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MVC tests not working after updates in Java and SpringBoot

I performed some updates in an aplication: Java 11 -> 17, and the SpringBoot version is now 3.2.10. Because of this changes I had to stop using javax* imports and started using jakarta*. Another ...
User0212's user avatar
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MockMVC test controller from other module

Given this maven modules: web = MVC Layer (Spring MVC Project with Controllers) client = WebClient (Spring Webflux WebClient) How can i integration test the client module to fetch information from a ...
Thomas Lang's user avatar
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JUnit test failing Status expected:<201> but was:<404> (SOLVED)

I've spent a lot of time trying to figure out this issue, but when I'm running my tests on my UserControllerTest class I'm getting Status expected:<201> but was:<404>. Here's my ...
dom's user avatar
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Is there a way to document multipart form data with id ‘com.epages.restdocs-api-spec’ version “0.18.2” library?

I’m currently working on a Spring Boot project and I’m using the com.epages.restdocs-api-spec library version “0.18.2” to generate API documentation. However, I am having trouble documenting endpoints ...
김도연's user avatar
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Adding Custom Response Headers in a Spring Boot Application with Spring Security

I have a Spring Boot application (2.7.18) with Spring MVC and Spring Security. I have a a HandlerInterceptor that manages a token bucket with Bucket4j (most of the bucket handling is in a parent class)...
Jason's user avatar
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Spring MVC Error Handling using Junit 5 and MockMvc class

This post is to perform error handling in Spring MVC 3. My Testcases were not testing error scenarios as mentioned below. My Controller class - @RestController public class CPCommonServiceController { ...
Nidhi257's user avatar
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WebMvcTest Spring Boot 3.2.4 and httpservletrequest

I have this exception in a thymeleaf template org.thymeleaf.exceptions.TemplateProcessingException: Exception evaluating SpringEL expression: "#httpServletRequest.getRequestURI().contains('admin')...
StefanoSKAL's user avatar
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Error Spring after changing Eclipse Luna to Eclipse 2023-09 version 'Unable to build hbm.xml JAXBContext' due to 'Implementation of JAXB-API not found

Workspace works properly in LUNA but Eclipse 2023-12,2022-09 or any other it gives the above org.springframework.beans.factory....
Anuj Sajwan's user avatar
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WebMcvTest - no qualifying bean found

I've an issue while running unit tests for REST controllers using WebMvcTest annotation. It's important to mention that I don't want to bootstrap the whole context using the annotation @SpringBootTest....
Heril Muratovic's user avatar
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Spring is not finding bean in an integration test using mock mvc

I am trying to test a spring boot controller using mockmvc, but it seems like spring boot is not finding the service: TranslatorService This is my controller: @RestController public class ...
rasilvap's user avatar
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what is the s Spring 6.0.11 module compatible not working on tomcat 10

I have migrated my Spring 4.2.4 version to Spring 6.0.11 version. I am trying to execute it on tomcat 10.But i am getting the follow exception. java.lang.ClassCastException: class org.springframework....
Ramesh Reddy's user avatar
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Spring boot: Failed to perform cleanup of multipart items

When I want to transfer a file to spring mvc from browser using http, there will be a error.If I remove the filters, there will be accept.I infer the error occured in filters.And so on, If I delete ...
gold-three's user avatar
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Mock mvc test with repository dependency

I'm trying to write mock mvc controler test in Spring boot. I'm not able to boot test because my service: StrategyService which I'm going to inject in controller via @MockBean annotation has ...
Krzysztof Michalski's user avatar
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When trying to invoke a rest api to upload multipart file Getting error No serializer found for class

I am trying to consume a rest api to upload a Multipart file. I have set MultipartFile in UploadFIleObject and I am sending the same to rest api. However when trying to invoke a rest API as below, I ...
Nishant's user avatar
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Springboot 2.7 : Property 'sqlSessionFactory' or 'sqlSessionTemplate' are required in @WebMvcTest for spring boot with mybatis

Below is my PaymentController Unittest @WebMvcTest(PaymentController.class) public class PaymentControllerTest { @MockBean PaymentService paymentService; @Autowired MockMvc mockMvc; ...
OTUser's user avatar
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MockMvc uses wrong ApplicationContext when it is used in a nested class

