linux/gcc

As I know, stat/fstat system call tell us only 3 times about a file Time of last access (st_atim field) Time of last modification (st_mtim field) Time of last status change (st_ctim) and when I run ...
tahzibi.jafar's user avatar
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How to fix 'variable lengths differ' error?

This is my code: Income.x1 <- ifelse(Income ==1, "L", ifelse(Income == 2, "M",ifelse(Income == 3, "H",NA))) gender.x2 <- ifelse(Gender==1, "M",ifelse(...
Firas's user avatar
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compute Sobol first order index

I am trying to compute Sobol index by myself using python but I am facing some problems. The formula is very simple however I don't understand some part : Here, E[Y|Qi] denotes the expected value of ...
safa bousbih's user avatar
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How can I detect an existing directory in ~/ with stat in C?

If the directory ~/testdir not exists, I want to create it. Before the test, I create the directory ~/testdir, but stat is not detecting it, and the program tries to create it once more. I only has ...
Eddy Sorngard's user avatar
-2 votes
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WinSCP stat command says FileNotFound, but it exists when I do ls

When I run this in PowerShell where $File is just "/path/to/FileName.csv" & "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\" /command "open sftp://username:password@server/"...
truekoa's user avatar
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Data not replicating using logical replication

Not able to see replicated data on device Although it is showing in sync state and the is showing the process is running but data is not replicated I have done logical replication I have trying since ...
yash Giradkar's user avatar
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Subset rows within one predictor in GLM without disturb other

I fit parasitoid abundance to two factors, flower availability and distance of the crop to flower. Firstly, I fit separate glm equation: glm(abundance ~ flower, data = data, family = poisson(link"...
Moh Zulfajrin's user avatar
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How to fail Ansible playbook if filesize is zero (0)

How this playbook should work? I would like playbook to fail when filesize is zero --- - hosts: localhost gather_facts: no tasks: - name: "Get stats of a file" stat: ...
Teemu's user avatar
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Error in match.arg(opt.crit) : 'arg' must be NULL or a character vector

I have an code but it have an error In R, I do not know how to run it. enter image description here And here should be run out like this enter image description here library(forecast) library(itsmr) ...
zehao li's user avatar
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How to implement after_stat(ymax) with count expression in r?

I would like to add n numbers to each ggplot box plots with the italic(n) = #. I have tried expression and bquote for label but did not work. Any suggestion? stat_summary(fun = median, fun.max = ...
Fkiran's user avatar
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Overlay bar chart in Age standardised mortality rate graph in ggplot in r

I have age-standardized mortality rates with a 95%CI graph in a ggplot, is there any way I can add a number of deaths by year in this graph? I thought of showing this as a bar chart by adding a second ...
skpak's user avatar
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I want to create a separate bar chart but only one bar appears and it looks like they add together, dodge doesn't work

I don't know why all the time the bar chart is not separated, I want to do a comparation between temperature and male-female floration monthly but dodge doesn't work. enter image description here year ...
bryan simba's user avatar
-2 votes
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Unable to get stat of existing directory in Ansible due to variable formatting issue

I'm trying to get the owner of the first directory passed to Ansible variable source_files. We do not have control over the content of Ansible variable source_files as it is constructed through some ...
Ashar's user avatar
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object not found in mediation model

I have to plan a simple mediation model - library(mediation) mediation_model = lm(as.numeric(Age) ~ as.numeric(condition), data = GRA) tab_model(...
killiann's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

How to merge data based on column of specific data in r

I have three data, every data contain one column and the same rows but in diffrent orders in all the five data, i want to merge the five data based on the first column. column1 X 7 B ...
Reda's user avatar
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Error with adding p-values using stat_pvalue_manual into a ggplot [duplicate]

I have a problem with stat_pvalue_manual. They showed an error whenever I ran it with stat_pvalue_manual function. I tried to use stat_compare_means, but it is wrong with p.adj value, so I need to ...
Trinh Phan-Canh's user avatar
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How to calculate the 2019 WHO Cardiovascular Risk using R?

How can I calculate the 2019 WHO Cardiovascular Risk using R programming language? Is there a package? There is a R code to calculate the 2007 WHO Cardiovascular Risk chart and I can't find an updated ...
solanga's user avatar
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label position in stat_bin for geom_histogram: how to adress ..count.. in the position_nudge method?

