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Using SQLCMD Mode within SSMS and a SQL script file path, how can I store the result in a temp table?

Using SQLCMD Mode in SSMS (not the SQLCMD Utility) and a file path to a SQL query script, I would like to store the results into a temp table. I am aware the following command executes the query from ...
dsksea's user avatar
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1 answer

Azure SQL authentication - Service Principal not working in SSMS/SqlCmd

We have a requirement to connect to Azure SQL Database using Service Principal Details. We are using SSMS(v19) and sqlcmd to connect. What we done so far: Create service principal and secret Assign ...
Varghese's user avatar
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SQL Server don't run in sqlcmd but run in ssms

I have a problem with a script running under sqlcmd vs SSMS. The first time that I had the problem, I cut the large file (a lot of inserts) into small pieces, cutting it in blocks of 2000 inserts. In ...
MCunha98's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

How to react to message from Microsoft regarding updating API's

I got a message from Microsoft in the last few days Azure SQL Database 2014-04-01 APIs will be retired on 31 October 2025. You're receiving this email because you use Azure SQL Database APIs. To ...
gordon613's user avatar
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How to connect to a remote database with Windows authentication using sqlcmd?

I'm trying to use sqlcmd to execute querys on a remote database but I can´t login When I connect using SSMS i have to use this runas command runas /user:domain\username /netonly "Ssms.exe" ...
Agustín De Cesare's user avatar
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SSMS path error: file specified for :r command was not found

While navigating to the given path on cmd it was working fine but I am not sure why its not working here. :setvar path "C:\Users\hamid\Documents" IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM ...
Hamid Shah's user avatar
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What is wrong with MS SQL Server (*.sql) script backup restore operation with SQLCMD?

I have a 6GB *.sql script backup file, which when I'm loading into database: sqlcmd -S .\SQLEXPRESS -U SA -d testdbb -i whole_DB_backup.sql -o result.log It taking days to finish the script. On the ...
MD. Mohiuddin Ahmed's user avatar
1 vote
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Run .txt file within ssms SQLCMD

I want to a .txt file that contains a sql script via ssms SQLCMD query window. Could someone give me an example. I can run via pc CMD successfully using the following. sqlcmd.exe -S pcName -E -i "...
Rob's user avatar
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2 answers

Connect to multiple servers and databases and run the same SQL statements

I have a fixed list of SQL Server 2019 (v15) Express databases, distributed across the country. I am hoping to script a way of querying them in a T-SQL batch. Have gotten as far as enabling SQLCMD and ...
PatFromCanada's user avatar
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How to skip invalid servers in SQLCMD mode in SSMS

I am running sqlcmode mode in ssms agains multiple servers: :CONNECT SERVER1 script GO :CONNECT SERVER2 script GO :CONNECT SERVER3 script GO etc, however when server2 is not accessible it stops there ...
Hussanas's user avatar
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SQL Query fails while running in SQLCMD Mode

I need help, I am writing the SQL code shown below for extracting data from multiple servers from the SSMS window of one SQL Server. I have CMC on SERVER1 and have registered SERVER2 as well and all ...
Samir Bihari's user avatar
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sqlcmd syntax issue

I am trying to run some sqlcmd to create new database on a new server but everytime I run my script I get the incorrect syntax near 'S' and do not know why exactly. the command line is to create a new ...
Alain's user avatar
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Do sqlcmd and SSMS not validate the server certificate if the server enforces the encryption?

I am hosting a few linux SQL Server 2019 instances. All connections to these instances should be encrypted, and therefore I enforce the encryption on the server side like this (following the official ...
MrWolfZ's user avatar
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25 votes
11 answers

Cannot connect with SSMS to SQL Server on Docker

I have followed the official Microsoft documentation and I have installed SQL Server Docker image As result I have a SQL Server image running on Docker at the IP address I also can ...
Francesco Mantovani's user avatar
1 vote
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Backup SQL Server 2019 in a Docker Linux container fails

Attempted multiple ways to do the backup. Tried adding SA as a root user in the container Azure Data studio BACKUP DATABASE [PrestigeCars] TO DISK = N'/var/opt/mssql/backup//PrestigeCars-202044-8-...
Peter H's user avatar
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Trying to change columns in one table from varchar to int, and do a type lookup in another table in SQL CMD Mode on SSMS

The problem I'm having involves 3 tables. The first one has a primary key and some other stuff in it. We'll call it Stuff, with a StuffID as its primary key column. Let's call the second table Things, ...
mdmenard's user avatar
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3 answers

