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Query to SQL Server 2008 R2 with nested function call succeeds in SSMS but fails using ODBC

I have a legacy database that is running SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition. Today, I was trying to use sqlacodegen to generate SQLAlchemy classes via the pyodbc package. I was able to connect to the ...
Andrew's user avatar
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SQLCMD.exe window is not opening

On Windows Server 2012 we have SQL Server 2008-R2 Enterprise installed that does have SQLCMD but when I try to open the utility its black console window opens for a fraction of a second and then ...
nam's user avatar
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setvar - Incorrect syntax near 'dbname'

I've searched for the answer for this but all I can see is answers to "incorrect syntax near ':'" which is easily solved by turning on SQLCMD mode. But once I've turned that on I get another error: ...
komodosp's user avatar
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SQLCMD in T-SQL with SQLCMDHEADERS -1 Not working in SQL Server 2008R2

Been looking around, can't find an answer to my problem. I am using a SQLCMD script, within T-SQl. So i start the script from SQL Server Management Studio and select the SQLCMD mode. I use the ...
Mark Kremers's user avatar
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Database connection fails when connecting using sqlcmd with encrypt connection

I am trying to connect to sql server with forced encryption using sqlcmd. I have added a certificate to sql server and enabled forced encryption. But the sqlcmd tool is not able to connect to the ...
subs's user avatar
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Why is my powershell output file blank?

Sorry, I'm new to Powershell so I'm obviously missing something fairly fundamental but I can't seem to figure this out. I've got a powershell script calling a SQL script. I can get the script to run ...
Diskdrive's user avatar
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Cannot run Invoke-Sqlcmd in a PS1 file but can on the console

I'm currently on a machine with SQL server 2008 and according to this question (How to execute .sql file using powershell?), I've installed the powershell snapins to interact with SQL server. The ...
Diskdrive's user avatar
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using sqlcmd script my linked server queries fail to connect

My stored procedure in SQL Server 2008 R2 runs queries on several local and several remote databases (via linked servers) and works fine when I exec it while in SSMS. When I run the same exec from a ...
user3746424's user avatar
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create Scheduler task to invoke SQLCMD

I have a Requirement where i have to run a SQL Script in SQL server on a weekly basis .Result of this script has to be mailed.I want to automate this process.I don't want to go with SSIS Jobs. I have ...
user3330998's user avatar
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SQL Login Properties - User Mapping

Of course I can use SMS to check the box below... but how would I do it with a script or from SQLCMD?
RGuggisberg's user avatar
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Create Multiple Connections from bat file

What I'm trying to do is to simulate a 50-60 connections querying the same statement. I created a batch file and can successfully call the .sql file within (sqlcmd). The next step would be to adjust ...
Stackoverflowuser's user avatar
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How to run a SQL Server 2008 R2 Database Script using sqlcmd in C#?

i am new to run SQL Scripts using sqlcmd in C#. i saw some code in Internet but i am not understanding how it Works. string path = string.Empty; OpenFileDialog opd = new OpenFileDialog(); ...
Anjali's user avatar
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SELECT OBJECT_DEFINITION(object_id) FROM sys.objects returns NULL for Tables only

Using the following sp I plan to export my object definitions to text files, and then import them into SVN. The sp works fine for stored procedures and views. However, when used for user tables it ...
Hecatonchires's user avatar
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Loop through a list of databases and run SQL file(s)

I have a number of databases on which I should run the same SQL file. The database names can be found in a table in another database. I was wondering if I can automate this somehow to avoid changing ...
Azimuth's user avatar
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Issue with SQL install and sqlcmd in same .bat file

I am trying to use a single .bat file to: 1) install SQL Server 2008 R2 Express from SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe on Windows 7 Professional 64-bit machines, and 2) run some .sql scripts once the install is ...
wonderman's user avatar
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3 answers

Can't access sqlcmd using username password

I am new to SQL Server. Please help me to fix. I have created a user with password in SQL Server Management Studio (2008 R2). When I use sqlcmd with this user, sqlcmd says C:\Console2>sqlcmd -U ...
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Attaching SQL Server 2008 R2 Express database via C#

I am having trouble attaching a SQL Server 2008 R2 Express database. I have to do it via a .Net exe. Here is my code string fileName = @"C:\express\createdb.sql"; ProcessStartInfo psiSqlCmd = new ...
adil's user avatar
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way to execute different folders' scripts using one bat file from one location

I have to execute a bulk of scripts on sql server 2008r2.These scripts are present in many folders and subfolders.I created a batch file to execute these scripts but my problem is i have to put this ...
Praveenks's user avatar
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cannot make sqlcmd work after runas

I followed a few examples here, but I still can not get my sqlcmd work after runas. I can make it work with two steps: Step one: Use runas to login into a new login and open a command prompt: ...
dave's user avatar
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How to get SQLCMD to output errors and warnings only

How can you get SQLCMD, when executing a SQL script file, to just output any errors or warnings it encounters? I essentially dont want information based messages to be output.
bytedev's user avatar
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