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How To Use Windows User For SQLCMD?

I need to Use Windows User for SQLCMD. C:\Users\Administrator>sqlcmd -S myserver\myinstance -U mydomain\myuser -P *** This Command Not Correct . How Can I figured This? Windows Authentication Is ...
MAhmadi's user avatar
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SQL Job to extract data to For XML Path works fine on my machine, but not on customer Server

I am working on a project for a customer where I have created a SQL View and a SQL Job to extract data from their DB for a third party vendor. The data is to be exported as an XML document. The ...
George Hartz's user avatar
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Shared Memory Provider: No process is on the other end of the pipe

I am trying to execute a batch scripts around 450MB in size. As it cant be directly executed from SSMS, hence I tried using SQLCMD but I am getting this error: PS C:\Users\_> sqlcmd -S localhost -U ...
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SQL Server login timeout expired when running sqlcmd

Today I have some strange error on SQL Server. Something like this: I don't know what I should do. This is happening when I want to run query more than 200MB. But I guess, the size doesn't matter. ...
Faris Fajar's user avatar
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How to declare variables in T-SQL scripts that are common across multiple scripts being run

I have a set of scripts to perform bulk data imports that I am trying to include in a single 'calling' script that uses SqlCmd mode. The issue I have is that each script includes the same set of ...
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SQLCMD, BCP - stored procedures don't exist

I'm trying to get a 'Hello World' going as a proof of concept using sqlcmd but I'm having a hard time: Command: sqlcmd 'cmd.exe' Error: Could not find stored procedure 'sqlcmd'. I'm having ...
rlb.usa's user avatar
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Why does my sqlcmd .bat fail through due to login on Jenkins but not when run manually?

I have a .bat file that runs sqlcmd and runs a .sql script. When I run it manually through the user the Jenkins Service runs under everything works fine. But when Jenkins runs the job to execute the ...
Cole Mietzner's user avatar
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Trigger on a sql table creates a loop

I have a query that uses sqlcmd to write a file in a certain folder. EXEC master..xp_cmdshell'sqlcmd -q "set nocount on; use [myDB] SELECT top 1 T.Field1, T.Fieldn FROM [dbo].[myTable] AS T" -oc:\...
DenLun's user avatar
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Install sqlcmd with SQL Server 2014 unattended?

I want the installer I am writing to install an SQL Server 2014 Express instance, and then immediately execute a command on the server. I have the Configurationfile.ini working properly and it ...
Raiden616's user avatar
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