Can't find sqlcmd.exe (SQL SERVER 2017)

I've run into a problem about sqlcmd, In the computer there is SSMS 2017 and I can use SQLCMD MODE in SSMS 2017, but I can't call sqlcmd in command prompt, "'sqlcmd.exe' is not Recognized as an ...
Chen J's user avatar
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TSQL syntax not the same for SSMS and sqlcmd

Here is a simple tsql file : # file foo.sql : DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Testing"; CREATE TABLE "Testing" ( "Id" BIGINT NOT NULL, "FilePath" NVARCHAR (442) NULL, CONSTRAINT "PK_Testing" ...
LeGEC's user avatar
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I'm creating a batch file to export data using SQLCMD, the command look like this: sqlcmd -S servername -d db1 -o c:\Temp\export.txt -Q "SELECT xColumn, yColumn FROM xTable1 WHERE xColumn NOT LIKE '...
Christopher Boisvert's user avatar
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I want to write a sqlcmd script that pulls data from a database and then manipulates that data

I'm trying to find examples of sqlcmd script files that will run a select statement, and return those values internal to the script and place them in a variable. I then want to iterate over those ...
mdmenard's user avatar
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SQLCMD from SSMS is not working; connecting to Azure SQL Database

Running this from my SQL Server Management Studuio (SSMS) connecting to Azure sql database. I am using SQLCMD mode of SSMS. :Connect -S -d taiobcustomer -U sqlusername ...
SqlWorldWide's user avatar
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SQL Server different types of variables, $ and @

I am unsure of the difference between types of variables when using SSMS and SQL server. :SETVAR A 7 DECLARE @B INT SET @B = 11; SELECT ($(A) * @B) AS PRODUCT When should I be using SET and when ...
Ivan's user avatar
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sqlcmd for SQL Servers

Faced the problem of using sqlcmd in sqlserver, but I do not know for which server versions it fits, I could not find it. this console does not depend on the version of sql server? So, if I want to ...
Nik's user avatar
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Run several scripts in sequence and output each one to a csv file

I have several queries that need to be run on a weekly basis in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, each one one is just a relatively simple select query, and the results need to be saved into csv ...
Dekks's user avatar
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I've started getting into the habit of switching to SQLCMD mode in SQL Server Management Studio when I'm deploying batches of SQL. I'm doing this so I can preface the SQL with :on error exit I've ...
UnhandledExcepSean's user avatar
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A fatal scripting error occurred. Variable is not defined

When I run this query in SQLCMD mode in SSMS 2017 and SQL Server DB. It works fine. --SQLCMD mode --DECLARE Global variables :SETVAR daysBack -1 SELECT $(daysBack) Result: -1 If I run only 1 line ...
justromagod's user avatar
2 votes
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SQL SERVER backup database into .sql file using script or cmd

I am trying to migrate from SQL SERVER 2012 to 2014 and found out I cannot use .bak files because of different versions. I know how to create a .sql back up file using the SSMS but I can't find a ...
Dekso's user avatar
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I want to see how many rows are affected for each DDL statement that is run by a query, so I set SET NOCOUNT OFF at the start of each query that is run. Sample query: SET NOCOUNT OFF; GO BEGIN TRY ...
Jags_2000's user avatar
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sqlcmd SQL returning string value as #name? - value is displayed correctly in SSMS

I have a simple SQL query that is pulling the value from a varchar2 column. It returns the correct value in SSMS, however in sqlcmd it returns: "#NAME?" (without the double-quotes). The actual value ...
Bobby Kenny's user avatar
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Conditionally trigger :CONNECT statement SQL

Note 1: From what I have seen in my research so far, there is no way to accomplish what I'm looking to do, but I hope I'm wrong ... Note 2: The goal of this is to eliminate the need to change ...
Brian's user avatar
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Does SSMS provide any default variables when running in SQLCMD mode?

I would like to run a parameterized script meant for SQLCMD that contains variable expansions mainly for a database name. It appears that others are using hard coded setvar: statements at the top of ...
jpierson's user avatar
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Write query to export database to csv file via Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

I am trying to write a query that will export the data from a table into a csv file. I cannot use the manual methods of right clicking the results and selecting save as. It has to be via query. I ...
Hasib_Ibradzic's user avatar
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Connect to multiple DB's from different servers

I have multiple DB's on different servers and I want to take some information from a table (for example User- this table is on all DB's). So I add all servers and DB's on a cursor and then I run this ...
Silviu S's user avatar
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Do scripts executed remotely via SQLCMD get processed by the host or target machine?