Apparently Spring creates another ApplicationContext when a @Nested class has custom configuration, e.g. @TestPropertySource. In that case two application contexts exist, one ...
Sirea's user avatar
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Mocked service class returns false instead of defined value

I'm currently trying to write Integration tests for a registration controller. When I run the test I get a different return value from the one I define using Mockito's when() method. Test method: @...
StruckCroissant's user avatar
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unit test for REST-API @PutMapping controller - problem with JSON path

I have problem with unit test for controller that has to update an employee in REST-API. For testing I use mockito, JUnit, hamcrest. I am only posting the most important parts of these classes. ...
Dratewka's user avatar
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How can I test this springboot controller method with multipart and a object from a form submit?

I have the following controller method @PostMapping("/create") public ModelAndView createDocument(@ModelAttribute("user") @Valid User userToSave, BindingResult bindingResult,@...
SwisslogTest's user avatar
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How to register a ContraintValidator with MockMvc?

I know this was asked before, but that was never really answered satisfactory. How do you add a ContstraintValidator with MockMvc? I expected to find something on the StandaloneMockMvcBuilder, as I ...
Sled's user avatar
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Spring MockMvc second test fails when using StreamingResponseBody

I have a simple Spring Boot service that uses StreamingResponseBody to write the response. When testing this with MockMvc, the first test gives me the correct response, but the second one has an empty ...
Rob Gansevles's user avatar
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Custom Meta atribute in hibernate xml?

What is the purpose of custom meta tags? I have seen them at class level and at property level. Example of Propery level level: </property> <property name="name" column="...
user124's user avatar
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Cannot load images in spring mvc

I cannot load static images. Did I miss anything here? Here is my servlet xml file servlet.xml Project structure And this is on my page
beginneronly's user avatar
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Spring MVC - Binding results missing after manually overriding model

I've got some code which looks like this @Controller public class FooController { @RequestMapping(value = "/foos", method = POST) public String createFoo(@ModelAttribute("FooDto") ...
Theiaz's user avatar
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Mockito.when method doesn't manage my service call

i'm trying to make Unit Test testing a simple GET controller method apply MockMvc.perform method but when the controller receive a request the method Mockito.when seems to doesn't manage the method ...
gusmero's user avatar
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Integer overflow attack mitigation in Spring Rest API

We are currently undertaking security vulnerability assessment of our webapps. For this we have been using the ZAP tool from OWASP for automated penetration testing. One of the alerts we received from ...
SargentD's user avatar
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Spring boot v2 No qualifying bean of type TestRestTemplate

I am getting an error when trying to get the TestRestTemplate. Is there any way to get the TestRestTemplate or test the ErrorController? error log: Main test class: ...
dungsil's user avatar
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Why does @WebMvcTest not load Controller-Advices into the Application-Context?

Helloin my parameterized junit5-test i get a NestedServletException until i add the @ContextConfiguration-Annotation above my test class in which i reference my custom exception handler that is ...
Nico S.'s user avatar
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How to create a general MockMvc class for multiple test classes?

I am writing end to end tests for many different Spring Controllers. Right now, I am trying to write a general class for testing that contains MockMvc performing methods. I have endpoints that I need ...
M. Merim's user avatar
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Why does environment.getProperty("") return null on activating a Profile in Tests with @ActiveProfiles

If I activate a Profile in Tests with @ActiveProfiles, say @ActiveProfiles("test"), and declare @Mock private ConfigurableEnvironment environment in test, will I be able to retrieve ...
sammy's user avatar
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Spring 5 MVC Test with MockMvc, test-context.xml, and annotation-based WebAppConfig (ie, in Java)

Versions (SpringBoot is not involved): Spring: 5.2.16 web-app / servlet API: 4.0 JUnit: 5.8 Spring MVC Testing is not working for controller endpoint that returns ResponseEntity<ReturnStatus>, ...
Kode Charlie's user avatar
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MockHttpServletResponse has empty in test, despite Controller working correctly

I'm testing a @RestController POST endpoint using MockMvc. In this test, the MockHttpServletResponse content is always empty & the content type is not set. I checked the controller method; it's ...
Nice Books's user avatar
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My controller code is not reachable from the MockMvc get request and i am always getting 404

I am trying to mock my controller and write testcases for it. But when I tried to debug the Test class the control is not getting into my Controller class. I am not sure what I am doing wrong here. ...
harish's user avatar
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Is there a way we can load properties from src/test/resources/ in spring boot test?

@ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) @WebMvcTest(MyClass.class) @TestPropertySource(locations="classpath:application-test.yml") //Something like this?
Murugan's user avatar
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Configuration for Mvc testing

guys. I have spring MVC project and I want to test CoursesController, but can not find out how to do it. Do I need to make separated configuration class for tests? Before springMvc I used separated ...
BM9's user avatar
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How to make Constructor for entityclass in springboot that extends mappedsuperclass

step1: I have mappedsuperclass that has constructor. @MappedSuperclass public abstract class CommonConfig{ @JsonFormat @Column(name ="LastModifiedTime") @Temporal(...
kavin G's user avatar
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Spring MVC Unit Testing - Mocked Service method is not called

I was working on a spring boot project where I have controller which calls a service method and process the output. I'am using spring MockMvc for testing the web layer. In my test class I have mocked ...
Venkat's user avatar
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Spring Boot Controller Test with Mock Service doesn't use the mock service

I have a simple RestController with a Service and want to test just the controller by providing a mock implementation for the Service. However, I'm getting an empty response in resultActions = mockMvc....
VishalM93's user avatar
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Why is Spring Security CSRF check failing when using MockMVC MockMvc

Sorry for the information overload, I would think that a lot more information is here than needed. So I have this test code package com.myapp.ui.controller.user; import static com.myapp.ui.controller....
xenoterracide's user avatar
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Spring mvc test case with string in request header and multipart file as a request parameter for a post request

@Controller @PostMapping("/hello/{studentName}") public ResponseEntity<Void> method1( @RequestMapping(value = "/upload/{studentName}", method = RequestMethod.POST) ...
Anu Shree's user avatar
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java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError when trying to mock

I'm running into this issue when trying to mock an object of the interface org.springframework.ui.Model. I'm using Mockito 3.5.15 w/Java 8 and JUnit Jupiter. I've tried using both @Mock and Mockito....
vnavs's user avatar
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Spring MVC controller test fails with empty body

I am writing a small REST API with spring boot and trying to write the MVC test. Unfortunately the MVC tests fails as I get the empty response from the controller. Controller class: @RestController @...
G.S's user avatar
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Spring Boot @WebMvcTest with constructor injection not working

Constructor injection with @WebMvcTest is NOT working. The mocked bean SomeService is not initialized. Why? Doesn't Mockito create SomeService independently of Spring Boot? If I use @MockBean ...
enhancedJack's user avatar
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Format specifiers should be used instead of string concatenation in java

I am writing code the below code Logger.error("Error in x file :",+ e.getMessage()); But for the above line of code I am getting the error to use format specifiers instead of string ...
ritu4's user avatar
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JUtit test Exception of java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.springframework.util.Assert.notNull

When I debug the File as Junit then it will throw exception couldn't figure it out ... package com.fort313.webexmd.test; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner....
Asad Malik's user avatar
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How to exclude @EnableJpaRepositories from test?

I have a main @SpringBootApplication which needs to scan a specific package in order to enable the JPA repositories, so I use @EnableJpaRepositories to specify that. Right now I'm implementing unit ...
Erick Siordia's user avatar
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How to enable Async in springboot testing using webmvctest?

This my test case: @Test public void sampleTestCase(int parm1, int parm2, Integer expectedReturnedMessageCode, String expectedReturnedparm2, Integer expectedReturnedparm1) throws Exception { ...
Saed Manaf's user avatar
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WebMvcTest of @Controller with @RequestParam and status is not 200, but 400

i try to write @WebMvcTest: @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) @WebMvcTest(AudienceController.class) class LectureControllerTest { @Autowired private MockMvc mockMvc; @MockBean ...
Jun K's user avatar
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Demystifying Spring framework

With multiple ways to configure using either XML, Annotations or Java Config and the need to remember 100's of annotations and super-lengthy class-names, the Spring framework appears an extremely ...
Ali's user avatar
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Spring Boot Test - Mockito - Service call return null

I'm testing a post method in my controller that only return a String and using Mockito to mock the service call. My problem is that when the service method is called on controller it return null. @...
Aldo Inácio da Silva's user avatar

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