I've got input_values as a tibble: input_values For these alues I'd like to plot a histogram, where the columns are labeled (90° angle, almost directly on top of the colums). as_tibble(input_values) %&...
nadja's user avatar
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in R, draw LDA and QDA partition lines on the same plot

I have trouble understanding how to 'export' equations of the delimitation lines resulting from a linear (LDA) or quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA) in R. Ideally, I would like to compare both ...
Alex's user avatar
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Get Directory Disk Usage with Golang

I try to learn disk usage of directory with golang but this below app calculate incorrect. I do not want to use filepath.Walk. I tried os.Stat() but that did not get actual directory size. I shared ...
siwm's user avatar
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Portable way to read symlink destination in shell [duplicate]

Is there a way to portably (at least Linux and macOS) get the destination of a symlink in a (Posix) shell script? In an old program, I found ls -lad "bin" 2> /dev/null | awk '{ printf (&...
olebole's user avatar
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_wstat for extended-length path prefixed with \\?\ in MINGW64

Description I have a C program that needs to check if a file exists using stat. That file can have a path longer than MAX_PATH (260 characters) and is therefore prefixed with \\?\, see Windows ...
AnHeuermann's user avatar
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Why does st_blksize differ when using fstat on STDOUT_FILENO compared to stat on a regular file?

Why st_blksize differ for regular file and stdout? I write a little program, where there's a lot of output. There was decision on my part to move aside stdio.h and FILE struct and use some syscalls. ...
Moses's user avatar
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extracting selected estimate and CI from a linear mixed model

I need help in extracting estimate and CIs only for yr_qun variable from my linear mixed model. when I run the following code I get Error: ! Tibble columns must have compatible sizes. • Size 30: ...
skpak's user avatar
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fread is reading the last part of my text file twice

I have a text file I want to read into an std::vector. It's okay if the vector is a little too big, but it seems to be doing a very weird thing: It's copying the entire file, then copying a portion ...
Anne Quinn's user avatar
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Permission denied when using nginx

I started nginx in alamalinux 9.1 and when I visit the site, I got 404 errors, and I also found some errors in log files like 2023/05/06 16:14:33 [crit] 248989#248989: *15900 stat() "/root/...
Donghua Liu's user avatar
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stat function not returning proper result in st_size

I have a strange scenario where the stat function is providing the file size always as 4096. Below is the code snippet: #include <iostream> #include <sys/stat.h> using namespace std; int ...
user2456835's user avatar
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how to get directory size with flutter?

I'm using flutter and I want to know the capcity size of a directory. this is my code : final String directory = (await getApplicationSupportDirectory()).path; My question is how to get directory ...
ASMA's user avatar
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Recursively get file size and file path of images in a folder, except certain subfolders

I would like to get a directory path. From there, I'd like to return the file size and filepath for designated image types within the root and subdirectories, but excluding images within ...
Chris's user avatar
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I got slightly different qq plots in R and Python for the same data. Which one should I rely on?

This is my data: x = c(2.42, 2.59, 3.5, 2.75, 2.78, 3.58, 2.95, 2.06, 2.36, 2.48, 3.33, 2.89) I got this qq plot from R: qqnorm(x) qqline(x) Meanwhile, for the same data, I got the following qq ...
Catherine's user avatar
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statistical test (wilcox or t-test, or any, really) in a "group_by" pipe

I have a dataset looking at water quality for various conditions. Here is a subset of the data (called tempdf1: Material Unit Condition Rep Measurement 1 Bromine ppm Unfiltered 1 4....
Andrew's user avatar
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Differentiating between files and directories on linux in C

I have a function that takes in an argument which is a file path. That path is then used in conjunction with the readdir function and stat function to print out all of the files and directories in a ...
Devin Bowen's user avatar
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Storage Access Framework - getting file attributes rwx, c++ stat replacement

I have a native c++ application. I migrate it to new google's storage restrictions. User grants read/write permissions on some folder with files inside. Somehow has happened that some files inside ...
user1063364's user avatar
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wanna to read hdf file in dataframe

gss = pd.read_hdf('gss.hdf5', 'gs') this the code i have used on VS code. and i got this Traceback (most recent call last): File "d:\pthon_txt\", line 4, in <module> gss = pd....
Muhammed Younies's user avatar
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How to set the stat_function in for loop to plot two graphs with normal distribution, central and variance parameters

I would like to create the following plots in parallel I have used the following code using the wide format dataset: sumstatz_1 <- data.frame(whichstat = c("mean", ...
12666727b9's user avatar
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