When running a command like the following: SQLCMD -S MYREMOTECOMPUTER\DB -E -i CreateDBCompany.sql Does the CPU of the host or target machine get used to execute the bits within CreateDbCompany.sql?...
RobVious's user avatar
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SQL script works fine when run from SSMS, but fails syntax check when run with sqlcmd

So I've got a script being used to update users on developer box SQL nodes. It works fine in SSMS, but when I run it from sql cmd, I get an "Incorrect syntax near..." error on this line: EXEC('Drop ...
Robert McCraw's user avatar
3 votes
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SQLCMD MODE - Incorrect syntax near 'S'

In SSMS, when I execute sqlcmd -S "flynetSrv" I get : Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 3 Incorrect syntax near 'S'. I am already connected to the server through SSMS I also tried sqlcmd -d "...
jdidi's user avatar
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setvar - Incorrect syntax near 'dbname'

I've searched for the answer for this but all I can see is answers to "incorrect syntax near ':'" which is easily solved by turning on SQLCMD mode. But once I've turned that on I get another error: ...
komodosp's user avatar
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SQLCMD Passing in Variables

I have a batch file which runs a number of *.sql files. Currently all the variables have been hard coded within the sql files. I wanted to know how to pass in variables values from the SQLCMD Batch ...
Kajan's user avatar
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How can I use SQLCMD with Windows Authentication (-E,) but without elevated permissions

I'm going to create a script to execute numerous SQL files. I've chose to use SQLCMD instead of ADODB because it provides logging information quickly, and we're executing T-SQL. I'm testing out SQLCMD....
Mike Sanders's user avatar
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SQLCMD to import large sql file gives "Invalid object name" error

I am trying to import a large .SQL file (downloaded here) (210mb) containing postcodes in a table called postcodelatlng. This is the setup: I tried executing the query directly in SSMS 2012 but it's ...
benscabbia's user avatar
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SQL variables and the IF statement

I am using T-SQL in SQLCMD mode in SSMS to run various subfile from one file, and the principle file (princ.sql) is where I need to declared and set a variable @MyInteger and run a subfile: DECLARE @...
salvor7's user avatar
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Executing all the lines before :CONNECT SQLCMD

My SQL query looks something like this and am executing it in SQLCMD mode in SSMS: DECLARE @tempTable TABLE(acct nvarchar(50)) INSERT INTO @tempTable (Acct) (select acct from tUsers) :CONNECT ...
aswin srinivasan's user avatar
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No Login for SQL Server but I am Local Admin

I am a local Admin on my machine. Same old thing, my account wasnt added when SQL Server was installed, and I don't want to have to reinstall SQL Server. I went through this blog and it worked until I ...
uh_big_mike_boi's user avatar
-2 votes
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Multiple queries on same connection using same T-SQL variables

I'm trying to create something similar to SQL Server Management Studio. I want the ability to run several queries on the same connection like one does in the same tab in SSMS, however from c# each ...
James Peach's user avatar
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How to display the error message when using ":on error exit" in SQLCMD mode?

I have a query with T-SQL statements in SQL Server 2012 with SQLCMD Mode turned On running interactively in SSMS. There's a :on error exit statement. When I run the query, the query window shows "...
Tony_Henrich's user avatar
6 votes
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The file specified for :r command was not found

In MS SQL Server Management Studio in SQLCMD Mode I use this script to run another script: :setvar path "C:\workspace\scripts\scripts\" :r $(path)'VERSIONS.sql' But it gets this error: A fatal ...
Graham's user avatar
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SQLCMD vs SSMS performance

I wrote a script, that takes long enough to run. It looks like this: set nocount on select 1 GO select 2 GO select 1 GO select 2 ...
Gabor's user avatar
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SQLCMD mode: Environment variable syntax

I assume the best way to set my SSMS output file path during runtime of T-SQL, is to use SQLCMD mode. How do I use environment variables (e.g. %systemroot%) in the code? The following bombs: :set ...
Relaxed1's user avatar
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Permissions Different in SQLCMD and SSMS?

In both cases, I'm logged in using Windows Authentication. My account is a Domain account with the sysadmin role on the SQL Server (2005). I've even verified my sid is the same, by querying SUSER_SID()...
SeeJayBee's user avatar
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How to run sqlcmd remotely on a machine which does not have SSMS

Is there a way in which we can run sqlcmd on a machine without having SSMS.
Shavez's user avatar
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